2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
import re
from enum import IntEnum , auto
from typing import Optional , Union
from robocop_ng . helpers . disabled_ids import is_build_id_valid
class CommonErrors ( IntEnum ) :
DUMP_HASH = auto ( )
UPDATE_KEYS = auto ( )
FILE_NOT_FOUND = auto ( )
class RyujinxVersion ( IntEnum ) :
MASTER = auto ( )
OLD_MASTER = auto ( )
LDN = auto ( )
MAC = auto ( )
PR = auto ( )
CUSTOM = auto ( )
class LogAnalyser :
_log_text : str
_log_errors : list [ list [ str ] ]
_hardware_info : dict [ str , Optional [ str ] ]
_ram_available_mib : int
_emu_info : dict [ str , Optional [ str ] ]
_game_info : dict [ str , Optional [ str ] ]
_settings : dict [ str , Optional [ str ] ]
_notes : list [ str ]
2023-05-28 08:36:54 +00:00
def is_homebrew ( log_file : str ) - > bool :
return re . search ( " LoadApplication: Loading as Homebrew " , log_file ) is not None
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
def get_main_ro_section ( log_file : str ) - > Optional [ dict [ str , str ] ] :
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
ro_section_matches = re . findall (
r " PrintRoSectionInfo: main:[ \ r \ n]((?: \ s+.*[ \ r \ n])*) " , log_file
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
if ro_section_matches and len ( ro_section_matches ) > 0 :
ro_section_match : str = ro_section_matches [ - 1 ]
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
ro_section = { " module " : " " , " sdk_libraries " : [ ] }
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
if ro_section_match is None or len ( ro_section_match ) == 0 :
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
return None
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
for line in ro_section_match . splitlines ( ) :
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
line = line . strip ( )
if line . startswith ( " Module: " ) :
ro_section [ " module " ] = line [ 8 : ]
elif line . startswith ( " SDK Libraries: " ) :
ro_section [ " sdk_libraries " ] . append ( line [ 19 : ] )
elif line . startswith ( " SDK " ) :
ro_section [ " sdk_libraries " ] . append ( line [ 4 : ] )
else :
return ro_section
return None
def get_app_info (
log_file : str ,
) - > Optional [ tuple [ str , str , str , list [ str ] , dict [ str , str ] ] ] :
2023-06-26 06:00:53 +00:00
game_name_match = re . findall (
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
r " Loader [A-Za-z]*: Application Loaded: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " ,
log_file ,
2023-06-26 06:00:53 +00:00
if game_name_match :
game_name = game_name_match [ - 1 ] . rstrip ( )
app_id_match = re . match ( r " .* \ [([a-zA-Z0-9]*) \ ] " , game_name )
if app_id_match :
app_id = app_id_match . group ( 1 ) . strip ( ) . upper ( )
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
else :
app_id = " "
bids_match_all = re . findall (
r " Build ids found for title ([a-zA-Z0-9]*):[ \ n \ r]*((?: \ s+.*[ \ n \ r]+)+) " ,
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
log_file ,
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
if bids_match_all and len ( bids_match_all ) > 0 :
bids_match : tuple [ str ] = bids_match_all [ - 1 ]
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
app_id_from_bids = None
build_ids = None
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
if bids_match [ 0 ] is not None :
app_id_from_bids = bids_match [ 0 ] . strip ( ) . upper ( )
if bids_match [ 1 ] is not None :
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
build_ids = [
bid . strip ( ) . upper ( )
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
for bid in bids_match [ 1 ] . splitlines ( )
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
if is_build_id_valid ( bid . strip ( ) )
return (
game_name ,
app_id ,
app_id_from_bids ,
