gnome-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Pixbuf image canvas item A canvas item for drawing pixbuf images. Gnome.CanvasItem GLib.IWrapper System.IDisposable Method System.Void Disposes the resources associated with the object. Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. An instance of CanvasPixbuf, wrapping the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Internal constructor an object of type This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Creates a new CanvasPixbuf from . an object of type an object of type Property System.UInt32 The GLib Type for Gnome.CanvasPixbuf The GLib Type for the Gnome.CanvasPixbuf class. Property System.Double Pixbuf height. the height of this item The height of this item Property Gdk.Pixbuf The pixbuf image to draw. The pixbuf image to draw. The pixbuf image Property System.Boolean The unit used by the property if it is in pixel units, for canvas world units. The unit used by the property Property Gtk.AnchorType Anchor (handle) position within the pixbuf, defaults to (top left hand corner). The anchor is the point of reference for positioning the image. anchor (handle) position within the pixbuf Anchor (handle) position within the pixbuf Property System.Double Pixbuf width. Pixbuf width The width of the pixbuf Property System.Boolean Whether or not the should be used if the parameter is set and should be used as the pixbuf width, to use the actual width of the image. Whether or not the should be used Property System.Double The Y coordinate of the position to place the pixbuf Y coordinate The Y coordinate of the position to place the pixbuf Property System.Double The X coordinate of the position to place the pixbuf X coordinate the X coordinate of the position to place the pixbuf Property System.Boolean The unit used by the property. if it is in pixel units, for canvas world units. The unit used by the property. Property System.Boolean Whether or not the should be used if the parameter is set and should be used as the pixbuf width, to use the actual width of the image. Whether or not the should be used Property System.Boolean The unit used by the property if it is in pixel units, for canvas world units. The unit used by the property Property System.Boolean The unit used by the property if it is in pixel units, for canvas world units. The unit used by the property Constructor Internal constructor GLib type for the type Creates a new instance of CanvasPixbuf, using the GLib-provided type This is a constructor used by derivative types of that would have their own GLib type assigned to it. This is not typically used by C# code.