// aspectframe.cs - Gtk# Tutorial example // // Author: Johannes Roith // // (c) 2002 Johannes Roith namespace GtkSharpTutorial { using Gtk; using GtkSharp; using System; using System.Drawing; public class aspectframe { static void delete_event (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit(); } public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init (); /* Create new window */ Window window = new Window ("Aspect Frame"); window.BorderWidth = 10; window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event); /* Create an aspect_frame and add it to our toplevel window */ AspectFrame aspect_frame = new AspectFrame("2x1", (float)0.5,(float)0.5, 2, false); window.Add(aspect_frame); aspect_frame.Show(); /* Now add a child widget to the aspect frame */ DrawingArea drawing_area = new DrawingArea(); /* Ask for a 200x200 window, but the AspectFrame will give us a 200x100 * window since we are forcing a 2x1 aspect ratio */ drawing_area.SetSizeRequest (200, 200); aspect_frame.Add(drawing_area); drawing_area.Show(); window.ShowAll(); Application.Run(); } } }