build_ids ,
LogAnalyser . get_main_ro_section ( log_file ) ,
return None
def contains_errors ( search_terms , errors ) :
for term in search_terms :
for error_lines in errors :
line = " \n " . join ( error_lines )
if term in line :
return True
return False
def __init__ ( self , log_text : Union [ str , list [ str ] ] ) :
self . __init_members ( )
if isinstance ( log_text , str ) :
self . _log_text = log_text . replace ( " \r \n " , " \n " )
elif isinstance ( log_text , list ) :
self . _log_text = " \n " . join ( log_text )
else :
raise TypeError ( log_text )
# Large files show a header value when not downloaded completely
# this regex makes sure that the log text to read starts from the first timestamp, ignoring headers
log_file_header_regex = re . compile ( r " \ d {2} : \ d {2} : \ d {2} \ . \ d {3} .* " , re . DOTALL )
log_file_match = re . search ( log_file_header_regex , self . _log_text )
if log_file_match and log_file_match . group ( 0 ) is not None :
self . _log_text = log_file_match . group ( 0 )
else :
raise ValueError ( " No log entries found. " )
self . __get_errors ( )
self . __get_settings_info ( )
self . __get_hardware_info ( )
self . __get_ryujinx_info ( )
self . __get_app_name ( )
self . __get_mods ( )
self . __get_cheats ( )
self . __get_notes ( )
def __init_members ( self ) :
self . _hardware_info = {
" cpu " : " Unknown " ,
" gpu " : " Unknown " ,
" ram " : " Unknown " ,
" os " : " Unknown " ,
self . _emu_info = {
" ryu_version " : " Unknown " ,
" ryu_firmware " : " Unknown " ,
" logs_enabled " : None ,
self . _game_info = {
" game_name " : " Unknown " ,
" errors " : " No errors found in log " ,
" mods " : " No mods found " ,
" cheats " : " No cheats found " ,
self . _settings = {
" audio_backend " : " Unknown " ,
" backend_threading " : " Unknown " ,
" docked " : " Unknown " ,
" expand_ram " : " Unknown " ,
" fs_integrity " : " Unknown " ,
" graphics_backend " : " Unknown " ,
" ignore_missing_services " : " Unknown " ,
" memory_manager " : " Unknown " ,
" pptc " : " Unknown " ,
" shader_cache " : " Unknown " ,
" vsync " : " Unknown " ,
" resolution_scale " : " Unknown " ,
" anisotropic_filtering " : " Unknown " ,
" aspect_ratio " : " Unknown " ,
" texture_recompression " : " Unknown " ,
self . _ram_available_mib = - 1
self . _notes = [ ]
self . _log_errors = [ ]
def __get_errors ( self ) :
errors = [ ]
curr_error_lines = [ ]
error_line = False
for line in self . _log_text . splitlines ( ) :
if len ( line . strip ( ) ) == 0 :
if " |E| " in line :
curr_error_lines = [ line ]
errors . append ( curr_error_lines )
error_line = True
elif error_line and line [ 0 ] == " " :
curr_error_lines . append ( line )
if len ( curr_error_lines ) > 0 :
errors . append ( curr_error_lines )
self . _log_errors = errors
def __get_hardware_info ( self ) :
for setting in self . _hardware_info . keys ( ) :
match setting :
case " cpu " :
cpu_match = re . search (
r " CPU: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " , self . _log_text , re . MULTILINE
if cpu_match is not None and cpu_match . group ( 1 ) is not None :
self . _hardware_info [ setting ] = cpu_match . group ( 1 ) . rstrip ( )
case " ram " :
ram_match = re . search (
2023-06-09 14:27:23 +00:00
r " RAM: Total ([ \ d.]+) (MiB|GB) ; Available ([ \ d.]+) (MiB|GB) " ,
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
self . _log_text ,
2023-06-09 14:27:23 +00:00
if ram_match is not None :
try :
ram_available = float ( ram_match . group ( 3 ) )
if ram_match . group ( 4 ) == " GB " :
ram_available * = 1024
self . _hardware_info [
] = f " { ram_match . group ( 1 ) } { ram_match . group ( 2 ) } "
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
self . _ram_available_mib = int ( ram_available )
2023-06-09 14:27:23 +00:00
except ValueError :
