gnome-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Text canvas item A canvas item for displaying text. See for a more advanced text display and editing canvas item. using System; using Gtk; using GtkSharp; using Gnome; class CanvasTest { public CanvasTest() { Application.Init(); Window window1 = new Window("Hello Canvas!"); window1.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event); Canvas canvas1 = Canvas.NewAa(); int Width = 100; int Height = 100; canvas1.SetScrollRegion(0, 0, Width, Height); canvas1.WidthRequest = Width; canvas1.HeightRequest = Height; CanvasGroup root = canvas1.Root(); // Draw Background CanvasRect background = new CanvasRect(root); background.X1 = 0; background.X2 = Width; background.Y1 = 0; background.Y2 = Height; background.FillColor = "#ffffff"; background.Show(); // Here we go CanvasText hello = new CanvasText(root); hello.X = 40; hello.Y = 10; hello.FillColor = "#000000"; hello.Text = "Hello, Canvas!"; hello.Show(); canvas1.Show(); window1.Add(canvas1); window1.ShowAll(); Application.Run(); } public static void Main() { new CanvasTest(); } void delete_event (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } } Gnome.CanvasItem GLib.IWrapper System.IDisposable Method System.Void Disposes the resources associated with the object. Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. An instance of CanvasText, wrapping the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.String Pango marked up text to render. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Boolean Whether to strike through the text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Int32 Offset of text above the baseline. an object of type an object of type This property specifies the offset of the text below the baseline if Rise is negative. Property System.String The text to display. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.String Name of the font family. an object of type an object of type e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace Property System.Double Y coordinate of anchor point. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double X coordinate of anchor point. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Height of clip rectangle. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.Stretch Pango stretch of font to use. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Gtk.Justification Justification for multiline text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Used to query the height of the rendered text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Vertical offset distance from anchor position. an object of type 'double' an object of type 'double' To be added Property Gdk.Drawable Stipple pattern for filling the text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Gtk.AnchorType Anchor position for the text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Size (in points) of font. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Int32 Pango weight of font to use. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Boolean Use clipping rectangle? an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.AttrList Reference to a Pango attribute list. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.Underline Pango underline style for text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Size of font, relative to default size. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.UInt32 RGBA value used for AA color an object of type an object of type The color should be specified in the format 0xRRGGBBAA (R: red, G: green, B: blue, A: alpha) Property System.Int32 Size (in pixels) of font. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.Double Width of clip rectangle. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.Style Pango style of font to use. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.Variant Pango variant of font to use. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Gdk.Color An allocated Gdk.Color specification for text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property Pango.FontDescription Font description as a Pango.FontDescription class. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.String Font description as a string. an object of type an object of type See for a description of the format of the string representation. Property System.Double Used to query the width of the rendered text. an object of type 'double' an object of type 'double' To be added Property System.Double Horizontal offset distance from anchor position. an object of type an object of type To be added Property System.String X color specification for text. an object of type an object of type To be added Property GLib.GType To be added a To be added Constructor To be added a a To be added Constructor To be added a To be added