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2021-01-19 09:32:27 -08:00
/*Turns the input amount of skill points into a float precision percentage.
* @param skp - the integer skillpoint count to be converted
function skillPointsToPercentage(skp){
if (skp<=0) {
2021-01-19 09:32:27 -08:00
return 0.0;
} else if (skp>=150) {
skp = 150;
const r = 0.9908;
2021-06-27 11:45:30 -07:00
return ((1 - Math.pow(r, skp + 1)) / (1 - r) - 1) / 100.0;
//return (-0.0000000066695* Math.pow(Math.E, -0.00924033 * skp + 18.9) + 1.0771);
2021-01-19 09:32:27 -08:00
//return(-0.0000000066695* Math.pow(Math.E, -0.00924033 * skp + 18.9) + 1.0771).toFixed(3);
2021-02-12 09:00:06 -08:00
//return Math.min(Math.max(0.00,(-0.0000000066695* Math.pow(Math.E, -0.00924033 * skp + 18.9) + 1.0771)),.808);
2021-05-06 11:37:34 -07:00
//return clamp((-0.0000000066695* Math.pow(Math.E, -0.00924033 * skp + 18.9) + 1.0771), 0.00, 0.808);
2021-01-19 09:32:27 -08:00
/*Turns the input amount of levels into skillpoints available.
* @param level - the integer level count to be converted
2021-01-19 09:32:27 -08:00
function levelToSkillPoints(level){
if(level < 1){
return 0;
}else if(level >= 101){
return 200;
return (level - 1) * 2;
/*Turns the input amount of levels in to base HP.
* @param level - the integer level count to be converted
function levelToHPBase(level){
if(level < 1){ //bad level
return this.levelToHPBase(1);
}else if (level > 106){ //also bad level
return this.levelToHPBase(106);
}else{ //good level
return 5*level + 5;
2021-05-06 11:37:34 -07:00
const skp_order = ["str","dex","int","def","agi"];
const skill = ["Strength", "Dexterity", "Intelligence", "Defense", "Agility"];
const skp_elements = ["e","t","w","f","a"];
const damageClasses = ["Neutral","Earth","Thunder","Water","Fire","Air"];
// Set up item lists for quick access later.
const armorTypes = [ "helmet", "chestplate", "leggings", "boots" ];
const accessoryTypes = [ "ring", "bracelet", "necklace" ];
const weaponTypes = [ "wand", "spear", "bow", "dagger", "relik" ];
const consumableTypes = [ "potion", "scroll", "food"];
const tomeTypes = ["armorTome", "weaponTome", "guildTome"]; //"dungeonTome", "gatheringTome", "slayingTome"
const attackSpeeds = ["SUPER_SLOW", "VERY_SLOW", "SLOW", "NORMAL", "FAST", "VERY_FAST", "SUPER_FAST"];
const baseDamageMultiplier = [ 0.51, 0.83, 1.5, 2.05, 2.5, 3.1, 4.3 ];
//0.51, 0.82, 1.50, 2.05, 2.50, 3.11, 4.27
const classes = ["Warrior", "Assassin", "Mage", "Archer", "Shaman"];
const tiers = ["Normal", "Unique", "Rare", "Legendary", "Fabled", "Mythic", "Set", "Crafted"] //I'm not sure why you would make a custom crafted but if you do you should be able to use it w/ the correct powder formula
2022-01-05 11:44:59 -08:00
const types = armorTypes.concat(accessoryTypes).concat(weaponTypes).concat(consumableTypes).concat(tomeTypes).map(x => x.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + x.substring(1));
let itemTypes = armorTypes.concat(accessoryTypes).concat(weaponTypes).concat(tomeTypes);
let elementIcons = ["\u2724","\u2726", "\u2749", "\u2739", "\u274b" ];
let skpReqs = skp_order.map(x => x + "Req");
2022-01-05 11:44:59 -08:00
