using ARMeilleure.Translation.Cache; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC { class PtcJumpTable { public struct TableEntry<TAddress> { public int EntryIndex; public long GuestAddress; public TAddress HostAddress; public TableEntry(int entryIndex, long guestAddress, TAddress hostAddress) { EntryIndex = entryIndex; GuestAddress = guestAddress; HostAddress = hostAddress; } } public enum DirectHostAddress { CallStub = 0, TailCallStub = 1, Host = 2 } public enum IndirectHostAddress { CallStub = 0, TailCallStub = 1 } private readonly List<TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>> _jumpTable; private readonly List<TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>> _dynamicTable; public List<ulong> Targets { get; } public Dictionary<ulong, List<int>> Dependants { get; } public Dictionary<ulong, List<int>> Owners { get; } public PtcJumpTable() { _jumpTable = new List<TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>>(); _dynamicTable = new List<TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>>(); Targets = new List<ulong>(); Dependants = new Dictionary<ulong, List<int>>(); Owners = new Dictionary<ulong, List<int>>(); } public PtcJumpTable( List<TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>> jumpTable, List<TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>> dynamicTable, List<ulong> targets, Dictionary<ulong, List<int>> dependants, Dictionary<ulong, List<int>> owners) { _jumpTable = jumpTable; _dynamicTable = dynamicTable; Targets = targets; Dependants = dependants; Owners = owners; } public static PtcJumpTable Deserialize(MemoryStream stream) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream, EncodingCache.UTF8NoBOM, true)) { var jumpTable = new List<TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>>(); int jumpTableCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < jumpTableCount; i++) { int entryIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); long guestAddress = reader.ReadInt64(); DirectHostAddress hostAddress = (DirectHostAddress)reader.ReadInt32(); jumpTable.Add(new TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>(entryIndex, guestAddress, hostAddress)); } var dynamicTable = new List<TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>>(); int dynamicTableCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < dynamicTableCount; i++) { int entryIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); long guestAddress = reader.ReadInt64(); IndirectHostAddress hostAddress = (IndirectHostAddress)reader.ReadInt32(); dynamicTable.Add(new TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>(entryIndex, guestAddress, hostAddress)); } var targets = new List<ulong>(); int targetsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < targetsCount; i++) { ulong address = reader.ReadUInt64(); targets.Add(address); } var dependants = new Dictionary<ulong, List<int>>(); int dependantsCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < dependantsCount; i++) { ulong address = reader.ReadUInt64(); var entries = new List<int>(); int entriesCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < entriesCount; j++) { int entry = reader.ReadInt32(); entries.Add(entry); } dependants.Add(address, entries); } var owners = new Dictionary<ulong, List<int>>(); int ownersCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < ownersCount; i++) { ulong address = reader.ReadUInt64(); var entries = new List<int>(); int entriesCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < entriesCount; j++) { int entry = reader.ReadInt32(); entries.Add(entry); } owners.Add(address, entries); } return new PtcJumpTable(jumpTable, dynamicTable, targets, dependants, owners); } } public static void Serialize(MemoryStream stream, PtcJumpTable ptcJumpTable) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, EncodingCache.UTF8NoBOM, true)) { writer.Write((int)ptcJumpTable._jumpTable.Count); foreach (var tableEntry in ptcJumpTable._jumpTable) { writer.Write((int)tableEntry.EntryIndex); writer.Write((long)tableEntry.GuestAddress); writer.Write((int)tableEntry.HostAddress); } writer.Write((int)ptcJumpTable._dynamicTable.Count); foreach (var tableEntry in ptcJumpTable._dynamicTable) { writer.Write((int)tableEntry.EntryIndex); writer.Write((long)tableEntry.GuestAddress); writer.Write((int)tableEntry.HostAddress); } writer.Write((int)ptcJumpTable.Targets.Count); foreach (ulong address in ptcJumpTable.Targets) { writer.Write((ulong)address); } writer.Write((int)ptcJumpTable.Dependants.Count); foreach (var kv in ptcJumpTable.Dependants) { writer.Write((ulong)kv.Key); // address writer.Write((int)kv.Value.Count); foreach (int entry in kv.Value) { writer.Write((int)entry); } } writer.Write((int)ptcJumpTable.Owners.Count); foreach (var kv in ptcJumpTable.Owners) { writer.Write((ulong)kv.Key); // address writer.Write((int)kv.Value.Count); foreach (int entry in kv.Value) { writer.Write((int)entry); } } } } public void Initialize(JumpTable jumpTable) { Targets.Clear(); foreach (ulong guestAddress in jumpTable.Targets.Keys) { Targets.Add(guestAddress); } Dependants.Clear(); foreach (var kv in