Bertrand Lorentz 4d19e5ac2a generator: Properly handle boolean attributes when parsing the XML
In a lot of places, we were only checking the presence of boolean
attributes, like "array", automatically assuming they were true. This
meant that we didn't allow setting them explicitly to false, which
apparently is needed for some bindings.

For all boolean attributes, we now use the GetAttributeAsBoolean method
added in the previous commit, to correctly check the value of the
attribute. As before, if the attribute is not present, it is considered
to be false.

Thanks to Stephan Sundermann for noticing this issue.
2012-10-21 18:22:13 +02:00

275 lines
9.1 KiB

// GtkSharp.Generation.FieldBase.cs - base class for struct and object
// fields
// Copyright (c) 2004 Novell, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
namespace GtkSharp.Generation {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
public abstract class FieldBase : PropertyBase {
public FieldBase (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) {}
public virtual bool Validate (LogWriter log)
log.Member = Name;
if (!Ignored && !Hidden && CSType == "") {
log.Warn ("field has unknown type: " + CType);
return false;
return true;
protected virtual bool Readable {
get {
return elem.GetAttribute ("readable") != "false";
protected virtual bool Writable {
get {
return elem.GetAttribute ("writeable") != "false";
protected abstract string DefaultAccess { get; }
protected string Access {
get {
return elem.HasAttribute ("access") ? elem.GetAttribute ("access") : DefaultAccess;
public bool IsArray {
get {
return elem.HasAttribute ("array_len") || elem.GetAttributeAsBoolean ("array");
public bool IsBitfield {
get {
return elem.HasAttribute("bits");
public bool Ignored {
get {
if (container_type.GetProperty (Name) != null)
return true;
if (IsArray)
return true;
if (Access == "private" && (Getter == null) && (Setter == null))
return true;
return false;
string getterName, setterName;
string getOffsetName, offsetName;
void CheckGlue ()
getterName = setterName = getOffsetName = null;
if (Access != "public")
string prefix = (container_type.NS + "Sharp_" + container_type.NS + "_" + container_type.Name).Replace(".", "__").ToLower ();
if (IsBitfield) {
if (Readable && Getter == null)
getterName = prefix + "_get_" + CName;
if (Writable && Setter == null)
setterName = prefix + "_set_" + CName;
} else {
if ((Readable && Getter == null) || (Writable && Setter == null)) {
offsetName = CName + "_offset";
getOffsetName = prefix + "_get_" + offsetName;
protected override void GenerateImports (GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent)
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table;
if (getterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName);
sw.WriteLine (indent + "extern static {0} {1} ({2} raw);",
table.GetMarshalType (CType), getterName,
if (setterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName);
sw.WriteLine (indent + "extern static void {0} ({1} raw, {2} value);",
setterName, container_type.MarshalType, table.GetMarshalType (CType));
if (getOffsetName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName);
sw.WriteLine (indent + "extern static uint {0} ();", getOffsetName);
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine (indent + "static uint " + offsetName + " = " + getOffsetName + " ();");
base.GenerateImports (gen_info, indent);
public virtual void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent)
if (Ignored || Hidden)
CheckGlue ();
if ((getterName != null || setterName != null || getOffsetName != null) && gen_info.GlueWriter == null) {
LogWriter log = new LogWriter (container_type.QualifiedName);
log.Member = Name;
log.Warn ("needs glue for field access. Specify --glue-filename");
GenerateImports (gen_info, indent);
SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table;
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
string modifiers = elem.GetAttributeAsBoolean ("new_flag") ? "new " : "";
bool is_struct = table.IsStruct (CType) || table.IsBoxed (CType);
sw.WriteLine (indent + "public " + modifiers + CSType + " " + Name + " {");
if (Getter != null) {
sw.Write (indent + "\tget ");
Getter.GenerateBody (gen_info, container_type, "\t");
sw.WriteLine ("");
} else if (getterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\tget {");
