gdk-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Used in to indicate what the destination should do with the dropped data. None. System.Enum System.IComparable System.IConvertible System.IFormattable Field Gdk.DragAction The default action. The same as the Copy action. To be added Field Gdk.DragAction Copy the data. To be added Field Gdk.DragAction Move the data, i.e. first copy it, then delete it from the source using the DELETE targetof the X selection protocol. To be added Field Gdk.DragAction Add a link to the data. Note that this is only useful if source and destination agree on what it means. To be added Field Gdk.DragAction Special action which tells the source that the destination will do something that the source doesn't understand. To be added Field Gdk.DragAction Ask t user what to do with the data. To be added Field System.Int32 Internal field. Do not use.