gnome-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. A widget used to implement first and last pages in a druid's sequence. A druid can be thought of as having a page that starts the sequence, one or more pages that end the sequences (there can be multiple end pages if the flow of pages diverges at some point) and some pages that are in between the start and end pages. The widget is for the first and last pages in a druid's sequence of pages. Pages in the "middle" of a sequence should use . Gnome.DruidPage Method System.Void Constructs a new widget. an object of type an object of type an object of type an object of type an object of type an object of type an object of type Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Creates a new widget. Position in druid. Constructor Creates a new widget with the values given. Position in druid. Use an antialiased canvas. The title. The introduction text. The logo in the upper right corner. The watermark on the left. The top watermark. It is acceptable for any of the reference values to be null. Property Gdk.Color The color of the page border. The color. Property System.String The page title. The page title. Property Gdk.Color The background color of the main text area. The color. Property Gdk.Color The color of the text in the body of the page. The color. Property Gdk.Color The background color to render the logo image against. The color. Property Gdk.Pixbuf The watermark image to display on the left strip on the druid. The watermark, as a If set to , then no left-side watermark will be displayed. Property Gdk.Pixbuf The watermark image to display on the top strip on the druid. The watermark, as a If set to , then no top watermark will be displayed. Property Gdk.Color The color of the title text. The color. Property Gdk.Pixbuf The logo to display in the top right corner. the logo, as a If set to , then no logo will be displayed. Property System.String The current text of the page. The text. Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Constructor Protected Constructor. a Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native value for your subclass. System.Obsolete Constructor To be added To be added Property System.UInt32 The position of the page within the druid. a System.Obsolete