# ram_match.group(3) couldn't be parsed as a float.
self . _hardware_info [ setting ] = " Error "
self . _ram_available_mib = - 1
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
case " os " :
os_match = re . search (
r " Operating System: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " ,
self . _log_text ,
if os_match is not None and os_match . group ( 1 ) is not None :
self . _hardware_info [ setting ] = os_match . group ( 1 ) . rstrip ( )
case " gpu " :
gpu_match = re . search (
r " PrintGpuInformation: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " ,
self . _log_text ,
if gpu_match is not None and gpu_match . group ( 1 ) is not None :
self . _hardware_info [ setting ] = gpu_match . group ( 1 ) . rstrip ( )
case _ :
raise NotImplementedError ( setting )
def __get_ryujinx_info ( self ) :
for setting in self . _emu_info . keys ( ) :
match setting :
case " ryu_version " :
for line in self . _log_text . splitlines ( ) :
if " Ryujinx Version: " in line :
self . _emu_info [ setting ] = line . split ( ) [ - 1 ] . strip ( )
case " logs_enabled " :
logs_match = re . search (
r " Logs Enabled: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " , self . _log_text , re . MULTILINE
if logs_match is not None and logs_match . group ( 1 ) is not None :
self . _emu_info [ setting ] = logs_match . group ( 1 ) . rstrip ( )
case " ryu_firmware " :
for line in self . _log_text . splitlines ( ) :
if " Firmware Version: " in line :
self . _emu_info [ setting ] = line . split ( ) [ - 1 ] . strip ( )
case _ :
raise NotImplementedError ( setting )
def __get_setting_value ( self , name , key ) :
values = [
line . split ( ) [ - 1 ]
for line in self . _log_text . splitlines ( )
if re . search ( rf " LogValueChange: ( { key } ) \ s " , line )
if len ( values ) > 0 :
value = values [ - 1 ]
else :
return None
match name :
case " docked " :
return " Docked " if value == " True " else " Handheld "
case " resolution_scale " :
resolution_map = {
" -1 " : " Custom " ,
" 1 " : " Native (720p/1080p) " ,
" 2 " : " 2x (1440p/2160p) " ,
" 3 " : " 3x (2160p/3240p) " ,
" 4 " : " 4x (2880p/4320p) " ,
if value in resolution_map . keys ( ) :
return resolution_map [ value ]
else :
return " Custom "
case " anisotropic_filtering " :
anisotropic_map = {
" -1 " : " Auto " ,
" 2 " : " 2x " ,
" 4 " : " 4x " ,
" 8 " : " 8x " ,
" 16 " : " 16x " ,
if value in anisotropic_map . keys ( ) :
return anisotropic_map [ value ]
else :
return " Auto "
case " aspect_ratio " :
aspect_map = {
" Fixed4x3 " : " 4:3 " ,
" Fixed16x9 " : " 16:9 " ,
" Fixed16x10 " : " 16:10 " ,
" Fixed21x9 " : " 21:9 " ,
" Fixed32x9 " : " 32:9 " ,
" Stretched " : " Stretch to Fit Window " ,
if value in aspect_map . keys ( ) :
return aspect_map [ value ]
else :
return " Unknown "
case " pptc " | " shader_cache " | " texture_recompression " | " vsync " :
return " Enabled " if value == " True " else " Disabled "
case _ :
return value
def __get_settings_info ( self ) :
settings_map = {
" anisotropic_filtering " : " MaxAnisotropy " ,
" aspect_ratio " : " AspectRatio " ,
" audio_backend " : " AudioBackend " ,
" backend_threading " : " BackendThreading " ,
" docked " : " EnableDockedMode " ,
" expand_ram " : " ExpandRam " ,
" fs_integrity " : " EnableFsIntegrityChecks " ,
" graphics_backend " : " GraphicsBackend " ,
" ignore_missing_services " : " IgnoreMissingServices " ,
" memory_manager " : " MemoryManagerMode " ,
" pptc " : " EnablePtc " ,
" resolution_scale " : " ResScale " ,
" shader_cache " : " EnableShaderCache " ,
" texture_recompression " : " EnableTextureRecompression " ,
" vsync " : " EnableVsync " ,
for key in self . _settings . keys ( ) :
if key in settings_map :
self . _settings [ key ] = self . __get_setting_value ( key , settings_map [ key ] )
else :
raise NotImplementedError ( key )
def __get_mods ( self ) :
mods_regex = re . compile ( r " Found mod \ s \ ' (.+?) \ ' \ s( \ [.+? \ ]) " )
matches = re . findall ( mods_regex , self . _log_text )
if matches :
mods = [ { " mod " : match [ 0 ] , " status " : match [ 1 ] } for match in matches ]
mods_status = [
f " ℹ ️ { i [ ' mod ' ] } ( { ' ExeFS ' if i [ ' status ' ] == ' [E] ' else ' RomFS ' } ) "
for i in mods
# Remove duplicated mods from output
mods_status = list ( dict . fromkeys ( mods_status ) )
self . _game_info [ " mods " ] = " \n " . join ( mods_status )
def __get_cheats ( self ) :
