import logging import re from typing import Optional import aiohttp from discord import Colour, Embed, Message, Attachment from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Cog, Context, BucketType from robocop_ng.helpers.checks import check_if_staff from robocop_ng.helpers.disabled_ids import ( add_disabled_app_id, is_app_id_valid, remove_disabled_app_id, get_disabled_ids, is_app_id_disabled, is_build_id_valid, add_disabled_build_id, remove_disabled_build_id, is_build_id_disabled, is_ro_section_disabled, is_ro_section_valid, add_disabled_ro_section, remove_disabled_ro_section, remove_disable_id, ) from robocop_ng.helpers.disabled_paths import ( is_path_disabled, get_disabled_paths, add_disabled_path, remove_disabled_path, ) from robocop_ng.helpers.ryujinx_log_analyser import LogAnalyser logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s (%(levelname)s) %(message)s (Line %(lineno)d)", level=logging.INFO, ) class LogFileReader(Cog): @staticmethod def is_valid_log_name(attachment: Attachment) -> tuple[bool, bool]: filename = attachment.filename ryujinx_log_file_regex = re.compile(r"^Ryujinx_.*\.log$") log_file = re.compile(r"^.*\.log|.*\.txt$") is_ryujinx_log_file = re.match(ryujinx_log_file_regex, filename) is not None is_log_file = re.match(log_file, filename) is not None return is_log_file, is_ryujinx_log_file def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.bot_log_allowed_channels = self.disallowed_named_roles = ["pirate"] self.ryujinx_blue = Colour(0x4A90E2) self.uploaded_log_info = [] self.disallowed_roles = [[x] for x in self.disallowed_named_roles ] @staticmethod async def download_file(log_url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # Grabs first and last few bytes of log file to prevent abuse from large files headers = {"Range": "bytes=0-60000, -6000"} async with session.get(log_url, headers=headers) as response: return await response.text("UTF-8") @staticmethod def is_log_valid(log_file: str) -> bool: app_info = LogAnalyser.get_app_info(log_file) is_homebrew = LogAnalyser.is_homebrew(log_file) if app_info is None or is_homebrew: return True game_name, app_id, another_app_id, build_ids, main_ro_section = app_info if ( game_name is None or app_id is None or another_app_id is None or build_ids is None or main_ro_section is None ): return False return app_id == another_app_id def is_game_blocked(self, log_file: str) -> bool: app_info = LogAnalyser.get_app_info(log_file) if app_info is None: return False game_name, app_id, another_app_id, build_ids, main_ro_section = app_info if is_app_id_disabled(, app_id) or is_app_id_disabled(, another_app_id ): return True for bid in build_ids: if is_build_id_disabled(, bid): return True return is_ro_section_disabled(, main_ro_section) def contains_blocked_paths(self, log_file: str) -> Optional[str]: filepaths = LogAnalyser.get_filepaths(log_file) if filepaths is None: return None for filepath in filepaths: if is_path_disabled(, filepath): return filepath return None async def blocked_game_action(self, message: Message) -> Embed: warn_command ="warn") if warn_command is not None: warn_message = await message.reply( ".warn This log contains a blocked game." ) warn_context = await await warn_context.invoke( warn_command, target=None, reason="This log contains a blocked game.", ) else: logging.error( f"Couldn't find 'warn' command. Unable to warn {} for uploading a log of a blocked game." ) pirate_role = message.guild.get_role(["pirate"]) await embed = Embed( title="⛔ Blocked game detected ⛔", colour=Colour(0xFF0000), description="This log contains a blocked game and has been removed.