// CustomCellRenderer.cs : C# implementation of an example custom cellrenderer // from http://scentric.net/tutorial/sec-custom-cell-renderers.html // // Author: Todd Berman // // (c) 2004 Todd Berman using System; using Gtk; using Gdk; using GLib; public class CustomCellRenderer : CellRenderer { private float percent; public float Percentage { get { return percent; } set { percent = value; } } protected override void OnGetSize (Widget widget, ref Rectangle cell_area, out int x_offset, out int y_offset, out int width, out int height) { int calc_width = (int) this.Xpad * 2 + 100; int calc_height = (int) this.Ypad * 2 + 10; width = calc_width; height = calc_height; x_offset = 0; y_offset = 0; if (!cell_area.Equals (Rectangle.Zero)) { x_offset = (int) (this.Xalign * (cell_area.Width - calc_width)); x_offset = Math.Max (x_offset, 0); y_offset = (int) (this.Yalign * (cell_area.Height - calc_height)); y_offset = Math.Max (y_offset, 0); } } protected override void OnRender (Drawable window, Widget widget, Rectangle background_area, Rectangle cell_area, Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags) { int width = 0, height = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0; StateType state; OnGetSize (widget, ref cell_area, out x_offset, out y_offset, out width, out height); if (widget.HasFocus) state = StateType.Active; else state = StateType.Normal; width -= (int) this.Xpad * 2; height -= (int) this.Ypad * 2; //FIXME: Style.PaintBox needs some customization so that if you pass it //a Gdk.Rectangle.Zero it gives a clipping area big enough to draw //everything Gdk.Rectangle clipping_area = new Gdk.Rectangle ((int) (cell_area.X + x_offset + this.Xpad), (int) (cell_area.Y + y_offset + this.Ypad), width - 1, height - 1); Style.PaintBox (widget.Style, (Gdk.Window) window, StateType.Normal, ShadowType.In, clipping_area, widget, "trough", (int) (cell_area.X + x_offset + this.Xpad), (int) (cell_area.Y + y_offset + this.Ypad), width - 1, height - 1); Gdk.Rectangle clipping_area2 = new Gdk.Rectangle ((int) (cell_area.X + x_offset + this.Xpad), (int) (cell_area.Y + y_offset + this.Ypad), (int) (width * Percentage), height - 1); Style.PaintBox (widget.Style, (Gdk.Window) window, state, ShadowType.Out, clipping_area2, widget, "bar", (int) (cell_area.X + x_offset + this.Xpad), (int) (cell_area.Y + y_offset + this.Ypad), (int) (width * Percentage), height - 1); } } public class Driver : Gtk.Window { public static void Main () { Application.Init (); new Driver (); Application.Run (); } ListStore liststore; void ProgressData (Gtk.TreeViewColumn tree_column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel tree_model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { float perc = (float) liststore.GetValue (iter, 0); ((CustomCellRenderer)cell).Percentage = perc; } public Driver () : base ("CustomCellRenderer") { DefaultSize = new Size (150, 100); this.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (window_delete); liststore = new ListStore (typeof (float), typeof (string)); liststore.AppendValues (0.5f, "50%"); TreeView view = new TreeView (liststore); view.AppendColumn ("Progress", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); //Note: This *MUST* be done here, as its the only place Progress is //accessible. Maybe there should be an attribute that will do some //magic for you and register a property with the gobject system. view.AppendColumn ("Progress", new CustomCellRenderer (), new TreeCellDataFunc (ProgressData)); this.Add (view); this.ShowAll (); GLib.Timeout.Add (50, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (update_percent)); } bool increasing = true; bool update_percent () { TreeIter iter; liststore.GetIterFirst (out iter); float perc = (float) liststore.GetValue (iter, 0); if ((perc > 0.99) || (perc < 0.01 && perc > 0)) { increasing = !increasing; } if (increasing) perc += 0.01f; else perc -= 0.01f; liststore.SetValue (iter, 0, perc); liststore.SetValue (iter, 1, Convert.ToInt32 (perc * 100) + "%"); return true; } void window_delete (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); args.RetVal = true; } }