mageven 189c0c9c72
Implement modding support (#1249)
* Implement Modding Support

* Executables: Rewrite to use contiguous mem and Spans

* Reorder ExeFs, Npdm, ControlData and SaveData calls

After discussion with gdkchan, it was decided it's best to call
LoadExeFs after all other loads are done as it starts the guest process.

* Build RomFs manually instead of Layering FS

Layered FS approach has considerable latency when building the final
romfs. So, we manually replace files in a single romfs instance.

* Add RomFs modding via storage file

* Fix and cleanup MemPatch

* Add dynamically loaded NRO patching

* Support exefs file replacement

* Rewrite ModLoader to use mods-search architecture

* Disable PPTC when exefs patches are detected

Disable PPTC on exefs replacements too

* Rewrite ModLoader, again

* Increased maintainability and matches Atmosphere closely
* Creates base mods structure if it doesn't exist
* Add Exefs partition replacement
* IPSwitch: Fix nsobid parsing

* Move mod logs to new LogClass

* Allow custom suffixes to title dirs again

* Address nits

* Add a per-App "Open Mods Directory" context menu item

Creates the path if not present.

* Normalize tooltips verbiage

* Use LocalStorage and remove unused namespaces
2020-07-09 14:31:15 +10:00

536 lines
20 KiB

using LibHac.Common;
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.FsSystem;
using LibHac.FsSystem.RomFs;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Mods;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Executables;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS
public class ModLoader
private const string RomfsDir = "romfs";
private const string ExefsDir = "exefs";
private const string RomfsContainer = "romfs.bin";
private const string ExefsContainer = "exefs.nsp";
private const string StubExtension = ".stub";
private const string AmsContentsDir = "contents";
private const string AmsNsoPatchDir = "exefs_patches";
private const string AmsNroPatchDir = "nro_patches";
private const string AmsKipPatchDir = "kip_patches";
public struct Mod<T> where T : FileSystemInfo
public readonly string Name;
public readonly T Path;
public Mod(string name, T path)
Name = name;
Path = path;
// Title dependent mods
public class ModCache
public List<Mod<FileInfo>> RomfsContainers { get; }
public List<Mod<FileInfo>> ExefsContainers { get; }
public List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> RomfsDirs { get; }
public List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> ExefsDirs { get; }
public ModCache()
RomfsContainers = new List<Mod<FileInfo>>();
ExefsContainers = new List<Mod<FileInfo>>();
RomfsDirs = new List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>>();
ExefsDirs = new List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>>();
// Title independent mods
public class PatchCache
public List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> NsoPatches { get; }
public List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> NroPatches { get; }
public List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> KipPatches { get; }
public HashSet<string> SearchedDirs { get; }
public PatchCache()
NsoPatches = new List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>>();
NroPatches = new List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>>();
KipPatches = new List<Mod<DirectoryInfo>>();
SearchedDirs = new HashSet<string>();
public Dictionary<ulong, ModCache> AppMods; // key is TitleId
public PatchCache Patches;
private static readonly EnumerationOptions _dirEnumOptions;
static ModLoader()
_dirEnumOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
MatchType = MatchType.Simple,
RecurseSubdirectories = false,
ReturnSpecialDirectories = false
public ModLoader()
AppMods = new Dictionary<ulong, ModCache>();
Patches = new PatchCache();
public void Clear()
Patches = new PatchCache();
private static bool StrEquals(string s1, string s2) => string.Equals(s1, s2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public void EnsureBaseDirStructure(string modsBasePath)
var modsDir = new DirectoryInfo(modsBasePath);
// modsDir.CreateSubdirectory(AmsKipPatchDir); // uncomment when KIPs are supported
private static DirectoryInfo FindTitleDir(DirectoryInfo contentsDir, string titleId)
=> contentsDir.EnumerateDirectories($"{titleId}*", _dirEnumOptions).FirstOrDefault();
public string GetTitleDir(string modsBasePath, string titleId)
var contentsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(modsBasePath, AmsContentsDir));
var titleModsPath = FindTitleDir(contentsDir, titleId);
if (titleModsPath == null)
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Creating mods dir for Title {titleId.ToUpper()}");
titleModsPath = contentsDir.CreateSubdirectory(titleId);
return titleModsPath.FullName;
// Static Query Methods
public static void QueryPatchDirs(PatchCache cache, DirectoryInfo patchDir, DirectoryInfo searchDir)
if (!patchDir.Exists || cache.SearchedDirs.Contains(searchDir.FullName)) return;
var patches = cache.KipPatches;
string type = null;