\n" "The user has been warned and the pirate role has been applied.", ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Log uploaded by @{}") await message.delete() return embed async def blocked_path_action(self, message: Message, blocked_path: str) -> Embed: warn_command ="warn") if warn_command is not None: warn_message = await message.reply( ".warn This log contains blocked content in paths." ) warn_context = await await warn_context.invoke( warn_command, target=None, reason=f"This log contains blocked content in paths: '{blocked_path}'", ) else: logging.error( f"Couldn't find 'warn' command. Unable to warn {} for uploading a log " f"containing a blocked content in paths." ) pirate_role = message.guild.get_role(["pirate"]) await embed = Embed( title="⛔ Blocked content in path detected ⛔", colour=Colour(0xFF0000), description="This log contains paths containing blocked content and has been removed.\n" "The user has been warned and the pirate role has been applied.", ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Log uploaded by @{}") await message.delete() return embed def format_analysed_log(self, author_name: str, analysed_log): cleaned_game_name = re.sub( r"\s\[(64|32)-bit\]$", "", analysed_log["game_info"]["game_name"] ) analysed_log["game_info"]["game_name"] = cleaned_game_name hardware_info = " | ".join( ( f"**CPU:** {analysed_log['hardware_info']['cpu']}", f"**GPU:** {analysed_log['hardware_info']['gpu']}", f"**RAM:** {analysed_log['hardware_info']['ram']}", f"**OS:** {analysed_log['hardware_info']['os']}", ) ) system_settings_info = "\n".join( ( f"**Audio Backend:** `{analysed_log['settings']['audio_backend']}`", f"**Console Mode:** `{analysed_log['settings']['docked']}`", f"**PPTC Cache:** `{analysed_log['settings']['pptc']}`", f"**Shader Cache:** `{analysed_log['settings']['shader_cache']}`", f"**V-Sync:** `{analysed_log['settings']['vsync']}`", f"**Hypervisor:** `{analysed_log['settings']['hypervisor']}`", ) ) graphics_settings_info = "\n".join( ( f"**Graphics Backend:** `{analysed_log['settings']['graphics_backend']}`", f"**Resolution:** `{analysed_log['settings']['resolution_scale']}`", f"**Anisotropic Filtering:** `{analysed_log['settings']['anisotropic_filtering']}`", f"**Aspect Ratio:** `{analysed_log['settings']['aspect_ratio']}`", f"**Texture Recompression:** `{analysed_log['settings']['texture_recompression']}`", ) ) ryujinx_info = " | ".join( ( f"**Version:** {analysed_log['emu_info']['ryu_version']}", f"**Firmware:** {analysed_log['emu_info']['ryu_firmware']}", ) ) log_embed = Embed(title=f"{cleaned_game_name}", colour=self.ryujinx_blue) log_embed.set_footer(text=f"Log uploaded by {author_name}") log_embed.add_field( name="General Info", value=" | ".join((ryujinx_info, hardware_info)), inline=False, ) log_embed.add_field( name="System Settings", value=system_settings_info, inline=True, ) log_embed.add_field( name="Graphics Settings", value=graphics_settings_info, inline=True, ) if ( cleaned_game_name == "Unknown" and analysed_log["game_info"]["errors"] == "No errors found in log" ): log_embed.add_field( name="Empty Log", value=f"""The log file appears to be empty. To get a proper log, follow these steps: 1) In Logging settings, ensure `Enable Logging to File` is checked. 2) Ensure the following default logs are enabled: `Info`, `Warning`, `Error`, `Guest` and `Stub`. 3) Start a game up. 4) Play until your issue occurs. 5) Upload the latest log file which is larger than 3KB.""", inline=False, ) if ( cleaned_game_name == "Unknown" and analysed_log["game_info"]["errors"] != "No errors found in log" ): log_embed.add_field( name="Latest Error Snippet", value=analysed_log["game_info"]["errors"], inline=False, ) log_embed.add_field( name="No Game Boot Detected", value=f"""No game boot has been detected in log file. To get a proper log, follow these steps: 1) In Logging settings, ensure `Enable Logging to File` is checked. 2) Ensure the following default logs are enabled: `Info`, `Warning`, `Error`, `Guest` and `Stub`. 3) Start a game up. 4) Play until your issue occurs. 