help Subroutine

subroutine help()




Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine help
    write(6,'(/a)') 'Command Calculator'
    write(6,'(a/)') '=================='
    write(6,'(a)')  'Introduction'
    write(6,'(a/)') '------------'
    write(6,'(a)')  'This is a command-line calculator. It supports both real and complex modes, as well'
    write(6,'(a)')  'as degrees/radians selection and precision control. It can be run interactively or as an'
    write(6,'(a/)') 'expression parser. This help is deliberately terse to encourage exploration.'
    write(6,'(a/)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    write(6,'(a)')  'Operators: + - * / ^ ^/x ^x ^2 ^/2 ^3 ^/3 ^*2 ^*10 || ! %'
    write(6,'(a)')  'Constants: pi e g G c two_pi pi_over_2'
    write(6,'(a)')  'Functions: sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh log2 log lg len sq sqrt cb cbrt'
    write(6,'(a)')  '           alog2 alog alog10 gamma ncr npr rem int nint'
    write(6,'(a)')  ' Controls: fix[0-9] clx cl cla '
    write(6,'(a)')  '    Modes: real complex verbose terse degrees radians'
    write(6,'(a)')  ' Memories: n=0...9  st<n> sw<n> rc<n> cl<n> m<n>+ m<n>- m<n>* m<n>/ msh'
    write(6,'(a)')  '  Complex: ri _ || to_pol to_cart'
    write(6,'(a)')  '  Actions: 1/ -- R r ? > < split drop'
    write(6,'(a)')  '    Stats: { x1 x2 ... } { x1,y1 x2,y2 ... }'
    write(6,'(a)')  '           n ux sx mx lqx uqx uy sy my lqy uqy a b cov corr'
    write(6,'(a/)') '    Quits: q'
    write(6,'(a/)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    write(6,'(a)')  'Examples'
    write(6,'(a)')  '--------'
    write(6,'(4x,a)')  'hp "fix2 18 2 - 8 2 / * ="                    -> 64.00'
    write(6,'(4x,a)')  'hp "2 -- complex sqrt ="                      -> (0.00000,-1.414214)'
    write(6,'(4x,a/)') 'hp -c "radians (1,pi_over_2)p ^ * degrees ="  -> (1.000000,180.000000) p'

  end subroutine help