if (StrEquals(AmsNsoPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.NsoPatches; type = "NSO"; }
else if (StrEquals(AmsNroPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.NroPatches; type = "NRO"; }
else if (StrEquals(AmsKipPatchDir, patchDir.Name)) { patches = cache.KipPatches; type = "KIP"; }
else return;
foreach (var modDir in patchDir.EnumerateDirectories())
patches.Add(new Mod<DirectoryInfo>(modDir.Name, modDir));
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found {type} patch '{modDir.Name}'");
public static void QueryTitleDir(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo titleDir)
if (!titleDir.Exists) return;
var fsFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(titleDir.FullName, RomfsContainer));
if (fsFile.Exists)
mods.RomfsContainers.Add(new Mod<FileInfo>($"<{titleDir.Name} RomFs>", fsFile));
fsFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(titleDir.FullName, ExefsContainer));
if (fsFile.Exists)
mods.ExefsContainers.Add(new Mod<FileInfo>($"<{titleDir.Name} ExeFs>", fsFile));
System.Text.StringBuilder types = new System.Text.StringBuilder(5);
foreach (var modDir in titleDir.EnumerateDirectories())
Mod<DirectoryInfo> mod = new Mod<DirectoryInfo>("", null);
if (StrEquals(RomfsDir, modDir.Name))
mods.RomfsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod<DirectoryInfo>($"<{titleDir.Name} RomFs>", modDir));
else if (StrEquals(ExefsDir, modDir.Name))
mods.ExefsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod<DirectoryInfo>($"<{titleDir.Name} ExeFs>", modDir));
var romfs = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(modDir.FullName, RomfsDir));
var exefs = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(modDir.FullName, ExefsDir));
if (romfs.Exists)
mods.RomfsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod<DirectoryInfo>(modDir.Name, romfs));
if (exefs.Exists)
mods.ExefsDirs.Add(mod = new Mod<DirectoryInfo>(modDir.Name, exefs));
if (types.Length > 0) Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found mod '{mod.Name}' [{types}]");
public static void QueryContentsDir(ModCache mods, DirectoryInfo contentsDir, ulong titleId)
if (!contentsDir.Exists) return;
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Searching mods for Title {titleId:X16}");
var titleDir = FindTitleDir(contentsDir, $"{titleId:x16}");
if (titleDir != null)
QueryTitleDir(mods, titleDir);
public static void CollectMods(ModCache mods, PatchCache patches, ulong? titleId, params string[] searchDirPaths)
static bool IsPatchesDir(string name) => StrEquals(AmsNsoPatchDir, name) ||
StrEquals(AmsNroPatchDir, name) ||
StrEquals(AmsKipPatchDir, name);
static bool TryQuery(ModCache mods, PatchCache patches, ulong? titleId, DirectoryInfo dir, DirectoryInfo searchDir)
if (StrEquals(AmsContentsDir, dir.Name))
if (titleId.HasValue)
QueryContentsDir(mods, dir, (ulong)titleId);
return true;
else if (IsPatchesDir(dir.Name))
QueryPatchDirs(patches, dir, searchDir);
return true;
return false;
foreach (var path in searchDirPaths)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!dir.Exists)
Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Mod Search Dir '{dir.FullName}' doesn't exist");
if (!TryQuery(mods, patches, titleId, dir, dir))
foreach (var subdir in dir.EnumerateDirectories())
TryQuery(mods, patches, titleId, subdir, dir);
public void CollectMods(ulong titleId, params string[] searchDirPaths)
if (!AppMods.TryGetValue(titleId, out ModCache mods))
mods = new ModCache();
AppMods[titleId] = mods;
CollectMods(mods, Patches, titleId, searchDirPaths);
internal IStorage ApplyRomFsMods(ulong titleId, IStorage baseStorage)
if (!AppMods.TryGetValue(titleId, out ModCache mods) || mods.RomfsDirs.Count + mods.RomfsContainers.Count == 0)
return baseStorage;
var fileSet = new HashSet<string>();
var builder = new RomFsBuilder();
int count = 0;
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Applying RomFS mods for Title {titleId:X16}");
// Prioritize loose files first
foreach (var mod in mods.RomfsDirs)
using (IFileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem(mod.Path.FullName))
AddFiles(fs, mod.Name, fileSet, builder);
// Then files inside images
foreach (var mod in mods.RomfsContainers)
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Found 'romfs.bin' for Title {titleId:X16}");
using (IFileSystem fs = new RomFsFileSystem(mod.Path.OpenRead().AsStorage()))
AddFiles(fs, mod.Name, fileSet, builder);
if (fileSet.Count == 0)
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, "No files found. Using base RomFS");
return baseStorage;
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Replaced {fileSet.Count} file(s) over {count} mod(s). Processing base storage...");
// And finally, the base romfs
var baseRom = new RomFsFileSystem(baseStorage);
foreach (var entry in baseRom.EnumerateEntries()
.Where(f => f.Type == DirectoryEntryType.File && !fileSet.Contains(f.FullPath))
.OrderBy(f => f.FullPath, StringComparer.Ordinal))
baseRom.OpenFile(out IFile file, entry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();
builder.AddFile(entry.FullPath, file);