5) Upload the latest log file which is larger than 3KB.""", inline=False, ) else: log_embed.add_field( name="Latest Error Snippet", value=analysed_log["game_info"]["errors"], inline=False, ) log_embed.add_field( name="Mods", value=analysed_log["game_info"]["mods"], inline=False ) log_embed.add_field( name="Cheats", value=analysed_log["game_info"]["cheats"], inline=False ) log_embed.add_field( name="Notes", value=analysed_log["game_info"]["notes"], inline=False, ) return log_embed async def log_file_read(self, message): attached_log = message.attachments[0] author_name = f"@{}" log_file = await self.download_file(attached_log.url) if self.is_game_blocked(log_file): return await self.blocked_game_action(message) blocked_path = self.contains_blocked_paths(log_file) if blocked_path: return await self.blocked_path_action(message, blocked_path) for role in if in self.disallowed_roles: embed = Embed( colour=Colour(0xFF0000), description="I'm not allowed to analyse this log.", ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Log uploaded by {author_name}") return embed if not self.is_log_valid(log_file): embed = Embed( title="⚠️ Modified log detected ⚠️", colour=Colour(0xFCFC00), description="This log contains manually modified information and won't be analysed.", ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Log uploaded by {author_name}") return embed try: analyser = LogAnalyser(log_file) except ValueError: return Embed( colour=self.ryujinx_blue, description="This log file appears to be invalid. Please make sure to upload a Ryujinx log file.", ) is_channel_allowed = False for allowed_channel_id in if == allowed_channel_id: is_channel_allowed = True break return self.format_analysed_log( author_name, analyser.analyse_discord( is_channel_allowed,["pr-testing"], ), ) @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=["disallow_log_id", "forbid_log_id", "block_id", "blockid"] ) async def disable_log_id( self, ctx: Context, disable_id: str, block_id_type: str, *, block_id: str ): match block_id_type.lower(): case "app" | "app_id" | "appid" | "tid" | "title_id": if not is_app_id_valid(block_id): return await ctx.send("The specified app id is invalid.") if add_disabled_app_id(, disable_id, block_id): return await ctx.send( f"Application id '{block_id}' is now blocked!" ) else: return await ctx.send( f"Application id '{block_id}' is already blocked." ) case "build" | "build_id" | "bid": if not is_build_id_valid(block_id): return await ctx.send("The specified build id is invalid.") if add_disabled_build_id(, disable_id, block_id): return await ctx.send(f"Build id '{block_id}' is now blocked!") else: return await ctx.send(f"Build id '{block_id}' is already blocked.") case "ro_section" | "rosection": ro_section_snippet = block_id.strip("`").splitlines() ro_section_snippet = [ line for line in ro_section_snippet if len(line.strip()) > 0 ] ro_section_info_regex = r"PrintRoSectionInfo: main:", ro_section_snippet[0] ) if ro_section_info_regex is None: ro_section_snippet.insert(0, "PrintRoSectionInfo: main:") ro_section = LogAnalyser.get_main_ro_section( "\n".join(ro_section_snippet) ) if ro_section is not None and is_ro_section_valid(ro_section): if add_disabled_ro_section(, disable_id, ro_section): return await ctx.send( f"The specified read-only section for '{disable_id}' is now blocked." ) else: return await ctx.send( f"The specified read-only section for '{disable_id}' is already blocked." ) case _: return await ctx.send( "The specified id type is invalid. Valid id types are: ['app_id', 'build_id', 'ro_section']" ) @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=[ "allow_log_id", "unblock_log_id", "unblock_id", "allow_id", "unblockid", ] ) async def enable_log_id(self, ctx: Context, disable_id: str, block_id_type="all"): match block_id_type.lower(): case "all": if remove_disable_id(, disable_id): return await ctx.send( f"All ids for '{disable_id}' are now unblocked!" ) else: return await ctx.send(f"No blocked ids for '{disable_id}' found.") case "app" | "app_id" | "appid" | "tid" | "title_id": if remove_disabled_app_id(, disable_id): return await ctx.send( f"Application id for '{disable_id}' is now unblocked!" ) else: return await ctx.send( f"No blocked application id for '{disable_id}' found." ) case "build" | "build_id" | "bid": if remove_disabled_build_id(, disable_id): return await ctx.send( f"Build id for '{disable_id}' is now unblocked!" ) else: return await ctx.send(f"No blocked build id '{disable_id}' found.") case "ro_section" | "rosection": if remove_disabled_ro_section(, disable_id): return await ctx.send( f"Read-only section for '{disable_id}' is now unblocked!" ) else: return await ctx.send( f"No blocked read-only section for '{disable_id}' found." ) case _: return await ctx.send( "The specified id type is invalid. Valid id types are: ['all', 'app_id', 'build_id', 'ro_section']" ) @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=[ "disabled_ids", "blocked_ids", "listblockedids", "list_blocked_log_ids", "list_blocked_ids", ] ) async def list_disabled_ids(self, ctx: Context): disabled_ids = get_disabled_ids( id_types = {"app_id": "AppID", "build_id": "BID", "ro_section": "RoSection"} message = "**Blocking analysis of the following IDs:**\n" for name, entry in disabled_ids.items(): message += f"- {name}:\n" for id_type, title in id_types.items(): if len(entry[id_type]) > 0: if id_type != "ro_section": message += f" - __{title}__: {entry[id_type]}\n" else: message += f" - __{title}__\n" message += "\n" return await ctx.send(message) @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=[ "get_blocked_ro_section", "disabled_ro_section", "blocked_ro_section", "list_disabled_ro_section", "list_blocked_ro_section", ] ) async def get_disabled_ro_section(self, ctx: Context, disable_id: str): disabled_ids = get_disabled_ids( disable_id = disable_id.lower() if ( disable_id in disabled_ids.keys() and len(disabled_ids[disable_id]["ro_section"]) > 0 ): message = f"**Blocked read-only section for '{disable_id}'**:\n" message += "```\n" for key, content in disabled_ids[disable_id]["ro_section"].items(): match key: case "module": message += f"Module: {content}\n" case "sdk_libraries": message += f"SDK Libraries: \n" for entry in content: message += f" SDK {entry}\n" message += "\n" message += "```" return await ctx.send(message) else: return await ctx.send(f"No read-only section blocked for '{disable_id}'.") @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=["disallow_path", "forbid_path", "block_path", "blockpath"] ) async def disable_path(self, ctx: Context, block_path: str): if add_disabled_path(, block_path): return await ctx.send(f"Path content `{block_path}` is now blocked!") else: return await ctx.send(f"Path content `{block_path}` is already blocked.") @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=[ "allow_path", "unblock_path", "unblockpath", ] ) async def enable_path(self, ctx: Context, block_path: str): if remove_disabled_path(, block_path): return await ctx.send(f"Path content `{block_path}` is now unblocked!") else: return await ctx.send(f"No blocked path content '{block_path}' found.") @commands.check(check_if_staff) @commands.command( aliases=[ "disabled_paths", "blocked_paths", "listdisabledpaths", "listblockedpaths", "list_blocked_paths", ] ) async def list_disabled_paths(self, ctx: Context): messages = [] disabled_paths = get_disabled_paths( message = ( "**Blocking analysis of logs containing the following content in paths:**\n" ) for entry in disabled_paths: if len(message) >= 1500: messages.append(message) message = f"- `{entry}`\n" else: message += f"- `{entry}`\n" if message not in messages: # Add the last message as well messages.append(message) for msg in messages: await ctx.send(msg) async def analyse_log_message(self, message: Message, attachment_index=0): author_id = author_mention = filename = message.attachments[attachment_index].filename filesize = message.attachments[attachment_index].size # Any message over 2000 chars is uploaded as message.txt, so this is accounted for log_file_link = message.jump_url uploaded_logs_exist = [ True for elem in self.uploaded_log_info if filename in elem.values() ] if not any(uploaded_logs_exist): reply_message = await "Log