gtk-sharp2.0.0.0neutralGtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.A store for that provides data from an arbitrary class. It is simpler to use than the .
This class provides a simple mechanism of implementing the Model required by the .
[TreeNode (ColumnCount=2)]
class DemoNode {
string name;
string email;
public DemoNode (string name, string email)
{ = name; = email;
[TreeNodeValue (Column=0)]
public string Name {
get { return name; }
[TreeNodeValue (Column=1)]
public string EMail {
get { return email; }
class Demo {
NodeStore store;
void PopulateStore ()
NodeStore store = new NodeStore (typeof (MyRow));
DemoNode my_node = new DemoNode ("Miguel de Icaza", "");
store.AddNode (my_node);
Iteration: In new versions of Gtk# (2.0 and up) this class implements the interface, so code can be written like this:
void DumpColumnValues (NodeStore store, int col)
foreach (object[] row in store)
Console.WriteLine ("Value of column {0} is {2}", col, row [col]);
GLib.ObjectGLib.IWrapperSystem.IDisposableMethodSystem.VoidAppends the node to the root level of the tree
Adds to the end of the list of root level nodes.
MethodSystem.VoidInserts the node into the root level of the tree
the position to insert it at
Adds to the list of root level nodes before the node
currently at .
MethodGtk.ITreeNodeReturns a node given a .
The path to look up.
Looks up the node corresponding to and returns it,
or null if the node cannot be found.
MethodSystem.VoidRemoves a node from the store.
Removes from the list of root level nodes.
ConstructorNodeStore constructor
a a
Creates a for nodes of the specified .
The type provided in must implement .
PropertyGLib.GTypeNative type value.a MethodSystem.Collections.IEnumeratorGets an enumerator for the root nodes.a Children of root nodes are not enumerated. You must traverse them independently.