Ave Ozkal c5c5b45741
BREAKING: Move initial cogs to config
FORK MAINTAINERS: Merging this without updating your config WILL lead to
your bot not starting properly.
2020-04-21 00:42:49 +03:00

159 lines
6 KiB

import datetime
# Basic bot config, insert your token here, update description if you want
prefixes = [".", "!"]
token = "token-goes-here"
bot_description = "Robocop-NG, the moderation bot of ReSwitched."
# If you forked robocop-ng, put your repo here
source_url = "https://github.com/reswitched/robocop-ng"
rules_url = "https://reswitched.team/discord/#rules"
# The bot description to be used in .robocop embed
embed_desc = "Robocop-NG is developed by [Ave](https://github.com/aveao)"\
" and [tomGER](https://github.com/tumGER), and is a rewrite "\
"of Robocop.\nRobocop is based on Kurisu by 916253 and ihaveamac."
# The cogs the bot will load on startup.
initial_cogs = ['cogs.common',
# The following cogs are also available but aren't loaded by default:
# cogs.imagemanip - Adds a meme command called .cox.
# Requires Pillow to be installed with pip.
# cogs.lists - Allows managing list channels (rules, FAQ) easily through the bot
# PR'd in at: https://github.com/reswitched/robocop-ng/pull/65
# cogs.pin - Lets users pin important messages
# and sends pins above limit to a github gist
# Minimum account age required to join the guild
# If user's account creation is shorter than the time delta given here
# then user will be kicked and informed
min_age = datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
# The bot will only work in these guilds
guild_whitelist = [
269333940928512010 # ReSwitched discord
# Named roles to be used with .approve and .revoke
# Example: .approve User hacker
named_roles = {
"community": 420010997877833731,
"hacker": 364508795038072833,
"participant": 434353085926866946
# The bot manager and staff roles
# Bot manager can run eval, exit and other destructive commands
# Staff can run administrative commands
bot_manager_role_id = 466447265863696394 # Bot management role in ReSwitched
staff_role_ids = [364647829248933888, # Team role in ReSwitched
360138431524765707, # Mod role in ReSwitched
466447265863696394, # Bot management role in ReSwitched
360138163156549632, # Admin role in ReSwitched
287289529986187266] # Wizard role in ReSwitched
# Various log channels used to log bot and guild's activity
# You can use same channel for multiple log types
# Spylog channel logs suspicious messages or messages by members under watch
# Invites created with .invite will direct to the welcome channel.
log_channel = 290958160414375946 # server-logs in ReSwitched
botlog_channel = 529070282409771048 # bot-logs channel in ReSwitched
modlog_channel = 542114169244221452 # mod-logs channel in ReSwitched
spylog_channel = 548304839294189579 # spy channel in ReSwitched
welcome_channel = 326416669058662401 # newcomers channel in ReSwitched
# These channel entries are used to determine which roles will be given
# access when we unmute on them
general_channels = [420029476634886144,
539212260350885908] # Channels everyone can access
community_channels = [269333940928512010,
286612533757083648] # Channels requiring community role
# Controls which roles are blocked during lockdown
lockdown_configs = {
# Used as a default value for channels without a config
"default": {
"channels": general_channels,
"roles": [named_roles["participant"]]
"community": {
"channels": community_channels,
"roles": [named_roles["community"], named_roles["hacker"]]
# Mute role is applied to users when they're muted
# As we no longer have mute role on ReSwitched, I set it to 0 here
mute_role = 0 # Mute role in ReSwitched
# Channels that will be cleaned every minute/hour.
# This feature isn't very good rn.
# See https://github.com/reswitched/robocop-ng/issues/23
minutely_clean_channels = []
hourly_clean_channels = []
# Edited and deletes messages in these channels will be logged
spy_channels = general_channels
# Channels and roles where users can pin messages
allowed_pin_channels = []
allowed_pin_roles = []
# Channel to upload text files while editing list items. (They are cleaned up.)
list_files_channel = 0
# Channels that are lists that are controlled by the lists cog.
list_channels = []
# All lower case, no spaces, nothing non-alphanumeric
suspect_words = ["sx", "tx", "reinx", # piracy-enabling cfws
"gomanx", # piracy-enabling cfws
"tinfoil", "dz", # title managers
"goldleaf", "lithium", # title managers
"cracked", # older term for pirated games
"xci", "nsz"] # "backup" format
# List of words that will be ignored if they match one of the
# suspect_words (This is used to remove false positives)
suspect_ignored_words = ["excit",
# == Only if you want to use cogs.pin ==
# Used for the pinboard. Leave empty if you don't wish for a gist pinboard.
github_oauth_token = ""