// GtkSharp.Generation.Parameters.cs - The Parameters Generation Class. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // (c) 2001-2002 Mike Kestner namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class Parameter { private XmlElement elem; public Parameter (XmlElement e) { elem = e; } public string CType { get { string type = elem.GetAttribute("type"); if (type == "void*") type = "gpointer"; return type; } } public string CSType { get { string cstype = SymbolTable.Table.GetCSType( elem.GetAttribute("type")); if (cstype == "void") cstype = "System.IntPtr"; if (elem.HasAttribute("array")) { cstype += "[]"; cstype = cstype.Replace ("ref ", ""); } return cstype; } } public IGeneratable Generatable { get { return SymbolTable.Table[CType]; } } public bool IsLength { get { return (CSType == "int" && (Name.EndsWith("len") || Name.EndsWith("length"))); } } public bool IsString { get { return (CSType == "string"); } } public string MarshalType { get { string type = SymbolTable.Table.GetMarshalType( elem.GetAttribute("type")); if (type == "void") type = "System.IntPtr"; if (elem.HasAttribute("array")) { type += "[]"; type = type.Replace ("ref ", ""); } return type; } } public string Name { get { return MangleName (elem.GetAttribute("name")); } } public bool NullOk { get { return elem.HasAttribute ("null_ok"); } } public string PassAs { get { return elem.GetAttribute ("pass_as"); } } private string MangleName(string name) { switch (name) { case "string": return "str1ng"; case "event": return "evnt"; case "null": return "is_null"; case "object": return "objekt"; case "params": return "parms"; case "ref": return "reference"; case "in": return "in_param"; case "out": return "out_param"; case "fixed": return "mfixed"; case "byte": return "_byte"; case "new": return "_new"; default: break; } return name; } public string StudlyName { get { string name = elem.GetAttribute("name"); string[] segs = name.Split('_'); string studly = ""; foreach (string s in segs) { studly += (s.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + s.Substring(1)); } return studly; } } } public class Parameters { private XmlElement elem; private string impl_ns; private string import_sig; private string call_string; private string signature; private string signature_types; private bool hide_data; private bool is_static; public Parameters (XmlElement elem, string impl_ns) { this.elem = elem; this.impl_ns = impl_ns; } public string CallString { get { return call_string; } } public Parameter this [int idx] { get { int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in elem.ChildNodes) { if ((node is XmlElement) && (idx == count++)) return new Parameter ((XmlElement) node); } return null; } } public string ImportSig { get { return import_sig; } } public string Signature { get { return signature; } } public string SignatureTypes { get { return signature_types; } } public bool HideData { get { return hide_data; } set { hide_data = value; } } public bool Static { set { is_static = value; } } public bool Validate () { foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (!(parm is XmlElement) || parm.Name != "parameter") { continue; } XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; if (p_elem.HasAttribute("ellipsis")) { Console.Write("Ellipsis parameter "); return false; } Parameter p = new Parameter (p_elem); if ((p.CSType == "") || (p.Name == "") || (p.MarshalType == "") || (SymbolTable.Table.CallByName(p.CType, p.Name) == "")) { Console.Write("Name: " + p.Name + " Type: " + p.CType + " "); return false; } } return true; } public void CreateSignature (bool is_set) { signature_types = signature = import_sig = call_string = ""; bool need_sep = false; bool has_callback = hide_data; bool last_was_user_data = false; bool has_user_data = false; SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; int len = 0; Parameter last_param = null; foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") { continue; } XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; if (p_elem.GetAttribute("type") == "gpointer" && (p_elem.GetAttribute("name").EndsWith ("data") || p_elem.GetAttribute("name").EndsWith ("data_or_owner"))) has_user_data = true; len++; last_param = new Parameter ((XmlElement) parm); } int i = 0; Parameter prev = null; foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") { continue; } XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; Parameter curr = new Parameter (p_elem); string type = curr.CType; string cs_type = curr.CSType; string m_type = curr.MarshalType; string name = curr.Name; if (prev != null && prev.IsString && curr.IsLength) { call_string += ", " + prev.Name + ".Length"; import_sig += ", " + m_type + " " + name; prev = curr; i++; continue; } string call_parm_name = name; if (is_set && i == 0) call_parm_name = "value"; string call_parm; if (table.IsCallback (type)) { has_callback = true; call_parm = table.CallByName (type, call_parm_name + "_wrapper"); } else call_parm = table.CallByName(type, call_parm_name); if (p_elem.HasAttribute ("null_ok") && cs_type != "IntPtr" && cs_type != "System.IntPtr" && !table.IsStruct (type)) call_parm = String.Format ("({0} != null) ? {1} : {2}", call_parm_name, call_parm, table.IsCallback (type) ? "null" : "IntPtr.Zero"); if (p_elem.HasAttribute("array")) call_parm = call_parm.Replace ("ref ", ""); if (IsVarArgs && i == (len - 1) && VAType == "length_param") { cs_type = "params " + cs_type + "[]"; m_type += "[]"; } if (need_sep) { call_string += ", "; import_sig += ", "; if (!