gtk-sharp0.0.0.0neutralGtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.A class for holding information about a key that gets used as an accelerator.System.ValueTypeFieldGtk.AccelKeyMake a new AccelKey object that has no global object key.MethodGtk.AccelKeyMake a new AccelKey object with the object key specified by .
an An object of type FieldGdk.ModifierTypeA mask of the modifier keys that are relevant for this AccelKey.PropertyGtk.AccelFlagsThe flags for this AccelKey that determine whether will display it.a FieldGdk.KeyThe main keyboard key to use for this AccelKey.Useful values are enumerated in .ConstructorPublic constructor.
a enumerated in
a enumerated in , the modifiers (shift, ctrl, etc) that apply for this AccelKey
a enumerated in for whether this AccelKey should be displayed in the menu