
376 lines
13 KiB

// GtkSharp.Generation.GObjectVM.cs - GObject specific part of VM creation
// Author: Christian Hoff <>
// Copyright (c) 2007 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Hoff
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
namespace GtkSharp.Generation {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
public class GObjectVM : VirtualMethod
protected string class_struct_name;
const bool force_glue_generation = false;
public GObjectVM (XmlElement elem, ObjectBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type)
parms.HideData = false;
this.Protection = "protected";
class_struct_name = container_type.ClassStructName;
// Some types don't install headers. In that case, the glue code will not compile.
bool BlockGlue {
get {
return elem.GetAttribute ("block_glue") == "1";
protected override string CallString {
get {
return String.Format ("{0} ({1})", IsStatic ? this.CName + "_handler" : "On" + this.Name, call.ToString ());
public void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, ObjectBase implementor)
gen_info.CurrentMember = Name;
if (!CanGenerate (gen_info, implementor))
throw new NotSupportedException (String.Format ("Cannot generate virtual method {0}.{1}. Make sure a writable glue path was provided to the generator.", container_type.Name, this.CallString));
GenerateOverride (gen_info, implementor);
GenerateCallback (gen_info.Writer, implementor);
if (!IsStatic)
GenerateUnmanagedInvocation (gen_info, implementor);
protected virtual bool CanGenerate (GenerationInfo gen_info, ObjectBase implementor)
if (implementor != null || this.CName.Length == 0 || CodeType == VMCodeType.None || (CodeType == VMCodeType.Glue && !gen_info.GlueEnabled))
return false;
return true;
enum VMCodeType {
VMCodeType CodeType {
get {
if (!((ObjectBase)container_type).CanGenerateClassStruct || force_glue_generation) {
if (BlockGlue)
return VMCodeType.None;
return VMCodeType.Glue;
} else
return VMCodeType.Managed;
enum VMOverrideType {
/* There are basically two types of static virtual methods:
* 1. VMs overridden in the declaring class (e.g. AtkUtil vms):
* The VM is overridden in the class in which it is declared and not in the derived classes. In that case, the GAPI generates a static XYZHandler property
* in the declaring class.
* 2. VMs overridden in derived classes (e.g. GIO is_supported vms):
* As with nonstatic vms, this VM type hooks into the class structure field of derived classes. This type is currently unsupported as it is rarely used
* and we would need anonymous methods for the callback (we are using only *one* callback method; the callback does not know to which type that method call
* has to be redirected).
VMOverrideType OverrideType {
get {
if (IsStatic) {
switch (elem.GetAttribute ("override_in")) {
case "declaring_class":
return VMOverrideType.DeclaringClass;
case "implementing_class":
return VMOverrideType.ImplementingClass;
return VMOverrideType.Unspecified;
} else
return VMOverrideType.ImplementingClass;
protected virtual void GenerateOverride (GenerationInfo gen_info, ObjectBase implementor)
if (CodeType == VMCodeType.Glue)
GenerateOverride_glue (gen_info);
GenerateOverride_managed (gen_info.Writer);
protected virtual void GenerateUnmanagedInvocation (GenerationInfo gen_info, ObjectBase implementor)
if (CodeType == VMCodeType.Glue)
GenerateUnmanagedInvocation_glue (gen_info);
GenerateUnmanagedInvocation_managed (gen_info);
protected void GenerateOverrideBody (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0}NativeDelegate {0}_cb_delegate;", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic " + Name + "NativeDelegate " + Name + "VMCallback {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tif ({0}_cb_delegate == null)", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t\t{0}_cb_delegate = new {0}NativeDelegate ({0}_cb);", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn {0}_cb_delegate;", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
if (IsStatic) {
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic delegate {0} {1}Delegate ({2});", retval.CSType, Name, Signature.ToString ());
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0}Delegate {1}_handler;", Name, CName);
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic static " + Name + "Delegate " + Name + "Handler {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tset {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t{0}_handler = value;", CName);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tOverride{0} ((GLib.GType) typeof ({1}), value == null ? null : {0}VMCallback);", Name, container_type.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
} else {
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic void Override{0} (GLib.GType gtype)", this.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tOverride{0} (gtype, {0}VMCallback);", this.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic void Override{0} (GLib.GType gtype, {0}NativeDelegate callback)", this.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
protected void GenerateOverride_managed (StreamWriter sw)
GenerateOverrideBody (sw);
// Override VM; class_offset var is generated by object generatable
sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tunsafe {");
sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tIntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset(\"{0}\"));", CName);
sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);");
sw.WriteLine ();
protected void GenerateMethodBody (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(" + (implementor != null ? implementor.QualifiedName : container_type.QualifiedName) + "), ConnectionMethod=\"Override" + this.Name +"\")]");
sw.Write ("\t\t{0} ", this.Protection);
if (this.modifiers != "")
sw.Write ("{0} ", this.modifiers);
sw.WriteLine ("virtual {0} On{1} ({2})", retval.CSType, this.Name, Signature.ToString ());
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0}Internal{1} ({2});", retval.IsVoid ? "" : "return ", this.Name, Signature.GetCallString (false));
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
// This method is to be invoked from existing VM implementations in the custom code
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate {0} Internal{1} ({2})", retval.CSType, this.Name, Signature.ToString ());
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
void GenerateUnmanagedInvocation_managed (GenerationInfo gen_info)
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
string native_call = "this.Handle";
if (parms.Count > 0)
native_call += ", " + Body.GetCallString (false);
this.GenerateMethodBody (sw, null);
// Find the first unmanaged ancestor
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0}NativeDelegate unmanaged = null;", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tunsafe {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tIntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset(\"{0}\"));", CName);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tunmanaged = ({0}NativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof({0}NativeDelegate));", this.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.Write ("\t\t\tif (unmanaged == null) ");
if (parms.HasOutParam)
sw.WriteLine ("throw new InvalidOperationException (\"No base method to invoke\");");
else if (retval.IsVoid)
sw.WriteLine ("return;");
sw.WriteLine ("return {0};", retval.DefaultValue);
sw.WriteLine ();
Body.Initialize (gen_info);
sw.Write ("\t\t\t");
if (!retval.IsVoid)
sw.Write ("{0} __result = ", retval.MarshalType);
sw.WriteLine ("unmanaged ({0});", native_call);
Body.Finish (gen_info.Writer, "");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn {0};", retval.FromNative ("__result"));
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
/* old glue code. This code is to be used if
* a) the generated api file is version 1
* b) an old Mono version(< 2.4) is being used
* Punt it when we drop support for the parser version 1.