(type == "GError**" || last_was_user_data) && !(IsVarArgs && i == (len - 1) && VAType == "length_param")) { signature += ", "; signature_types += ":"; } } else { need_sep = true; } if (p_elem.HasAttribute("pass_as")) { string pass_as = p_elem.GetAttribute("pass_as"); signature += pass_as + " "; // We only need to do this for value types if (type != "GError**" && m_type != "IntPtr" && m_type != "System.IntPtr") { import_sig += pass_as + " "; call_string += pass_as + " "; } if (table.IsEnum (type)) call_parm = name + "_as_int"; } else if (type == "GError**") { call_string += "out "; import_sig += "out "; } if (IsVarArgs && i == (len - 2) && VAType == "length_param") { call_string += last_param.Name + ".Length"; last_was_user_data = false; } else { if (!(type == "GError**" || (has_callback && (type == "gpointer" || type == "void*") && (i == Count - 1) && (name.EndsWith ("data") || name.EndsWith ("data_or_owner"))))) { signature += (cs_type + " " + name); signature_types += cs_type; last_was_user_data = false; } else if (type == "GError**") { call_parm = call_parm.Replace (name, "error"); last_was_user_data = false; } else if ((type == "gpointer" || type == "void*") && (i == Count - 1) && (name.EndsWith ("data") || name.EndsWith ("data_or_owner"))) { call_parm = "IntPtr.Zero"; last_was_user_data = true; } else last_was_user_data = false; call_string += call_parm; } if (table.IsCallback (type)) m_type = impl_ns + "Sharp" + m_type.Substring(m_type.IndexOf(".")); import_sig += (m_type + " " + name); prev = curr; i++; } // FIXME: lame call_string = call_string.Replace ("out ref", "out"); import_sig = import_sig.Replace ("out ref", "out"); call_string = call_string.Replace ("ref ref", "ref"); import_sig = import_sig.Replace ("ref ref", "ref"); // FIXME: this is also lame, I need to fix the need_sep algo if (signature.EndsWith (", ")) signature = signature.Remove (signature.Length - 2, 2); } public void Initialize (StreamWriter sw, bool is_get, bool is_set, string indent) { foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") continue; Parameter p = new Parameter ((XmlElement) parm); IGeneratable gen = p.Generatable; string name = p.Name; if (is_set) name = "value"; if (is_get) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t" + p.CSType + " " + name + ";"); if ((is_get || p.PassAs == "out") && (gen is ObjectGen || gen is OpaqueGen || p.CSType == "GLib.Value")) sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + name + " = new " + p.CSType + "();"); if (p.PassAs == "out" && gen is EnumGen) sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\tint " + name + "_as_int;"); if (gen is CallbackGen) { CallbackGen cbgen = gen as CallbackGen; string wrapper = cbgen.GenWrapper(impl_ns); sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\t{0} {1}_wrapper = null;", wrapper, name); sw.Write (indent + "\t\t\t"); if (p.NullOk) sw.Write ("if ({0} != null) ", name); sw.WriteLine ("{1}_wrapper = new {0} ({1}, {2});", wrapper, name, is_static ? "null" : "this"); } } if (ThrowsException) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\tIntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero;"); } public void Finish (StreamWriter sw, string indent) { foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") continue; Parameter p = new Parameter ((XmlElement) parm); if (p.PassAs == "out" && p.Generatable is EnumGen) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + p.Name + " = (" + p.CSType + ") " + p.Name + "_as_int;"); } } } public void HandleException (StreamWriter sw, string indent) { if (!ThrowsException) return; sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\tif (error != IntPtr.Zero) throw new GLib.GException (error);"); } public int Count { get { int length = 0; foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") { continue; } length++; } return length; } } public bool IsAccessor { get { int length = 0; string pass_as = ""; foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (!(parm is XmlElement) || parm.Name != "parameter") { continue; } XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; length++; if (length > 1) return false; if (p_elem.HasAttribute("pass_as")) pass_as = p_elem.GetAttribute("pass_as"); } return (length == 1 && pass_as == "out"); } } public bool ThrowsException { get { if ((elem.ChildNodes == null) || (elem.ChildNodes.Count < 1)) return false; XmlElement p_elem = null; foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (!(parm is XmlElement) || parm.Name != "parameter") continue; p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; } string type = p_elem.GetAttribute("type"); return (type == "GError**"); } } public bool IsVarArgs { get { return elem.HasAttribute ("va_type"); } } public string VAType { get { return elem.GetAttribute ("va_type"); } } public string AccessorReturnType { get { foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") continue; XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; return SymbolTable.Table.GetCSType(p_elem.GetAttribute ("type")); } return null; } } public string AccessorName { get { foreach (XmlNode parm in elem.ChildNodes) { if (parm.Name != "parameter") continue; XmlElement p_elem = (XmlElement) parm; Parameter p = new Parameter (p_elem); return p.Name; } return null; } } } }