let item_fields = [ "name", "displayName", "lore", "color", "tier", "set", "slots", "type", "material", "drop", "quest", "restrict", "nDam", "fDam", "wDam", "aDam", "tDam", "eDam", "atkSpd", "hp", "fDef", "wDef", "aDef", "tDef", "eDef", "lvl", "classReq", "strReq", "dexReq", "intReq", "defReq", "agiReq", "hprPct", "mr", "sdPct", "mdPct", "ls", "ms", "xpb", "lb", "ref", "str", "dex", "int", "agi", "def", "thorns", "expd", "spd", "atkTier", "poison", "hpBonus", "spRegen", "eSteal", "hprRaw", "sdRaw", "mdRaw", "fDamPct", "wDamPct", "aDamPct", "tDamPct", "eDamPct", "fDefPct", "wDefPct", "aDefPct", "tDefPct", "eDefPct", "fixID", "category", "spPct1", "spRaw1", "spPct2", "spRaw2", "spPct3", "spRaw3", "spPct4", "spRaw4", "rainbowRaw", "sprint", "sprintReg", "jh", "lq", "gXp", "gSpd", "id", "majorIds", "dmgMobs", "defMobs"];
let str_item_fields = [ "name", "displayName", "lore", "color", "tier", "set", "type", "material", "drop", "quest", "restrict", "category", "atkSpd" ]
//File reading for ID translations for JSON purposes
let reversetranslations = new Map();
let translations = new Map([["name", "name"], ["displayName", "displayName"], ["tier", "tier"], ["set", "set"], ["sockets", "slots"], ["type", "type"], ["dropType", "drop"], ["quest", "quest"], ["restrictions", "restrict"], ["damage", "nDam"], ["fireDamage", "fDam"], ["waterDamage", "wDam"], ["airDamage", "aDam"], ["thunderDamage", "tDam"], ["earthDamage", "eDam"], ["attackSpeed", "atkSpd"], ["health", "hp"], ["fireDefense", "fDef"], ["waterDefense", "wDef"], ["airDefense", "aDef"], ["thunderDefense", "tDef"], ["earthDefense", "eDef"], ["level", "lvl"], ["classRequirement", "classReq"], ["strength", "strReq"], ["dexterity", "dexReq"], ["intelligence", "intReq"], ["agility", "agiReq"], ["defense", "defReq"], ["healthRegen", "hprPct"], ["manaRegen", "mr"], ["spellDamage", "sdPct"], ["damageBonus", "mdPct"], ["lifeSteal", "ls"], ["manaSteal", "ms"], ["xpBonus", "xpb"], ["lootBonus", "lb"], ["reflection", "ref"], ["strengthPoints", "str"], ["dexterityPoints", "dex"], ["intelligencePoints", "int"], ["agilityPoints", "agi"], ["defensePoints", "def"], ["thorns", "thorns"], ["exploding", "expd"], ["speed", "spd"], ["attackSpeedBonus", "atkTier"], ["poison", "poison"], ["healthBonus", "hpBonus"], ["soulPoints", "spRegen"], ["emeraldStealing", "eSteal"], ["healthRegenRaw", "hprRaw"], ["spellDamageRaw", "sdRaw"], ["damageBonusRaw", "mdRaw"], ["bonusFireDamage", "fDamPct"], ["bonusWaterDamage", "wDamPct"], ["bonusAirDamage", "aDamPct"], ["bonusThunderDamage", "tDamPct"], ["bonusEarthDamage", "eDamPct"], ["bonusFireDefense", "fDefPct"], ["bonusWaterDefense", "wDefPct"], ["bonusAirDefense", "aDefPct"], ["bonusThunderDefense", "tDefPct"], ["bonusEarthDefense", "eDefPct"], ["type", "type"], ["identified", "fixID"], ["skin", "skin"], ["category", "category"], ["spellCostPct1", "spPct1"], ["spellCostRaw1", "spRaw1"], ["spellCostPct2", "spPct2"], ["spellCostRaw2", "spRaw2"], ["spellCostPct3", "spPct3"], ["spellCostRaw3", "spRaw3"], ["spellCostPct4", "spPct4"], ["spellCostRaw4", "spRaw4"], ["rainbowSpellDamageRaw", "rainbowRaw"], ["sprint", "sprint"], ["sprintRegen", "sprintReg"], ["jumpHeight", "jh"], ["lootQuality", "lq"], ["gatherXpBonus", "gXp"], ["gatherSpeed", "gSpd"]]);
2022-01-05 11:44:59 -08:00
//does not include dmgMobs (wep tomes) and defMobs (armor tomes)