2023-05-28 08:33:58 +00:00
cheat_regex = re . compile ( r " Tampering program \ s<(.+)> " )
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
matches = re . findall ( cheat_regex , self . _log_text )
if matches :
cheats = [ f " ℹ ️ { match } " for match in matches ]
self . _game_info [ " cheats " ] = " \n " . join ( cheats )
def __get_app_name ( self ) :
2023-06-26 06:00:53 +00:00
app_match = re . findall (
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
r " Loader [A-Za-z]*: Application Loaded: \ s([^; \ n \ r]*) " ,
self . _log_text ,
2023-06-26 06:00:53 +00:00
if app_match :
self . _game_info [ " game_name " ] = app_match [ - 1 ] . rstrip ( )
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
def __get_controller_notes ( self ) :
controllers_regex = re . compile ( r " Hid Configure: ([^ \ r \ n]+) " )
controllers = re . findall ( controllers_regex , self . _log_text )
if controllers :
input_status = [ f " ℹ { match } " for match in controllers ]
# Hid Configure lines can appear multiple times, so converting to dict keys removes duplicate entries,
# also maintains the list order
input_status = list ( dict . fromkeys ( input_status ) )
self . _notes . append ( " \n " . join ( input_status ) )
# If emulator crashes on startup without game load, there is no need to show controller notification at all
elif self . _game_info [ " game_name " ] != " Unknown " :
self . _notes . append ( " ⚠️ No controller information found " )
def __get_os_notes ( self ) :
if (
" Windows " in self . _hardware_info [ " os " ]
and self . _settings [ " graphics_backend " ] != " Vulkan "
) :
if " Intel " in self . _hardware_info [ " gpu " ] :
self . _notes . append (
" **⚠️ Intel iGPU users should consider using Vulkan graphics backend** "
if " AMD " in self . _hardware_info [ " gpu " ] :
self . _notes . append (
" **⚠️ AMD GPU users should consider using Vulkan graphics backend** "
def __get_log_notes ( self ) :
default_logs = [ " Info " , " Warning " , " Error " , " Guest " , " Stub " ]
user_logs = [ ]
if self . _emu_info [ " logs_enabled " ] is not None :
user_logs = (
self . _emu_info [ " logs_enabled " ] . rstrip ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) . split ( " , " )
if " Debug " in user_logs :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ **Debug logs enabled will have a negative impact on performance** "
disabled_logs = set ( default_logs ) . difference ( set ( user_logs ) )
if disabled_logs :
logs_status = [ f " ⚠️ { log } log is not enabled " for log in disabled_logs ]
log_string = " \n " . join ( logs_status )
else :
log_string = " ✅ Default logs enabled "
self . _notes . append ( log_string )
def __get_settings_notes ( self ) :
if self . _settings [ " audio_backend " ] == " Dummy " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Dummy audio backend, consider changing to SDL2 or OpenAL "
if self . _settings [ " pptc " ] == " Disabled " :
self . _notes . append ( " 🔴 **PPTC cache should be enabled** " )
if self . _settings [ " shader_cache " ] == " Disabled " :
self . _notes . append ( " 🔴 **Shader cache should be enabled** " )
if self . _settings [ " expand_ram " ] == " True " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ `Use alternative memory layout` should only be enabled for 4K mods "
if self . _settings [ " memory_manager " ] == " SoftwarePageTable " :
self . _notes . append (
" 🔴 **`Software` setting in Memory Manager Mode will give slower performance than the default setting of `Host unchecked`** "
if self . _settings [ " ignore_missing_services " ] == " True " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ `Ignore Missing Services` being enabled can cause instability "
if self . _settings [ " vsync " ] == " Disabled " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ V-Sync disabled can cause instability like games running faster than intended or longer load times "
if self . _settings [ " fs_integrity " ] == " Disabled " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Disabling file integrity checks may cause corrupted dumps to not be detected "
if self . _settings [ " backend_threading " ] == " Off " :
self . _notes . append (
" 🔴 **Graphics Backend Multithreading should be set to `Auto`** "
def __sort_notes ( self ) :
def severity ( log_note_string ) :
symbols = [ " ❌ " , " 🔴 " , " ⚠️ " , " ℹ " , " ✅ " ]
return next (
