2017-09-04 22:36:28 -03:00

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# Generating Sources
## Overview
This is a quick overview of some of the commands to run when updating the sources for a new gtk version
### Linux
You may need to install the following package for generating the source under Linux
sudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl
### Windows
So far I've only managed to get this working in ubuntu, not Windows due to the way the .net app launches the perl script via libc
i.e. [DllImport ("libc")]
It looks like we need to use the 32bit version of MinGW if we do try it this way.
The following path statements are needed in the console at the very least
PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Microsoft\ SDKs/Windows/v10.0A/bin/NETFX\ 4.6\ Tools/
Also the parser can be rebuilt via
./ --prefix=/tmp/install
cd parser
make clean
Also it's important to make sure MSYS2 is uptodate with
pacman -Syuu
To search for a package that's been install (to see what version it is for example)
pacman -Ss gtk3
## Editing Files for Downloaded Source
### version number
First change the version number in to match that of the gtk version we're moving to
AC_INIT(gtk-sharp, 3.22.1)
### Sources/
Next change the version number in sources/ to match
Next update the orher url's in, the version numbers should match those in use on the system (such as MSYS2)
### Patches
As part of the source code download, some of the files will be patched
so you need to look at and check that all the patches apply correctly to the downloaded source when running make get-source-code
## Download the sources
Next we're going to download the source
./ --prefix=/tmp/install
cd sources
make get-source-code
At this stage the sources should now be extracted within the sources sub directory
### Update sources.xml
One last file to update is the sources/sources.xml file
all directories in this file need to match the extracted directories
## Generate the API Code
### Generate the XML Files
Next to generate the xml files needed for the generation of code
make api
This should result in the following files
* gdk/gdk-api.raw
* gio/gio-api.raw
* gtk/gtk-api.raw
* pango/pango-api.raw
### Generate the API Code from the XML Files
TODO we need to use generator/gapi_codegen.exe on each of the xml files to generate the .cs code within the generated sub directories