for (const [k, v] of translations) {
reversetranslations.set(v, k);
let nonRolledIDs = [
"nDam", "fDam", "wDam", "aDam", "tDam", "eDam",
"fDef", "wDef", "aDef", "tDef", "eDef",
"strReq", "dexReq", "intReq", "defReq", "agiReq",
"str", "dex", "int", "agi", "def",
"nDam_", "fDam_", "wDam_", "aDam_", "tDam_", "eDam_",
let rolledIDs = [
"fDamPct", "wDamPct", "aDamPct", "tDamPct", "eDamPct",
"fDefPct", "wDefPct", "aDefPct", "tDefPct", "eDefPct",
"spPct1", "spRaw1",
"spPct2", "spRaw2",
"spPct3", "spRaw3",
"spPct4", "spRaw4",
let reversedIDs = [ "spPct1", "spRaw1", "spPct2", "spRaw2", "spPct3", "spRaw3", "spPct4", "spRaw4" ];
* Take an item with id list and turn it into a set of minrolls and maxrolls.
function expandItem(item) {
let minRolls = new Map();
let maxRolls = new Map();
let expandedItem = new Map();
if (item.fixID) { //The item has fixed IDs.
for (const id of rolledIDs) { //all rolled IDs are numerical
let val = (item[id] || 0);
} else { //The item does not have fixed IDs.
for (const id of rolledIDs) {
let val = (item[id] || 0);
if (val > 0) { // positive rolled IDs
if (reversedIDs.includes(id)) {
} else {
} else if (val < 0) { //negative rolled IDs
if (reversedIDs.includes(id)) {
else {
else { // if val == 0
// NOTE: DO NOT remove this case! idRound behavior does not round to 0!
for (const id of nonRolledIDs) {
expandedItem.set("powders", []);
return expandedItem;
class Item {
constructor(item_obj) {
this.statMap = expandItem(item_obj);
/* Takes in an ingredient object and returns an equivalent Map().
function expandIngredient(ing) {
let expandedIng = new Map();
let mapIds = ['consumableIDs', 'itemIDs', 'posMods'];
for (const id of mapIds) {
let idMap = new Map();
for (const key of Object.keys(ing[id])) {
idMap.set(key, ing[id][key]);
expandedIng.set(id, idMap);
let normIds = ['lvl','name', 'displayName','tier','skills','id'];
for (const id of normIds) {
expandedIng.set(id, ing[id]);
if (ing['isPowder']) {
//now the actually hard one
let idMap = new Map();
idMap.set("minRolls", new Map());
idMap.set("maxRolls", new Map());
for (const field of ingFields) {
let val = (ing['ids'][field] || 0);
idMap.get("minRolls").set(field, val['minimum']);
idMap.get("maxRolls").set(field, val['maximum']);
return expandedIng;
/* Takes in a recipe object and returns an equivalent Map().
function expandRecipe(recipe) {
let expandedRecipe = new Map();
let normIDs = ["name", "skill", "type","id"];
for (const id of normIDs) {
let rangeIDs = ["durability","lvl", "healthOrDamage", "duration", "basicDuration"];
for (const id of rangeIDs) {
expandedRecipe.set(id, [recipe[id]['minimum'], recipe[id]['maximum']]);
} else {
expandedRecipe.set(id, [0,0]);
expandedRecipe.set("materials", [ new Map([ ["item", recipe['materials'][0]['item']], ["amount", recipe['materials'][0]['amount']] ]) , new Map([ ["item", recipe['materials'][1]['item']], ["amount",recipe['materials'][1]['amount'] ] ]) ]);
return expandedRecipe;
/*An independent helper function that rounds a rolled ID to the nearest integer OR brings the roll away from 0.
* @param id
function idRound(id){
rounded = Math.round(id);
if(rounded == 0){
return 1; //this is a hack, will need changing along w/ rest of ID system if anything changes
return rounded;