container_type.Prepare (sw, indent + "\t\t");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t" + CSType + " result = " + table.FromNative (ctype, getterName + " (" + container_type.CallByName () + ")") + ";");
container_type.Finish (sw, indent + "\t\t");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\treturn result;");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t}");
} else if (Readable && offsetName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\tget {");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\tunsafe {");
if (is_struct) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t" + CSType + "* raw_ptr = (" + CSType + "*)(((byte*)" + container_type.CallByName () + ") + " + offsetName + ");");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn *raw_ptr;");
} else {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t" + table.GetMarshalType (CType) + "* raw_ptr = (" + table.GetMarshalType (CType) + "*)(((byte*)" + container_type.CallByName () + ") + " + offsetName + ");");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn " + table.FromNative (ctype, "(*raw_ptr)") + ";");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t}");
IGeneratable gen = table [CType];
string to_native = (gen is IManualMarshaler) ? (gen as IManualMarshaler).AllocNative ("value") : gen.CallByName ("value");
if (Setter != null) {
sw.Write (indent + "\tset ");
Setter.GenerateBody (gen_info, container_type, "\t");
sw.WriteLine ("");
} else if (setterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\tset {");
container_type.Prepare (sw, indent + "\t\t");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t" + setterName + " (" + container_type.CallByName () + ", " + to_native + ");");
container_type.Finish (sw, indent + "\t\t");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t}");
} else if (Writable && offsetName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\tset {");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\tunsafe {");
if (is_struct) {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t" + CSType + "* raw_ptr = (" + CSType + "*)(((byte*)" + container_type.CallByName () + ") + " + offsetName + ");");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t*raw_ptr = value;");
} else {
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t" + table.GetMarshalType (CType) + "* raw_ptr = (" + table.GetMarshalType (CType) + "*)(((byte*)" + container_type.CallByName () + ") + " + offsetName + ");");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t*raw_ptr = " + to_native + ";");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t}");
sw.WriteLine (indent + "}");
sw.WriteLine ("");
if (getterName != null || setterName != null || getOffsetName != null)
GenerateGlue (gen_info);
protected void GenerateGlue (GenerationInfo gen_info)
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.GlueWriter;
SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table;
string FieldCType = CType.Replace ("-", " ");
bool byref = table[CType] is ByRefGen || table[CType] is StructGen;
string GlueCType = byref ? FieldCType + " *" : FieldCType;
string ContainerCType = container_type.CName;
string ContainerCName = container_type.Name.ToLower ();
if (getterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine ("{0} {1} ({2} *{3});",
GlueCType, getterName, ContainerCType, ContainerCName);
if (setterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine ("void {0} ({1} *{2}, {3} value);",
setterName, ContainerCType, ContainerCName, GlueCType);
if (getOffsetName != null)
sw.WriteLine ("guint {0} (void);", getOffsetName);
sw.WriteLine ("");
if (getterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine (GlueCType);
sw.WriteLine ("{0} ({1} *{2})", getterName, ContainerCType, ContainerCName);
sw.WriteLine ("{");
sw.WriteLine ("\treturn ({0}){1}{2}->{3};", GlueCType,
byref ? "&" : "", ContainerCName, CName);
sw.WriteLine ("}");
sw.WriteLine ("");
if (setterName != null) {
sw.WriteLine ("void");
sw.WriteLine ("{0} ({1} *{2}, {3} value)",
setterName, ContainerCType, ContainerCName, GlueCType);
sw.WriteLine ("{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t{0}->{1} = ({2}){3}value;", ContainerCName, CName,
FieldCType, byref ? "*" : "");
sw.WriteLine ("}");
sw.WriteLine ("");
if (getOffsetName != null) {
sw.WriteLine ("guint");
sw.WriteLine ("{0} (void)", getOffsetName);
sw.WriteLine ("{");
sw.WriteLine ("\treturn (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET ({0}, {1});",
ContainerCType, CName);
sw.WriteLine ("}");
sw.WriteLine ("");