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, "Building new RomFS...");
IStorage newStorage = builder.Build();
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, "Using modded RomFS");
return newStorage;
private static void AddFiles(IFileSystem fs, string modName, HashSet<string> fileSet, RomFsBuilder builder)
foreach (var entry in fs.EnumerateEntries()
.Where(f => f.Type == DirectoryEntryType.File)
.OrderBy(f => f.FullPath, StringComparer.Ordinal))
fs.OpenFile(out IFile file, entry.FullPath.ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure();
if (fileSet.Add(entry.FullPath))
builder.AddFile(entry.FullPath, file);
Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ModLoader, $" Skipped duplicate file '{entry.FullPath}' from '{modName}'", "ApplyRomFsMods");
internal bool ReplaceExefsPartition(ulong titleId, ref IFileSystem exefs)
if (!AppMods.TryGetValue(titleId, out ModCache mods) || mods.ExefsContainers.Count == 0)
return false;
if (mods.ExefsContainers.Count > 1)
Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ModLoader, "Multiple ExeFS partition replacements detected");
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Using replacement ExeFS partition");
exefs = new PartitionFileSystem(mods.ExefsContainers[0].Path.OpenRead().AsStorage());
return true;
internal bool ApplyExefsMods(ulong titleId, List<NsoExecutable> nsos)
if (!AppMods.TryGetValue(titleId, out ModCache mods) || mods.ExefsDirs.Count == 0)
return false;
bool replaced = false;
if (nsos.Count > 32)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("NSO Count is more than 32");
var exeMods = mods.ExefsDirs;
BitVector32 stubs = new BitVector32();
BitVector32 repls = new BitVector32();
foreach (var mod in exeMods)
for (int i = 0; i < nsos.Count; ++i)
var nso = nsos[i];
var nsoName = nso.Name;
FileInfo nsoFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(mod.Path.FullName, nsoName));
if (nsoFile.Exists)
if (repls[1 << i])
Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Multiple replacements to '{nsoName}'");
repls[1 << i] = true;
nsos[i] = new NsoExecutable(nsoFile.OpenRead().AsStorage(), nsoName);
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"NSO '{nsoName}' replaced");
replaced = true;
stubs[1 << i] |= File.Exists(Path.Combine(mod.Path.FullName, nsoName + StubExtension));
for (int i = nsos.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (stubs[1 << i] && !repls[1 << i]) // Prioritizes replacements over stubs
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $" NSO '{nsos[i].Name}' stubbed");
replaced = true;
return replaced;
internal void ApplyNroPatches(NroExecutable nro)
var nroPatches = Patches.NroPatches;
if (nroPatches.Count == 0) return;
// NRO patches aren't offset relative to header unlike NSO
// according to Atmosphere's ro patcher module
ApplyProgramPatches(nroPatches, 0, nro);
internal bool ApplyNsoPatches(ulong titleId, params IExecutable[] programs)
AppMods.TryGetValue(titleId, out ModCache mods);
var nsoMods = Patches.NsoPatches.Concat(mods.ExefsDirs);
// NSO patches are created with offset 0 according to Atmosphere's patcher module
// But `Program` doesn't contain the header which is 0x100 bytes. So, we adjust for that here
return ApplyProgramPatches(nsoMods, 0x100, programs);
private static bool ApplyProgramPatches(IEnumerable<Mod<DirectoryInfo>> mods, int protectedOffset, params IExecutable[] programs)
int count = 0;
MemPatch[] patches = new MemPatch[programs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < patches.Length; ++i)
patches[i] = new MemPatch();
var buildIds = programs.Select(p => p switch
NsoExecutable nso => BitConverter.ToString(nso.BuildId.Bytes.ToArray()).Replace("-", "").TrimEnd('0'),
NroExecutable nro => BitConverter.ToString(nro.Header.BuildId).Replace("-", "").TrimEnd('0'),
_ => string.Empty
int GetIndex(string buildId) => buildIds.FindIndex(id => id == buildId); // O(n) but list is small
// Collect patches
foreach (var mod in mods)
var patchDir = mod.Path;
foreach (var patchFile in patchDir.EnumerateFiles())
if (StrEquals(".ips", patchFile.Extension)) // IPS|IPS32
string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(patchFile.FullName).Split('.')[0];
string buildId = filename.TrimEnd('0');
int index = GetIndex(buildId);
if (index == -1)
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Matching IPS patch '{patchFile.Name}' in '{mod.Name}' bid={buildId}");
using var fs = patchFile.OpenRead();
using var reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
var patcher = new IpsPatcher(reader);
else if (StrEquals(".pchtxt", patchFile.Extension)) // IPSwitch
using var fs = patchFile.OpenRead();
using var reader = new StreamReader(fs);
var patcher = new IPSwitchPatcher(reader);
int index = GetIndex(patcher.BuildId);
if (index == -1)
Logger.PrintInfo(LogClass.ModLoader, $"Matching IPSwitch patch '{patchFile.Name}' in '{mod.Name}' bid={patcher.BuildId}");
// Apply patches
for (int i = 0; i < programs.Length; ++i)
count += patches[i].Patch(programs[i].Program, protectedOffset);
return count > 0;