detected, parsing...", reference=message ) try: embed = await self.log_file_read(message) if "Ryujinx_" in filename: self.uploaded_log_info.append( { "filename": filename, "file_size": filesize, "link": log_file_link, "author": author_id, } ) # Avoid duplicate log file analysis, at least temporarily; keep track of the last few filenames of uploaded logs # this should help support channels not be flooded with too many log files # fmt: off self.uploaded_log_info = self.uploaded_log_info[-5:] # fmt: on return await reply_message.edit(content=None, embed=embed) except UnicodeDecodeError as error: await reply_message.edit( content=author_mention, embed=Embed( description="This log file appears to be invalid. Please re-check and re-upload your log file.", colour=self.ryujinx_blue, ), ) logging.warning(error) except Exception as error: await reply_message.edit( content=f"Error: Couldn't parse log; parser threw `{type(error).__name__}` exception." ) logging.warning(error) else: duplicate_log_file = next( ( elem for elem in self.uploaded_log_info if elem["filename"] == filename and elem["file_size"] == filesize and elem["author"] == author_id ), None, ) await content=author_mention, embed=Embed( description=f"The log file `{filename}` appears to be a duplicate [already uploaded here]({duplicate_log_file['link']}). Please upload a more recent file.", colour=self.ryujinx_blue, ), ) @commands.cooldown(3, 30, @commands.command( aliases=["analyselog", "analyse_log", "analyze", "analyzelog", "analyze_log"] ) async def analyse(self, ctx: Context, attachment_number=1): await ctx.message.delete() if ctx.message.reference is not None: message = await ctx.fetch_message(ctx.message.reference.message_id) if len(message.attachments) >= attachment_number: attachment = message.attachments[attachment_number - 1] is_log_file, _ = self.is_valid_log_name(attachment) if is_log_file: return await self.analyse_log_message( message, attachment_number - 1 ) else: return await ctx.send( f"The attached log file '{attachment.filename}' is not valid.", reference=ctx.message.reference, ) return await ctx.send( "Please use `.analyse` as a reply to a message with an attached log file." ) @Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message: Message): await if return for attachment in message.attachments: is_log_file, is_ryujinx_log_file = self.is_valid_log_name(attachment) if is_log_file and not is_ryujinx_log_file: attached_log = message.attachments[0] log_file = await self.download_file(attached_log.url) # Large files show a header value when not downloaded completely # this regex makes sure that the log text to read starts from the first timestamp, ignoring headers log_file_header_regex = re.compile( r"\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}.*", re.DOTALL ) log_file_match =, log_file) if log_file_match: log_file = if self.is_game_blocked(log_file): return await content=None, embed=await self.blocked_game_action(message) ) blocked_path = self.contains_blocked_paths(log_file) if blocked_path: return await content=None, embed=await self.blocked_path_action(message, blocked_path), ) elif ( is_log_file and is_ryujinx_log_file and in self.bot_log_allowed_channels.values() ): return await self.analyse_log_message( message, message.attachments.index(attachment) ) elif ( is_log_file and is_ryujinx_log_file and not in self.bot_log_allowed_channels.values() ): return await, embed=Embed( description="\n".join( ( f"Please upload Ryujinx log files to the correct location:\n", f'<#{["windows-support"]}>: Windows help and troubleshooting', f'<#{["linux-support"]}>: Linux help and troubleshooting', f'<#{["macos-support"]}>: macOS help and troubleshooting', f'<#{["patreon-support"]}>: Help and troubleshooting for Patreon subscribers', f'<#{["development"]}>: Ryujinx development discussion', f'<#{["pr-testing"]}>: Discussion of in-progress pull request builds', ) ), colour=self.ryujinx_blue, ), ) async def setup(bot): await bot.add_cog(LogFileReader(bot))