Mike Kestner e83c55a242 2004-03-12 Mike Kestner <>
* */ : automakify the build
	* */ : kill
	* *.custom : remove System.Drawing dependencies
	* *.cs : remove System.Drawing dependencies
	* *-api.xml : mv to *-api.raw
	* glue/* : mv to lib specific gluelibs for glib, gdk, gtk, and glade.
	* gtk/gtk-symbols : alias GtkType to GType
	* sources/gtk-sharp-sources.xml : create .raw files. They are now
	transformed to .xml files by the metadata compilation step.

svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=23967
2004-03-12 21:18:11 +00:00

320 lines
7.5 KiB

using System;
using Gtk;
using Gdk;
using Gnome;
public class Fifteen
const int SCRAMBLE_MOVES = 256;
static Gtk.Window window = null;
static Canvas canvas = null;
static BoardPiece [] board;
static void Main (string [] args)
if (args.Length > 0 && args [0] == "debug")
BoardPiece.Debug = true;
Program fifteen = new Program ("Fifteen", "0.1", Modules.UI, args);
window = new Gtk.Window ("Fifteen #");
VBox box = new VBox (false, 0);
window.Add (box);
window.DefaultWidth = 300;
window.DefaultHeight = 300;
VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 4);
vbox.BorderWidth = 4;
MenuBar menu = Create_Menu ();
box.PackStart (menu, false, false, 0);
box.PackStart (vbox, false, false, 0);
window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete);
Alignment alignment = new Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vbox.PackStart (alignment, true, true, 4);
Frame frame = new Frame (null);
frame.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
alignment.Add (frame);
canvas = new Canvas ();
canvas.SetSizeRequest (BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE * 4 + 1, BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE * 4 + 1);
canvas.SetScrollRegion (0, 0, BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE * 4 + 1, BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE * 4 + 1);
frame.Add (canvas);
board = new BoardPiece [16];
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i ++) {
int y = i /4;
int x = i % 4;
board [i] = new BoardPiece (canvas.Root (), board, x, y, i);
box.PackStart (new HSeparator (), false, false, 0);
HBox hbox = new HBox (false, 4);
box.PackStart (hbox, true, false, 4);
// Scramble button here.
Button scramble = new Button ("_Scramble");
scramble.BorderWidth = 8;
scramble.Clicked += new EventHandler (Scramble);
scramble.CanDefault = true;
hbox.PackStart (scramble, true, true, 4);
scramble.GrabDefault ();
// Close button
Button close = new Button ("_Close");
close.BorderWidth = 8;
close.Clicked += new EventHandler (Quit);
hbox.PackStart (close, true, true, 4);
window.ShowAll ();
fifteen.Run ();
static void Quit (object o, EventArgs args)
Application.Quit ();
static Gtk.MenuBar Create_Menu ()
MenuBar mb = new MenuBar ();
Menu file_menu = new Menu ();
ImageMenuItem scramble_item = new ImageMenuItem ("_Scramble");
scramble_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Refresh, IconSize.Menu);
scramble_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Scramble);
ImageMenuItem quit_item = new ImageMenuItem ("_Quit");
quit_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Quit, IconSize.Menu);
quit_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Quit);
file_menu.Append (scramble_item);
file_menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ());
file_menu.Append (quit_item);
MenuItem file_item = new MenuItem ("_File");
file_item.Submenu = file_menu;
mb.Append (file_item);
Menu help_menu = new Menu ();
MenuItem help_item = new MenuItem ("_Help");
help_item.Submenu = help_menu;
ImageMenuItem about = new ImageMenuItem (Gnome.Stock.About, new AccelGroup ());
about.Activated += new EventHandler (About_Box);
help_menu.Append (about);
mb.Append (help_item);
return mb;
static void About_Box (object o, EventArgs args)
string [] authors = new string [] {
"Duncan Mak (",
string [] documenters = new string [] {};
string translaters = null;
Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf ("pixmaps/gnome-color-browser.png");
Gnome.About about = new Gnome.About ("Fifteen #", "0.1",
"Copyright (C) 2002, Ximian Inc.",
"A C# port of Fifteen, a gnomecanvas demo",
authors, documenters, translaters,
about.Show ();
static void Scramble (object o, EventArgs args)
Random rand = new Random ();
int blank;
int position;
// find blank spot
for (position = 0; position < 16; position ++)
if (board [position] == null)
for (int i = 0; i < SCRAMBLE_MOVES; i++) {
int dir = rand.Next (4);
int x = 0, y = 0;
if ((dir == 0) && (position > 3)) // up
y = -1;
else if ((dir == 1) && (position < 12)) // down
y = 1;
else if ((dir == 2) && ((position % 4) != 0)) // left
x = -1;
else if ((dir == 3) && ((position % 4) != 3)) // right
x = 1;
goto retry;
int old_position = position + y * 4 + x;
board [position] = board [old_position];
board [position].Position = position;
board [old_position] = null;
board [position].Move (-x * BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE, -y * BoardPiece.PIECE_SIZE);
canvas.UpdateNow ();
position = old_position;
static void Window_Delete (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
Application.Quit ();
args.RetVal = true;
public class BoardPiece : Gnome.CanvasGroup
public static int PIECE_SIZE = 50;
public int Number;
int position;
public CanvasText Text;
public BoardPiece [] Board;
public static bool Debug = false;
public BoardPiece (CanvasGroup group, BoardPiece [] board, int x, int y, int i)
: base (group, CanvasGroup.GType)
this.X = (x * PIECE_SIZE);
this.Y = (y * PIECE_SIZE);
this.Board = board;
this.Number = i;
this.Position = i;
CanvasRect rect = new CanvasRect (this);
rect.X1 = 0.0;
rect.Y2 = 0.0;
rect.X2 = PIECE_SIZE;
rect.Y2 = PIECE_SIZE;
rect.FillColor = Color;
rect.OutlineColor = "black";
rect.WidthPixels = 0;
CanvasText text = new CanvasText (this);
text.Text = (i + 1).ToString ();
text.X = PIECE_SIZE / 2.0;
text.Y = PIECE_SIZE / 2.0;
text.Font = "Sans Bold 24";
text.Anchor = AnchorType.Center;
text.FillColor = "black";
this.Text = text;
this.CanvasEvent += new Gnome.CanvasEventHandler (Piece_Event);
public string Color {
get {
int y = Number / 4;
int x = Number % 4;
int r = ((4 - x) * 255) / 4;
int g = ((4 - y) * 255) / 4;
int b = 128;
return String.Format ("#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}", r, g, b);
public int Position {
get {
return position;
set {
Board [value] = this;
position = value;
static void Piece_Event (object o, Gnome.CanvasEventArgs args)
BoardPiece piece = (BoardPiece) o;
Canvas canvas = piece.Canvas;
double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0;
switch (args.Event.Type) {
case EventType.EnterNotify:
piece.Text.FillColor = "white";
args.RetVal = true;
case EventType.LeaveNotify:
piece.Text.FillColor = "black";
args.RetVal = true;
case EventType.ButtonPress:
int y = piece.Position / 4;
int x = piece.Position % 4;
Print_Position ("from", piece.Position, true);
bool toMove = true;
if ((y > 0) && (piece.Board [(y - 1) * 4 + x] == null)) {
dx = 0.0;
dy = -1.0;
y --;
} else if ((y < 3) && (piece.Board [(y + 1) * 4 + x] == null)) {
dx = 0.0;
dy = 1.0;
y ++;
} else if ((x > 0) && (piece.Board [y * 4 + x - 1] == null)) {
dx = -1.0;
dy = 0.0;
x --;
} else if ((x < 3) && (piece.Board [y * 4 + x + 1] == null)) {
dx = 1.0;
dy = 0.0;
x ++;
} else
toMove = false;
if (toMove) {
int new_position = y * 4 + x;
Print_Position ("to", new_position, false);
piece.Board [piece.Position] = null;
piece.Position = new_position;
piece.Move (dx * PIECE_SIZE, dy * PIECE_SIZE);
canvas.UpdateNow ();
} else
Print_Position ("to", piece.Position, false);
args.RetVal = true;
args.RetVal = false;
static void Print_Position (string text, int position, bool newLine)
if (!Debug)
else {
int x = position / 4;
int y = position % 4;
string output = String.Format (" {0} ({1}, {2})", text, x + 1, y + 1);
if (newLine)
Console.Write (output);
Console.WriteLine (output);