Shane Landrum fb2a4b6c9a 2004-12-17 Shane Landrum <>
* en/Gtk/RadioAction.xml
	* en/Gtk/RadioActionEntry.xml
	* en/Gtk/RadioButton.xml
	* en/Gtk/RadioMenuItem.xml
	* en/Gtk/RadioToolButton.xml: Add docs

svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=37889
2004-12-17 17:47:57 +00:00

192 lines
8.1 KiB

<Type Name="RadioButton" FullName="Gtk.RadioButton">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class RadioButton : Gtk.CheckButton, Implementor, IWrapper, IDisposable" Maintainer="John Luke" />
<Attributes />
<ThreadSafetyStatement />
<summary>A choice from multiple buttons in a group.</summary>
<para>A single radio button performs the same basic function as a <see cref="Gtk.CheckButton" />, as its position in the object hierarchy reflects. It is only when multiple radio buttons are grouped together that they become a different user interface component in their own right.</para>
<para>Every radio button is a member of some group of radio buttons. When one is selected, all other radio buttons in the same group are deselected. A <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /> is one way of giving the user a choice from many options.</para>
<para>Radio button widgets are created with <see cref="C:Gtk.RadioButton(System.String)" />, if this is the first radio button in a group. In subsequent calls, the group you wish to add this button to should be passed as an argument.</para>
<Attributes />
<Member MemberName="Finalize">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected override void Finalize ();" />
<Parameters />
<summary>Protected method to be called on garbage collection.</summary>
<remarks />
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected RadioButton (GLib.GType gtype);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="gtype" Type="GLib.GType" />
<summary>Internal constructor</summary>
<param name="gtype">a <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /></param>
<returns>a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></returns>
<remarks />
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public RadioButton (IntPtr raw);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="raw" Type="System.IntPtr" />
<summary>Internal constructor</summary>
<param name="raw">a <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />, pointer to the underlying C object.</param>
<returns>a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></returns>
<remarks>Not for general developer use.</remarks>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public RadioButton (Gtk.RadioButton group);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="group" Type="Gtk.RadioButton" />
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /> instance.</summary>
<param name="group">a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></param>
<returns>a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></returns>
<remarks />
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public RadioButton (string label);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="label" Type="System.String" />
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /> instance.</summary>
<param name="label">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
<returns>a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></returns>
<remarks>Creates a new <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /> in its own group.</remarks>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public RadioButton (Gtk.RadioButton group, string label);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="group" Type="Gtk.RadioButton" />
<Parameter Name="label" Type="System.String" />
<summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /> instance.</summary>
<param name="group">a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></param>
<param name="label">a <see cref="T:System.String" /></param>
<returns>a <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" /></returns>
<remarks>Creates a RadioButton with the specified label and adds the newly created RadioButton to the same group as the RadioButton specified as the group parameter.
<code lang="C#">
// Example of creating two radio buttons in the same greoup
RadioButton radioButton1;
RadioButton radioButton2;
// create first radio button allowing it to create it's own RadioButton Group
radioButton1 = new RadioButton("Single Radio Button in it's own group");
// create second radio button. supply first radio button so that this one can be added
// to the first radio button's group
radioButton2 = new RadioButton(radioButton1, "Second radio button in the same group as radioButton1");
<Member MemberName="GType">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static GLib.GType GType { get; };" />
<Parameters />
<summary>GType Property.</summary>
<returns>a <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /></returns>
<remarks>Returns the native <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /> value for <see cref="T:Gtk.RadioButton" />.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="Group">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public GLib.SList Group { set; get; };" />
<Parameters />
<summary>sets and obtains a linked list with all the radio buttons in the same group.</summary>
<returns>a <see cref="T:GLib.SList" /> with all the radio buttons in the same group as this radio button.</returns>
<remarks />
<Member MemberName="GroupChanged">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public event EventHandler GroupChanged;" />
<Parameters />
<summary>Emitted when the group of radio buttons that a
radio button belongs to changes.</summary>
<remarks>This is emitted when a radio button switches from
being alone to being part of a group of 2 or more buttons, or
vice-versa, and when a buttton is moved from one group of 2 or
more buttons to a different one, but not when the composition
of the group that a button belongs to changes.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="OnGroupChanged">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual void OnGroupChanged ();" />
<Parameters />
<summary>Default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.RadioButton.GroupChanged" /> event.</summary>
<remarks>Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.RadioButton.GroupChanged" /> event.</remarks>