private string CastFromInt (string type)
return type != "int" ? "(" + type + ") " : "";
private string GlueSignature {
get {
string[] glue_params = new string [this.IsStatic ? parms.Count + 1 : parms.Count + 2];
glue_params [0] = class_struct_name + " *class_struct";
if (!IsStatic)
glue_params [1] = container_type.CName + "* inst";
for (int i = 0; i < parms.Count; i++)
glue_params [i + (IsStatic ? 1 : 2)] = parms [i].CType.Replace ("const-", "const ") + " " + parms [i].Name;
return String.Join (", ", glue_params);
private string DefaultGlueValue {
get {
if (retval.IGen is EnumGen)
return String.Format ("({0}) 0", retval.CType);
string val = retval.DefaultValue;
switch (val) {
case "null":
return "NULL";
case "false":
return "FALSE";
case "true":
return "TRUE";
case "GLib.GType.None":
return "G_TYPE_NONE";
return val;
void GenerateOverride_glue (GenerationInfo gen_info)
StreamWriter glue = gen_info.GlueWriter;
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
string glue_name = String.Format ("{0}sharp_{1}_override_{2}", container_type.NS.ToLower ().Replace (".", "_"), container_type.Name.ToLower (), CName);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic extern void {0} (IntPtr class_struct, {1}NativeDelegate cb);", glue_name, Name);
sw.WriteLine ();
glue.WriteLine ("void {0} ({1} *class_struct, gpointer cb);\n", glue_name, class_struct_name);
glue.WriteLine ("void\n{0} ({1} *class_struct, gpointer cb)", glue_name, class_struct_name);
glue.WriteLine ("{");
glue.WriteLine ("\tclass_struct->{0} = cb;", CName);
glue.WriteLine ("}");
glue.WriteLine ();
GenerateOverrideBody (sw);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0} (gtype.GetClassPtr (), callback);", glue_name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateUnmanagedInvocation_glue (GenerationInfo gen_info)
StreamWriter glue = gen_info.GlueWriter;
string glue_name = String.Format ("{0}sharp_{1}_invoke_{2}", container_type.NS.ToLower ().Replace (".", "_"), container_type.Name.ToLower (), CName);
glue.WriteLine ("{0} {1} ({2});\n", retval.CType.Replace ("const-", "const "), glue_name, GlueSignature);
glue.WriteLine ("{0}\n{1} ({2})", retval.CType.Replace ("const-", "const "), glue_name, GlueSignature);
glue.WriteLine ("{");
glue.Write ("\tif (class_struct->{0})\n\t\t", CName);
if (!retval.IsVoid)
glue.Write ("return ");
string[] call_args = new string [IsStatic ? parms.Count : parms.Count + 1];
if (!IsStatic)
call_args [0] = "inst";
for (int i = 0; i < parms.Count; i++)
call_args [IsStatic ? i : i + 1] = parms[i].Name;
glue.WriteLine ("(* class_struct->{0}) ({1});", CName, String.Join (", ", call_args));
if (!retval.IsVoid)
glue.WriteLine ("\treturn " + DefaultGlueValue + ";");
glue.WriteLine ("}");
glue.WriteLine ();
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName);
sw.Write ("\t\tstatic extern {0} {1} (IntPtr class_struct", retval.MarshalType, glue_name);
if (!IsStatic)
sw.Write (", IntPtr inst");
if (parms.Count > 0)
sw.Write (", {0}", parms.ImportSignature);
sw.WriteLine (");");
sw.WriteLine ();
GenerateMethodBody (sw, null);
Body.Initialize (gen_info, false, false, String.Empty);
string glue_call_string = "this.LookupGType ().GetThresholdType ().GetClassPtr ()";
if (!IsStatic)
glue_call_string += ", Handle";
if (parms.Count > 0)
glue_call_string += ", " + Body.GetCallString (false);
sw.Write ("\t\t\t");
if (!retval.IsVoid)
sw.Write ("{0} __result = ", retval.MarshalType);
sw.WriteLine ("{0} ({1});", glue_name, glue_call_string);
Body.Finish (gen_info.Writer, "");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn {0};", retval.FromNative ("__result"));
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
public override bool Validate (LogWriter log)
if (!base.Validate (log))
return false;
bool is_valid = true;
if (this.IsStatic) {
switch (OverrideType) {
case VMOverrideType.Unspecified:
log.Warn ("Static virtual methods can only be generated if you provide info on how to override this method via the metadata ");
is_valid = false;
case VMOverrideType.ImplementingClass:
log.Warn ("Overriding static virtual methods in the implementing class is not supported yet ");
is_valid = false;
return is_valid;