gnome-sharp2.8.0.0Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.Line canvas item
A canvas item for drawing lines. This canvas item uses a
structure so one or multiple joined lined
segments can be drawn with a single item.
// LineExample.cs - Displays triangle using gnome canvas
// Compile: mcs -r gtk-sharp.dll -r gnome-sharp.dll LineExample.cs
namespace GnomeSamples {
using System;
using Gtk;
using Gnome;
public class LineExample {
public static int Main (string[] args) {
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Window win = new Gtk.Window ("Canvas line example");
win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas ();
win.Add (canvas);
CanvasLine line = new CanvasLine (canvas.Root ());
line.Points = new CanvasPoints (new double[]{40,0, 0,80, 80,80, 40,0});
win.ShowAll ();
Application.Run ();
return 0;
static void Window_Delete (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) {
Application.Quit ();
args.RetVal = true;
Gnome.CanvasItemConstructorInternal constructor
Pointer to the C object.
This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code.ConstructorCreates a new line
The that this item
belongs to.
PropertyGdk.DrawableStipple pattern for the line.Stipple pattern for the line.GLib.Property(Name="fill_stipple")PropertySystem.Double
Distance from tip of arrowhead to trailing point, measured
along the shaft.
Distance from tip of arrowhead to trailing point, measured along shaft.GLib.Property(Name="arrow_shape_b")PropertySystem.DoubleDistance from tip of arrowhead to center.Distance from tip of arrowhead to center.GLib.Property(Name="arrow_shape_a")PropertySystem.BooleanSpecifies whether to smooth the line using parabolic splines.Whether to smooth the line using parabolic splinesGLib.Property(Name="smooth")PropertyGdk.LineStyleLine dash style.Line dash styleGLib.Property(Name="line_style")PropertyGnome.CanvasPointsa pointer. This
can be created by a call to the constructor.
a pointer.GLib.Property(Name="points")PropertySystem.BooleanSpecifies whether to draw an arrowhead on the first point of the line.whether to draw an arrowhead on the first point of the line.GLib.Property(Name="first_arrowhead")PropertySystem.UInt32Specifies the number of steps to use when rendering curves.the number of steps to use when rendering curves.GLib.Property(Name="spline_steps")PropertySystem.BooleanSpecifies whether to draw an arrowhead on the last point of the line.whether to draw an arrowhead on the last point of the line.To be addedGLib.Property(Name="last_arrowhead")PropertyGdk.CapStyleDetermines how the ends of lines are drawn (the line cap style).the line cap styleGLib.Property(Name="cap_style")PropertyGdk.JoinStyleVertex join style for line segmentsVertex join style
( to join by extending
each line to meet at an angle, to join by a circular arc,
and to join by a
straight line which makes an equal angle with each line)
GLib.Property(Name="join_style")PropertySystem.UInt32Line color with an alpha component (in the format 0xRRGGBBAA).the line colorGLib.Property(Name="fill_color_rgba")PropertyGdk.ColorThe to draw the line with.the line colorGLib.Property(Name="fill_color_gdk")PropertySystem.DoubleWidth of the line in canvas units. The line width will be scaled when the canvas zoom factor changes.width of the line in canvas unitsGLib.Property(Name="width_units")PropertySystem.DoubleDistance of arrowhead trailing points from outside edge of shaft.Distance of arrowhead trailing points from outside edge of shaft.GLib.Property(Name="arrow_shape_c")PropertySystem.UInt32Width of the line in pixels. The line width will not be scaled when the canvas zoom factor changes.width of the line in pixels.To be addedGLib.Property(Name="width_pixels")PropertySystem.StringX color specification for line.X color specification for the lineGLib.Property(Name="fill_color")PropertyGLib.GTypeGType Property.a Returns the native value for .ConstructorProtected Constructor.
a Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native value for your subclass.System.Obsolete(Message=null, IsError=False)ConstructorTo be addedTo be added