import re import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Cog from helpers.errcodes import * class Err(Cog): """Everything related to Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Switch error codes""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.dds_re = re.compile(r"0\d{2}\-\d{4}") self.wiiu_re = re.compile(r"1\d{2}\-\d{4}") self.switch_re = re.compile(r"2\d{3}\-\d{4}") self.no_err_desc = ( "It seems like your error code is unknown. " "You can check on Switchbrew for your error code at " "" ) self.rickroll = "" @commands.command(aliases=["3dserr", "3err", "dserr"]) async def dderr(self, ctx, err: str): """Searches for 3DS error codes! Usage: .ddserr/.3err/.dserr/.3dserr """ if self.dds_re.match(err): # 3DS - dds -> Drei DS -> Three DS if err in dds_errcodes: err_description = dds_errcodes[err] else: err_description = self.no_err_desc # Make a nice Embed out of it embed = discord.Embed( title=err, url=self.rickroll, description=err_description ) embed.set_footer(text="Console: 3DS") # Send message, crazy await ctx.send(embed=embed) # These are not similar to the other errors apparently ... ? elif err.startswith("0x"): derr = err[2:] derr = derr.strip() rc = int(derr, 16) desc = rc & 0x3FF mod = (rc >> 10) & 0xFF summ = (rc >> 21) & 0x3F level = (rc >> 27) & 0x1F embed = discord.Embed(title=f"0x{rc:X}") embed.add_field(name="Module", value=dds_modules.get(mod, mod)) embed.add_field(name="Description", value=dds_descriptions.get(desc, desc)) embed.add_field(name="Summary", value=dds_summaries.get(summ, summ)) embed.add_field(name="Level", value=dds_levels.get(level, level)) embed.set_footer(text="Console: 3DS") await ctx.send(embed=embed) return else: await ctx.send( "Unknown Format - This is either " "no error code or you made some mistake!" ) @commands.command(aliases=["wiiuserr", "uerr", "wuerr", "mochaerr"]) async def wiiuerr(self, ctx, err: str): """Searches for Wii U error codes! Usage: .wiiuserr/.uerr/.wuerr/.mochaerr """ if self.wiiu_re.match(err): # Wii U module = err[2:3] # Is that even true, idk just guessing desc = err[5:8] if err in wii_u_errors: err_description = wii_u_errors[err] else: err_description = self.no_err_desc # Make a nice Embed out of it embed = discord.Embed( title=err, url=self.rickroll, description=err_description ) embed.set_footer(text="Console: Wii U") embed.add_field(name="Module", value=module, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Description", value=desc, inline=True) # Send message, crazy await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send( "Unknown Format - This is either " "no error code or you made some mistake!" ) @commands.command(aliases=["nxerr", "serr"]) async def err(self, ctx, err: str): """Searches for Switch error codes! Usage: .serr/.nxerr/.err """ if self.switch_re.match(err) or err.startswith("0x"): # Switch if err.startswith("0x"): err = err[2:] errcode = int(err, 16) module = errcode & 0x1FF desc = (errcode >> 9) & 0x3FFF else: module = int(err[0:4]) - 2000 desc = int(err[5:9]) errcode = (desc << 9) + module str_errcode = f"{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}" # Searching for Modules in list if module in switch_modules: err_module = switch_modules[module] else: err_module = "Unknown" # Set initial value unconditionally err_description = self.no_err_desc # Searching for error codes related to the Switch # (doesn't include special cases) if errcode in switch_known_errcodes: err_description = switch_known_errcodes[errcode] elif errcode in switch_support_page: err_description = switch_support_page[errcode] elif module in switch_known_errcode_ranges: for errcode_range in switch_known_errcode_ranges[module]: if desc >= errcode_range[0] and desc <= errcode_range[1]: err_description = errcode_range[2] # Make a nice Embed out of it embed = discord.Embed( title=f"{str_errcode} / {hex(errcode)}", url=self.rickroll, description=err_description, ) embed.add_field( name="Module", value=f"{err_module} ({module})", inline=True ) embed.add_field(name="Description", value=desc, inline=True) if "ban" in err_description: embed.set_footer("F to you | Console: Switch") else: embed.set_footer(text="Console: Switch") await ctx.send(embed=embed) # Special case handling because Nintendo feels like # its required to break their format lol elif err in switch_game_err: game, desc = switch_game_err[err].split(":") embed = discord.Embed(title=err, url=self.rickroll, description=desc) embed.set_footer(text="Console: Switch") embed.add_field(name="Game", value=game, inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: await ctx.send( "Unknown Format - This is either " "no error code or you made some mistake!" ) @commands.command(aliases=["e2h"]) async def err2hex(self, ctx, err: str): """Converts Nintendo Switch errors to hex Usage: .err2hex """ if self.switch_re.match(err): module = int(err[0:4]) - 2000 desc = int(err[5:9]) errcode = (desc << 9) + module await ctx.send(hex(errcode)) else: await ctx.send( "This doesn't follow the typical Nintendo Switch 2XXX-XXXX format!" ) @commands.command(aliases=["h2e"]) async def hex2err(self, ctx, err: str): """Converts Nintendo Switch errors to hex Usage: .hex2err """ if err.startswith("0x"): err = err[2:] err = int(err, 16) module = err & 0x1FF desc = (err >> 9) & 0x3FFF errcode = f"{(module + 2000):04}-{desc:04}" await ctx.send(errcode) else: await ctx.send("This doesn't look like typical hex!") async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(Err(bot))