gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Methods for drawing widget parts. GLib.Object Method Gdk.Color Gets the foreground color for a particular state A , the state being considered A Method Gdk.Color Sets the background of to the background color or pixmap specified by style for the state. A , the state being considered A color to be used for the background. Method Gdk.GC Gets the graphics context for the background of . a a , the graphics context Method Gdk.GC Gets the graphics context for the foreground of . a a , the graphics context Method System.Void Sets the default background. A A (TODO: explain) A A A , X coordinate of the upper left corner A , Y coordinate of the upper left corner A , width of the area A , height of the area TODO: explain this, as the underlying GTK+ isn't very well-commented either Method System.Void Set the background of to the color or pixmap specified by this style for . A A Method System.Void Detaches this style from the window it's attached to. Method Gdk.Pixbuf Renders the icon specified by at the given according to the given parameters and returns the result in a pixbuf. A A A A A A A TODO: needs an example. Method Gtk.Style Copy this style object to a new style object. A , a duplicate of this style. Method Gtk.IconSet Gets the icon set for the given . A A Method Gtk.Style Attaches a style to a window; this process allocates the colors and creates the GCs (graphics components) for the style - it specializes it to a particular visual and colormap. The process may involve the creation of a new style if the style has already been attached to a window with a different style and colormap. , the window to attach the style to Either , or a newly-created . If the style is newly created, the style parameter will be dereferenced, and the new style will have a reference count belonging to the caller. Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Public constructor Property Pango.FontDescription The font description used for a widget. a Property System.Int32 The Y thickness, which is used for vertical padding. A Property System.Int32 The X thickness, which is used for horizontal padding. An integer. (FIXME: xthickness and ythickness could be better documented.) Property Gdk.Color[] The foreground colors A Property Gdk.Color[] The background colors. A Property Gdk.Color Black. A Property Gdk.Color White. A Property Gdk.GC[] Gets the graphics context objects for the background. A Property Gdk.GC[] Gets the graphics context objects for the foreground. A Property Gdk.GC Gets a white graphics context. A Property Gdk.GC Gets a black graphics context. A Method System.Void Sets the graphics context for the foreground. a , the state of the widget to set the style for a Method System.Void Sets the graphics context for the background. a , the state of the widget to set the style for a Method Gdk.GC Returns the base graphics context for the widget. a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Sets the graphics context for the background. a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Method Gdk.GC Returns the graphics context for the widget's text. a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Sets the graphics context for text. a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Method System.Void Draws a box on the screen with the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a check button indicator in the given rectangle on with the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a resize grip in the given rectangle on using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a layout on the screen using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a radio button indicator in the given rectangle on with the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a slider widget with the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a diamond in the given rectangle on using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a shadow around the given rectangle in using the given style and state and shadow type. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a vertical line from (, ) to (, ) in using the given style and state. a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws an option menu tab (i.e. the up and down pointing arrows) in the given rectangle on using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a focus indicator around the given rectangle on using the given style. a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a shadow gap around the given widget using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws an extension for the given widget in the given style. a a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a flat box on with the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draw a handle graphic for the given widget using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draw an arrow at (, ) using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a horizontal line from (, ) to (, ) in using the given style and state. a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Draws a gap around a box using the given parameters. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Constructor Protected Constructor. a Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native value for your subclass. System.Obsolete(Message=null, IsError=False) Property Gdk.Color[] The colors to use for text. a Property Gdk.Color[] The base color set. a Method Gdk.Color Returns the color for text in the given state. a a Method Gdk.Color Returns the base color for the given state. a a Method System.Void Paints an expander using the style specified. a a a a a a a a a Method System.Void Paint a polygon. a a a a a a a a a Method Gdk.GC Returns the graphics context for anti-aliased text. a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Set the graphics context for anti-aliased text. a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Method Gdk.GC Returns a graphics context for light-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Set the graphics context for light-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Method Gdk.GC Returns a graphics context for dark-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Set the graphics context for dark-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Method Gdk.GC Returns a graphics context for medium-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to get the GC for a Method System.Void Set the graphics context for medium-colored drawing a , the state of the widget to set the GC for a Property Gdk.Font Deprecated. a The to use for a given style. This is deprecated and should not be used in new code. New code should use instead. System.Obsolete(Message=null, IsError=False) Event System.EventHandler Event fired when the aspects of the style specific to a particular colormap and depth are being cleaned up. A connection to this signal can be useful if a widget wants to cache objects like a as object data on . This signal provides a convenient place to free such cached objects. GLib.Signal(CName="unrealize") Event System.EventHandler Event triggered when the style has been initialized for a particular colormap and depth. Connecting to this signal is probably seldom useful since most of the time applications and widgets only deal with styles that have been already realized. GLib.Signal(CName="realize") Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method Gtk.Style Deprecated. Do not use. a Method System.Void Deprecated. Do not use. Property System.Int32 The "xthickness" value of the style. a This value is used for various horizontal padding values in Gtk. Property System.Int32 The "ythickness" value of the style. a This value is used for various vertical padding values in Gtk. Property Pango.FontDescription The value for the style. a Property Gdk.Color[] Light colors indexed by state. a Property Gdk.Color[] Mid colors indexed by state. a Property Gdk.Color[] Dark colors indexed by state. a Method Gdk.Color Gets the light color for a given state. a a Method Gdk.Color Gets the mid color for a given state. a a Method Gdk.Color Gets the dark color for a given state. a a Property Gdk.Pixmap[] Gets an array of background pixmaps. a Method Gdk.Pixmap Get the background pixmap for a given state. a a Method System.Void Sets the background pixmap for a given state. a a