2020-02-25 18:15:49 -05:00

291 lines
11 KiB

import config
import discord
import io
import urllib.parse
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
class Lists(Cog):
Manages channels that are dedicated to lists.
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# Helpers
def check_if_target_is_staff(self, target):
return any(r.id in config.staff_role_ids for r in target.roles)
def is_edit(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == u"" or str(emoji)[0] == u"📝"
def is_delete(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == u"" or str(emoji)[0] == u""
def is_recycle(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == u""
def is_insert_above(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == u"⤴️" or str(emoji)[0] == u""
def is_insert_below(self, emoji):
return str(emoji)[0] == u"⤵️" or str(emoji)[0] == u""
def is_reaction_valid(self, reaction):
allowed_reactions = [
return str(reaction.emoji)[0] in allowed_reactions
async def find_reactions(self, user_id, channel_id, limit = None):
reactions = []
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
async for message in channel.history(limit = limit):
if len(message.reactions) == 0:
for reaction in message.reactions:
users = await reaction.users().flatten()
user_ids = map(lambda user: user.id, users)
if user_id in user_ids:
return reactions
def create_log_message(self, emoji, action, user, channel, reason = ""):
msg = f"{emoji} **{action}** \n"\
f"from {self.bot.escape_message(user.name)} ({user.id}), in {channel.mention}"
if reason != "":
msg += f":\n`{reason}`"
return msg
async def clean_up_raw_text_file_message(self, message):
embeds = message.embeds
if len(embeds) == 0:
fields = embeds[0].fields
for field in fields:
if field.name == "Message ID":
files_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.list_files_channel)
file_message = await files_channel.fetch_message(int(field.value))
await file_message.delete()
await message.edit(embed = None)
# Commands
@commands.command(aliases = ["list"])
async def listitem(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, number: int):
"""Link to a specific list item."""
if number <= 0:
await ctx.send(f"Number must be greater than 0.")
if channel.id not in config.list_channels:
await ctx.send(f"{channel.mention} is not a list channel.")
counter = 0
async for message in channel.history(limit = None, oldest_first = True):
if message.content.strip():
counter += 1
if counter == number:
embed = discord.Embed(
title = f"Item #{number} in #{channel.name}",
description = message.content,
url = message.jump_url
await ctx.send(
content = "",
embed = embed
await ctx.send(f"Unable to find item #{number} in {channel.mention}.")
# Listeners
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about reactions in Rules, and Support FAQ
if payload.channel_id not in config.list_channels:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)
member = channel.guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
user = self.bot.get_user(payload.user_id)
reaction = next((reaction for reaction in message.reactions if str(reaction.emoji) == str(payload.emoji)), None)
if reaction is None:
# Only staff can add reactions in these channels.
if not self.check_if_target_is_staff(member):
await reaction.remove(user)
# Reactions are only allowed on messages from the bot.
if not message.author.bot:
await reaction.remove(user)
# Only certain reactions are allowed.
if not self.is_reaction_valid(reaction):
await reaction.remove(user)
# Remove all other reactions from user in this channel.
for r in await self.find_reactions(payload.user_id, payload.channel_id):
if r.message.id != message.id or (r.message.id == message.id and str(r.emoji) != str(reaction.emoji)):
await r.remove(user)
# When editing we want to provide the user a copy of the raw text.
if self.is_edit(reaction.emoji) and config.list_files_channel != 0:
files_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.list_files_channel)
file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(message.content.encode("utf-8")), filename = f"{message.id}.txt")
file_message = await files_channel.send(file = file)
embed = discord.Embed(
title = "Click here to get the raw text to modify.",
url = f"{file_message.attachments[0].url}?"
embed.add_field(name = "Message ID", value = file_message.id, inline = False)
await message.edit(embed = embed)
async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about reactions in Rules, and Support FAQ
if payload.channel_id not in config.list_channels:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(payload.channel_id)
message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)
# Reaction was removed from a message we don"t care about.
if not message.author.bot:
# We want to remove the embed we added.
if self.is_edit(payload.emoji) and config.list_files_channel != 0:
await self.clean_up_raw_text_file_message(message)
async def on_message(self, message):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
# We only care about messages in Rules, and Support FAQ
if message.channel.id not in config.list_channels:
# We don"t care about messages from bots.
if message.author.bot:
# Only staff can modify lists.
if not self.check_if_target_is_staff(message.author):
await message.delete()
log_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.log_channel)
channel = message.channel
content = message.content
user = message.author
attachment_filename = None
attachment_data = None
if len(message.attachments) != 0:
# Lists will only reupload the first image.
attachment = next((a for a in message.attachments if a.filename.endswith(".png") or a.filename.endswith(".jpg") or a.filename.endswith(".jpeg")), None)
if attachment != None:
attachment_filename = attachment.filename
attachment_data = await attachment.read()
await message.delete()
reactions = await self.find_reactions(user.id, channel.id)
# Add to the end of the list if there is no reactions or somehow more than one.
if len(reactions) != 1:
if attachment_filename != None and attachment_data != None:
file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(attachment_data), filename = attachment_filename)
await channel.send(content = content, file = file)
await channel.send(content)
for reaction in reactions:
await reaction.remove(user)
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel))
targeted_reaction = reactions[0]
targeted_message = targeted_reaction.message
if self.is_edit(targeted_reaction):
if config.list_files_channel != 0:
await self.clean_up_raw_text_file_message(targeted_message)
await targeted_message.edit(content = content)
await targeted_reaction.remove(user)
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("📝", "List item edited:", user, channel))
elif self.is_delete(targeted_reaction):
await targeted_message.delete()
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("", "List item deleted:", user, channel, content))
elif self.is_recycle(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(limit = None, after = targeted_message, oldest_first = True).flatten()
await channel.purge(limit = len(messages) + 1, bulk = True)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("", "List item recycled:", user, channel, content))
elif self.is_insert_above(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(limit = None, after = targeted_message, oldest_first = True).flatten()
await channel.purge(limit = len(messages) + 1, bulk = True)
await channel.send(content)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel))
elif self.is_insert_below(targeted_reaction):
messages = await channel.history(limit = None, after = targeted_message, oldest_first = True).flatten()
await channel.purge(limit = len(messages) + 1, bulk = True)
await channel.send(targeted_message.content)
await channel.send(content)
for message in messages:
await channel.send(message.content)
await log_channel.send(self.create_log_message("💬", "List item added:", user, channel))
def setup(bot):