jumpTable.Dependants) { Dependants.Add(kv.Key, new List<int>(kv.Value)); } Owners.Clear(); foreach (var kv in jumpTable.Owners) { Owners.Add(kv.Key, new List<int>(kv.Value)); } } // For future use. public void Clean(ulong guestAddress) { if (Owners.TryGetValue(guestAddress, out List<int> entries)) { foreach (int entry in entries) { if ((entry & JumpTable.DynamicEntryTag) == 0) { int removed = _jumpTable.RemoveAll(tableEntry => tableEntry.EntryIndex == entry); Debug.Assert(removed == 1); } else { if (JumpTable.DynamicTableElems > 1) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } int removed = _dynamicTable.RemoveAll(tableEntry => tableEntry.EntryIndex == (entry & ~JumpTable.DynamicEntryTag)); Debug.Assert(removed == 1); } } } Targets.Remove(guestAddress); Dependants.Remove(guestAddress); Owners.Remove(guestAddress); } public void Clear() { _jumpTable.Clear(); _dynamicTable.Clear(); Targets.Clear(); Dependants.Clear(); Owners.Clear(); } public void WriteJumpTable(JumpTable jumpTable, ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, TranslatedFunction> funcs) { // Writes internal state to jump table in-memory, after PtcJumpTable was deserialized. foreach (var tableEntry in _jumpTable) { long guestAddress = tableEntry.GuestAddress; DirectHostAddress directHostAddress = tableEntry.HostAddress; long hostAddress; if (directHostAddress == DirectHostAddress.CallStub) { hostAddress = DirectCallStubs.DirectCallStub(false).ToInt64(); } else if (directHostAddress == DirectHostAddress.TailCallStub) { hostAddress = DirectCallStubs.DirectCallStub(true).ToInt64(); } else if (directHostAddress == DirectHostAddress.Host) { if (funcs.TryGetValue((ulong)guestAddress, out TranslatedFunction func)) { hostAddress = func.FuncPtr.ToInt64(); } else { if (!PtcProfiler.ProfiledFuncs.TryGetValue((ulong)guestAddress, out var value) || !value.highCq) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"({nameof(guestAddress)} = 0x{(ulong)guestAddress:X16})"); } hostAddress = 0L; } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(directHostAddress)); } int entry = tableEntry.EntryIndex; jumpTable.Table.SetEntry(entry); jumpTable.ExpandIfNeededJumpTable(entry); IntPtr addr = jumpTable.GetEntryAddressJumpTable(entry); Marshal.WriteInt64(addr, 0, guestAddress); Marshal.WriteInt64(addr, 8, hostAddress); } } public void WriteDynamicTable(JumpTable jumpTable) { // Writes internal state to jump table in-memory, after PtcJumpTable was deserialized. if (JumpTable.DynamicTableElems > 1) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } foreach (var tableEntry in _dynamicTable) { long guestAddress = tableEntry.GuestAddress; IndirectHostAddress indirectHostAddress = tableEntry.HostAddress; long hostAddress; if (indirectHostAddress == IndirectHostAddress.CallStub) { hostAddress = DirectCallStubs.IndirectCallStub(false).ToInt64(); } else if (indirectHostAddress == IndirectHostAddress.TailCallStub) { hostAddress = DirectCallStubs.IndirectCallStub(true).ToInt64(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(indirectHostAddress)); } int entry = tableEntry.EntryIndex; jumpTable.DynTable.SetEntry(entry); jumpTable.ExpandIfNeededDynamicTable(entry); IntPtr addr = jumpTable.GetEntryAddressDynamicTable(entry); Marshal.WriteInt64(addr, 0, guestAddress); Marshal.WriteInt64(addr, 8, hostAddress); } } public void ReadJumpTable(JumpTable jumpTable) { // Reads in-memory jump table state and store internally for PtcJumpTable serialization. _jumpTable.Clear(); IEnumerable<int> entries = jumpTable.Table.GetEntries(); foreach (int entry in entries) { IntPtr addr = jumpTable.GetEntryAddressJumpTable(entry); long guestAddress = Marshal.ReadInt64(addr, 0); long hostAddress = Marshal.ReadInt64(addr, 8); DirectHostAddress directHostAddress; if (hostAddress == DirectCallStubs.DirectCallStub(false).ToInt64()) { directHostAddress = DirectHostAddress.CallStub; } else if (hostAddress == DirectCallStubs.DirectCallStub(true).ToInt64()) { directHostAddress = DirectHostAddress.TailCallStub; } else { directHostAddress = DirectHostAddress.Host; } _jumpTable.Add(new TableEntry<DirectHostAddress>(entry, guestAddress, directHostAddress)); } } public void ReadDynamicTable(JumpTable jumpTable) { // Reads in-memory jump table state and store internally for PtcJumpTable serialization. if (JumpTable.DynamicTableElems > 1) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } _dynamicTable.Clear(); IEnumerable<int> entries = jumpTable.DynTable.GetEntries(); foreach (int entry in entries) { IntPtr addr = jumpTable.GetEntryAddressDynamicTable(entry); long guestAddress = Marshal.ReadInt64(addr, 0); long hostAddress = Marshal.ReadInt64(addr, 8); IndirectHostAddress indirectHostAddress; if (hostAddress == DirectCallStubs.IndirectCallStub(false).ToInt64()) { indirectHostAddress = IndirectHostAddress.CallStub; } else if (hostAddress == DirectCallStubs.IndirectCallStub(true).ToInt64()) { indirectHostAddress = IndirectHostAddress.TailCallStub; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"({nameof(hostAddress)} = 0x{hostAddress:X16})"); } _dynamicTable.Add(new TableEntry<IndirectHostAddress>(entry, guestAddress, indirectHostAddress)); } } } }