i for i , symbol in enumerate ( symbols ) if symbol in log_note_string
game_notes = [ note for note in self . _notes ]
# Warnings split on the string after the warning symbol for alphabetical ordering
# Severity key then orders alphabetically sorted warnings to show most severe first
return sorted ( sorted ( game_notes , key = lambda x : x . split ( ) [ 1 ] ) , key = severity )
def __get_notes ( self ) :
for common_error in self . get_common_errors ( ) :
match common_error :
case CommonErrors . SHADER_CACHE_COLLISION :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Cache collision detected. Investigate possible shader cache issues "
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Cache corruption detected. Investigate possible shader cache issues "
case CommonErrors . DUMP_HASH :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Dump error detected. Investigate possible bad game/firmware dump issues "
case CommonErrors . UPDATE_KEYS :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Keys or firmware out of date, consider updating them "
case CommonErrors . FILE_PERMISSIONS :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ File permission error. Consider deleting save directory and allowing Ryujinx to make a new one "
case CommonErrors . FILE_NOT_FOUND :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Save not found error. Consider starting game without a save file or using a new save file⚠️ Save not found error. Consider starting game without a save file or using a new save file "
case CommonErrors . MISSING_SERVICES :
if self . _settings [ " ignore_missing_services " ] == " False " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Consider enabling `Ignore Missing Services` in Ryujinx settings "
case CommonErrors . VULKAN_OUT_OF_MEMORY :
if self . _settings [ " texture_recompression " ] == " Disabled " :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Consider enabling `Texture Recompression` in Ryujinx settings "
case _ :
raise NotImplementedError ( common_error )
timestamp_regex = re . compile ( r " \ d {2} : \ d {2} : \ d {2} \ . \ d {3} " )
latest_timestamp = re . findall ( timestamp_regex , self . _log_text ) [ - 1 ]
if latest_timestamp :
timestamp_message = f " ℹ ️ Time elapsed: `{ latest_timestamp } ` "
self . _notes . append ( timestamp_message )
if self . is_default_user_profile ( ) :
self . _notes . append (
" ⚠️ Default user profile in use, consider creating a custom one. "
if 8192 > self . _ram_available_mib > - 1 :
self . _notes . append (
f " ⚠️ Less than 8GB RAM available ( { self . _ram_available_mib } MB) "
self . __get_controller_notes ( )
self . __get_os_notes ( )
if (
self . _emu_info [ " ryu_firmware " ] == " Unknown "
and self . _game_info [ " game_name " ] != " Unknown "
) :
firmware_warning = f " **❌ Nintendo Switch firmware not found** "
self . _notes . append ( firmware_warning )
self . __get_settings_notes ( )
if self . get_ryujinx_version ( ) == RyujinxVersion . CUSTOM :
self . _notes . append ( " **⚠️ Custom builds are not officially supported** " )
def get_ryujinx_version ( self ) :
mainline_version = re . compile ( r " ^ \ d \ . \ d \ . \ d+$ " )
old_mainline_version = re . compile ( r " ^ \ d \ . \ d \ .( \ d) {4} $ " )
pr_version = re . compile ( r " ^ \ d \ . \ d \ . \ d \ +([a-f]| \ d) {7} $ " )
ldn_version = re . compile ( r " ^ \ d \ . \ d \ . \ d-ldn \ d+ \ . \ d+(?: \ . \ d+|$) " )
mac_version = re . compile ( r " ^ \ d \ . \ d \ . \ d-macos \ d+(?: \ . \ d+(?: \ . \ d+|$)|$) " )
if re . match ( mainline_version , self . _emu_info [ " ryu_version " ] ) :
return RyujinxVersion . MASTER
elif re . match ( old_mainline_version , self . _emu_info [ " ryu_version " ] ) :
return RyujinxVersion . OLD_MASTER
elif re . match ( mac_version , self . _emu_info [ " ryu_version " ] ) :
return RyujinxVersion . MAC
elif re . match ( ldn_version , self . _emu_info [ " ryu_version " ] ) :
return RyujinxVersion . LDN
elif re . match ( pr_version , self . _emu_info [ " ryu_version " ] ) :
return RyujinxVersion . PR
else :
return RyujinxVersion . CUSTOM
def is_default_user_profile ( self ) - > bool :
return (
re . search ( r " UserId: 00000000000000010000000000000000 " , self . _log_text )
is not None
def get_last_error ( self ) - > Optional [ list [ str ] ] :
return self . _log_errors [ - 1 ] if len ( self . _log_errors ) > 0 else None
def get_common_errors ( self ) - > list [ CommonErrors ] :
