// GtkSharp.Generation.Property.cs - The Property Generatable. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Mike Kestner // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class Property { protected XmlElement elem; protected ClassBase container_type; public string Name { get { return elem.GetAttribute ("name"); } } public Property (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; this.container_type = container_type; } public bool Validate () { string c_type = elem.GetAttribute("type"); SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; string cs_type = table.GetCSType(c_type); if (cs_type == "") { Console.Write("Property has unknown Type {0} ", c_type); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return false; } if (table.IsInterface(c_type)) { // FIXME: Handle interface props properly. Console.Write("Interface property detected "); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return false; } return true; } protected virtual string QuotedPropertyName (string cname) { return "\"" + cname + "\""; } protected virtual string PropertyHeader (ref string indent, string modifiers, string cs_type, string name) { string header; header = indent + "public " + modifiers + cs_type + " " + name + " {\n"; indent += "\t"; return header; } protected virtual string GetterHeader (string modifiers, string cs_type, string name) { return "get"; } protected virtual string RawGetter (string qpname) { return "GetProperty (" + qpname + ")"; } protected virtual string SetterHeader (string modifiers, string cs_type, string name) { return "set"; } protected virtual string RawSetter (string qpname) { return "SetProperty(" + qpname + ", val)"; } protected virtual string PropertyFooter (string indent) { return indent.Substring (1) + "}\n"; } public void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info) { SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; string c_type = elem.GetAttribute("type"); string cs_type = table.GetCSType(c_type); string modifiers = ""; if (elem.HasAttribute("new_flag") || (container_type.Parent != null && container_type.Parent.GetPropertyRecursively (Name) != null)) modifiers = "new "; XmlElement parent = (XmlElement) elem.ParentNode; string name = Name; if (name == container_type.Name) { name += "Prop"; } string qpname = QuotedPropertyName (elem.GetAttribute("cname")); string v_type = ""; if (table.IsEnum(c_type)) { v_type = "(int) (GLib.EnumWrapper)"; } else if (table.IsInterface(c_type)) { // FIXME: Handle interface props properly. Console.Write("Interface property detected "); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return; } else if (table.IsObject(c_type)) { v_type = "(GLib.UnwrappedObject)"; } else if (table.IsBoxed (c_type)) { v_type = "(GLib.Boxed)"; } else if (table.IsOpaque (c_type)) { v_type = "(GLib.Opaque)"; } if (elem.HasAttribute("construct-only") && !elem.HasAttribute("readable")) { return; } bool has_getter = false; bool has_setter = false; string getter_type = String.Empty; string setter_type = String.Empty; Method getter = container_type.GetMethod("Get" + Name); if (getter != null && getter.Validate () && getter.IsGetter) getter_type = getter.ReturnType; Method setter = container_type.GetMethod("Set" + Name); if (setter != null && setter.Validate () && setter.IsSetter) setter_type = setter.Signature.Types; if (getter_type != String.Empty && getter_type == setter_type) { has_getter = has_setter = true; getter.GenerateImport (sw); setter.GenerateImport (sw); cs_type = getter_type; } else { if (getter_type == cs_type) { has_getter = true; getter.GenerateImport(sw); } if (setter_type != String.Empty) { has_setter = true; setter.GenerateImport(sw); } if (has_setter && setter_type != cs_type) cs_type = setter_type; else if (has_getter && getter_type != cs_type) cs_type = getter_type; } sw.WriteLine(); string indent = "\t\t"; sw.Write(PropertyHeader (ref indent, modifiers, cs_type, name)); if (has_getter) { sw.Write(indent + GetterHeader (modifiers, cs_type, name)); getter.GenerateBody(gen_info, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (elem.HasAttribute("readable")) { sw.WriteLine(indent + GetterHeader (modifiers, cs_type, name) + " {"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tGLib.Value val = " + RawGetter (qpname) + ";"); if (table.IsObject (c_type)) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tSystem.IntPtr raw_ret = (System.IntPtr) {0} val;", v_type); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + cs_type + " ret = " + table.FromNativeReturn(c_type, "raw_ret") + ";"); if (!table.IsBoxed (c_type) && !table.IsObject (c_type)) sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tif (ret == null) ret = new " + cs_type + "(raw_ret);"); } else if (table.IsOpaque (c_type) || table.IsBoxed (c_type)) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + cs_type + " ret = (" + cs_type + ") val;"); } else { sw.Write(indent + "\t" + cs_type + " ret = "); sw.Write ("(" + cs_type + ") "); if (v_type != "") { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("val;"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\treturn ret;"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } if (has_setter) { sw.Write(indent + SetterHeader (modifiers, cs_type, name)); setter.GenerateBody(gen_info, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (elem.HasAttribute("writeable") && !elem.HasAttribute("construct-only")) { sw.WriteLine(indent + SetterHeader (modifiers, cs_type, name) + " {"); sw.Write(indent + "\tGLib.Value val = "); if (table.IsEnum(c_type)) { sw.WriteLine("new GLib.Value(this, " + qpname + ", new GLib.EnumWrapper ((int) value, {0}));", table.IsEnumFlags (c_type) ? "true" : "false"); } else if (table.IsBoxed (c_type)) { sw.WriteLine("(GLib.Value) value;"); } else if (table.IsOpaque (c_type)) { sw.WriteLine("new GLib.Value(Handle, " + qpname + ", value);"); } else { sw.Write("new GLib.Value("); if (v_type != "" && !(table.IsObject (c_type) || table.IsOpaque (c_type))) { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("value);"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + RawSetter (qpname) + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } sw.Write(PropertyFooter (indent)); sw.WriteLine(); Statistics.PropCount++; } } }