aiohttp==3.8.1; python_version >= "3.6" aiosignal==1.2.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0" async-timeout==4.0.2; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0" attrs==22.1.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0" cffi==1.15.1; python_version >= "3.6" charset-normalizer==2.1.0; python_full_version >= "3.8.0" and python_version >= "3.6" cryptography==37.0.4; python_version >= "3.6"; python_full_version >= "3.8.0" frozenlist==1.3.1; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0" gidgethub==5.2.0; python_version >= "3.6" humanize==3.14.0; python_version >= "3.6" idna==3.3; python_version >= "3.7" multidict==6.0.2; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0" parsedatetime==2.6 pillow==9.2.0; python_version >= "3.7" pycparser==2.21; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.4.0" pyjwt==2.4.0; python_version >= "3.6" python-dateutil==2.8.2; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.3.0") six==1.16.0; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" uritemplate==4.1.1; python_version >= "3.6" yarl==1.8.1; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.8.0"