Mike Kestner 352fc8e849 Run the doc updater
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2012-03-28 22:10:46 -05:00

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<Type Name="Clipboard+RichTextReceivedFunc" FullName="Gtk.Clipboard+RichTextReceivedFunc">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public delegate void Clipboard.RichTextReceivedFunc(Clipboard clipboard, Atom format, byte[] text);" />
<TypeSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".class nested public auto ansi sealed Clipboard/RichTextReceivedFunc extends System.MulticastDelegate" />
<Parameter Name="clipboard" Type="Gtk.Clipboard" />
<Parameter Name="format" Type="Gdk.Atom" />
<Parameter Name="text" Type="System.Byte[]" />
<param name="clipboard">the sending clipboard.</param>
<param name="format">format of the contents.</param>
<param name="text">the contents as rich text.</param>
<summary>Clipboard RichTextReceived Callback Delegate.</summary>
<remarks>Provides the clipboard contents as rich text. See <see cref="M:Gtk.Clipboard.RequestRichText" />.</remarks>
<since version="Gtk# 2.10" />