using System; using Gtk; using Pango; namespace GtkDemo { [Demo ("Rotated Text", "DemoRotatedText.cs")] public class DemoRotatedText : Window { const int RADIUS = 150; const int N_WORDS = 10; public DemoRotatedText () : base ("Rotated text") { DrawingArea drawingArea = new DrawingArea (); Gdk.Color white = new Gdk.Color (0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // This overrides the background color from the theme drawingArea.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, white); drawingArea.ExposeEvent += new ExposeEventHandler (RotatedTextExposeEvent); this.Add (drawingArea); this.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (OnWinDelete); this.SetDefaultSize (2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS); this.ShowAll (); } void RotatedTextExposeEvent (object sender, ExposeEventArgs a) { DrawingArea drawingArea = sender as DrawingArea; int width = drawingArea.Allocation.Width; int height = drawingArea.Allocation.Height; double deviceRadius; // Get the default renderer for the screen, and set it up for drawing Gdk.PangoRenderer renderer = new Gdk.PangoRenderer (drawingArea.Screen); renderer.Drawable = drawingArea.GdkWindow; renderer.Gc = drawingArea.Style.BlackGC; // Set up a transformation matrix so that the user space coordinates for // the centered square where we draw are [-RADIUS, RADIUS], [-RADIUS, RADIUS] // We first center, then change the scale deviceRadius = Math.Min (width, height) / 2; Matrix matrix = new Matrix (); matrix.Translate (deviceRadius + (width - 2 * deviceRadius) / 2, deviceRadius + (height - 2 * deviceRadius) / 2); matrix.Scale (deviceRadius / RADIUS, deviceRadius / RADIUS); // Create a PangoLayout, set the font and text Context context = drawingArea.CreatePangoContext (); Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (context); layout.SetText ("Text"); FontDescription desc = FontDescription.FromString ("Sans Bold 27"); layout.FontDescription = desc; // Draw the layout N_WORDS times in a circle for (int i = 0; i < N_WORDS; i++) { Gdk.Color color = new Gdk.Color (); Matrix rotatedMatrix = matrix; int w, h; double angle = (360 * i) / N_WORDS; // Gradient from red at angle == 60 to blue at angle == 300 color.Red = (ushort) (65535 * (1 + Math.Cos ((angle - 60) * Math.PI / 180)) / 2); color.Green = 0; color.Blue = (ushort) (65535 - color.Red); renderer.SetOverrideColor (RenderPart.Foreground, color); rotatedMatrix.Rotate (angle); context.Matrix = rotatedMatrix; // Inform Pango to re-layout the text with the new transformation matrix layout.ContextChanged (); layout.GetSize (out w, out h); renderer.DrawLayout (layout, - w / 2, (int) (- RADIUS * Pango.Scale.PangoScale)); } // Clean up default renderer, since it is shared renderer.SetOverrideColor (RenderPart.Foreground, Gdk.Color.Zero); renderer.Drawable = null; renderer.Gc = null; } void OnWinDelete (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { this.Hide (); this.Dispose (); } } }