gtk-sharp0.0.0.0neutralGtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.A widget for selecting a color.The ColorSelection consists of a color wheel and number of sliders and entry boxes for color parameters such as hue, saturation, value, red, green, blue, and opacity. It is found on the standard color selection dialog box, .This widget displays the 'selected' color as well as the previously selected color.Gtk.VBoxAtk.ImplementorGLib.IWrapperGLib.IWrapperSystem.IDisposableMethodSystem.VoidDisposes the resources associated with the object.ConstructorInternal constructor
Pointer to the C object.
An instance of ColorSelection, wrapping the C object.This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code.ConstructorThe main way to create a new ColorSelectionA new ColorSelectionPropertySystem.UInt32The GLib Type for Gtk.ColorSelectionThe GLib Type for the Gtk.ColorSelection class.PropertySystem.UInt16Get the alpha value of the previous color
A new setting for the 'previous' alpha value.
The previous alpha value - an integer between 0 and 65535.It may be confusing for a user if this property is set with no interaction from them.PropertyGdk.ColorManage the current color of the ColorSelection.
A color to set as the 'current' color.
The currently selected color in this ColorSelection.PropertySystem.BooleanManage whether or not the ColorSelection displays a palette. to display a palette in the ColorSelection, otherwise.
if a palette is currently part of the ColorSelection, otherwise.PropertySystem.BooleanManage whether or not opacity is part of the ColorSelection. to display opacity controls, otherwise.
if the user can edit opacity, otherwise.PropertySystem.UInt16Manage the current alpha value of the ColorSelection.
Sets the current opacity.
The existing opacity of this ColorSelection.EventSystem.EventHandlerThis event is fired when the current color changes in the ColorSelection.ConstructorInternal constructor
GLib type for the type
Creates a new instance of ColorSelection, using the GLib-provided typeThis is a constructor used by derivative types of that would have their own GLib type assigned to it. This is not typically used by C# code.PropertyGdk.ColorTo be added
To be added: an object of type 'Gdk.Color'
To be added: an object of type 'Gdk.Color'To be addedMethodGdk.Color[]To be added
To be added: an object of type 'string'
To be added: an object of type 'Gdk.Color[]'To be addedMethodSystem.StringTo be added
To be added: an object of type 'Gdk.Color[]'
To be added: an object of type 'string'To be addedPropertySystem.BooleanThe current state of the ColorSelection if the user is currently dragging a color around, if the selection has stopped.