errors = [ ]
if self . contains_errors ( [ " Cache collision found " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . SHADER_CACHE_COLLISION )
if self . contains_errors (
" ResultFsInvalidIvfcHash " ,
" ResultFsNonRealDataVerificationFailed " ,
] ,
self . _log_errors ,
) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . DUMP_HASH )
if self . contains_errors (
" Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader.ShaderCache.Initialize() " ,
" System.IO.InvalidDataException: End of Central Directory record could not be found " ,
" ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Cannot find central directory " ,
] ,
self . _log_errors ,
) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . SHADER_CACHE_CORRUPTION )
if self . contains_errors ( [ " MissingKeyException " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . UPDATE_KEYS )
if self . contains_errors ( [ " ResultFsPermissionDenied " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . FILE_PERMISSIONS )
if self . contains_errors ( [ " ResultFsTargetNotFound " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . FILE_NOT_FOUND )
if self . contains_errors ( [ " ServiceNotImplementedException " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . MISSING_SERVICES )
if self . contains_errors ( [ " ErrorOutOfDeviceMemory " ] , self . _log_errors ) :
errors . append ( CommonErrors . VULKAN_OUT_OF_MEMORY )
return errors
def analyse_discord (
self , is_channel_allowed : bool , pr_channel : int
) - > dict [ str , dict [ str , str ] ] :
last_error = self . get_last_error ( )
if last_error is not None :
2023-05-28 08:33:58 +00:00
last_error = " \n " . join ( last_error [ : 2 ] )
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
self . _game_info [ " errors " ] = f " ``` \n { last_error } \n ``` "
else :
self . _game_info [ " errors " ] = " No errors found in log "
# Limit mods and cheats to 5 entries
mods = self . _game_info [ " mods " ] . splitlines ( )
cheats = self . _game_info [ " cheats " ] . splitlines ( )
if len ( mods ) > 5 :
limit_mods = mods [ : 5 ]
limit_mods . append ( f " ✂️ { len ( mods ) - 5 } other mods " )
self . _game_info [ " mods " ] = " \n " . join ( limit_mods )
if len ( cheats ) > 5 :
limit_cheats = cheats [ : 5 ]
limit_cheats . append ( f " ✂️ { len ( cheats ) - 5 } other cheats " )
self . _game_info [ " cheats " ] = " \n " . join ( limit_cheats )
if is_channel_allowed and self . get_ryujinx_version ( ) == RyujinxVersion . PR :
self . _notes . append (
f " **⚠️ PR build logs should be posted in <# { pr_channel } > if reporting bugs or tests** "
self . _notes = self . __sort_notes ( )
full_game_info = self . _game_info
full_game_info [ " notes " ] = (
" \n " . join ( self . _notes ) if len ( self . _notes ) > 0 else " Nothing to note "
return {
" hardware_info " : self . _hardware_info ,
" emu_info " : self . _emu_info ,
" game_info " : full_game_info ,
" settings " : self . _settings ,
def analyse ( self ) - > dict [ str , Union [ dict [ str , str ] , list [ str ] , list [ list [ str ] ] ] ] :
self . _notes = list ( self . __sort_notes ( ) )
2023-05-28 08:33:58 +00:00
last_error = self . get_last_error ( )
if last_error is not None :
last_error = " \n " . join ( last_error [ : 2 ] )
self . _game_info [ " errors " ] = f " ``` \n { last_error } \n ``` "
else :
self . _game_info [ " errors " ] = " No errors found in log "
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
return {
" hardware_info " : self . _hardware_info ,
" emu_info " : self . _emu_info ,
" game_info " : self . _game_info ,
" notes " : self . _notes ,
" errors " : self . _log_errors ,
" settings " : self . _settings ,
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
" app_info " : self . get_app_info ( self . _log_text ) ,
2023-05-05 16:38:01 +00:00
2023-07-05 06:35:00 +00:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
import argparse
import json
import os
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( " log_file " , type = str )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
if not os . path . isfile ( args . log_file ) :
print ( f " Couldn ' t find log file: { args . log_file } " )
exit ( 1 )
with open ( args . log_file , " r " ) as file :
text = file . read ( )
analyser = LogAnalyser ( text )
result = analyser . analyse ( )
print ( json . dumps ( result , indent = 2 ) )