art-sharp2.6.0.0Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.This structure encapsulates a buffer of pixels, that can be in several specific pixel buffer formats.To be addedSystem.ValueTypeFieldArt.PixBufTo be addedTo be addedMethodArt.PixBufTo be added
a a To be addedMethodArt.PixBufCreates a deep clone of the current instance.A fresh deep copy of the current instance.Event the buffer that was given to create this buffer is copied, and its dealocation is then done by the new instance on its destruction, independently of who is responsible to free the curren buffer.MethodSystem.VoidFrees any used resources.If the destroy delegate was given its invoked, otherwise if it wasn't created with NewConstRGBx it will free the memory held by the buffer.MethodSystem.VoidFrees just the resources held by the PixBuf ignoring the given buffer.Its deprecated.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGB PixBuf.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
A newly created RGB.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGBA PixBuf.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
A newly created RGBA.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGB PixBuf.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
A newly created RGB.On destruction, the created instance will free the memory used by given buffer in pixels.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGB PixBuf that invokes the given delegate on destruction.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
The data that will be given to dfunc on its invocation.
The delegate that is going to be invoked when the PixBuf gets destroyed.
A newly created RGB that invokes a delegate on its destruction.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGBA PixBuf.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
A newly created RGB.On destruction, the created instance will free the memory used by given buffer in pixels.MethodArt.PixBufCreates a new RGBA PixBuf that invokes the given delegate on destruction.
The buffer containing the actual pixel data.
The width of the pixbuf.
The height of the pixbuf.
The row stride of the pixbuf.
The data that will be given to dfunc on its invocation.
The delegate that is going to be invoked when the PixBuf gets destroyed.
A newly created RGBA that invokes a delegate on its destruction.FieldArt.PixFormatTo be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be addedFieldSystem.Int32To be addedTo be added