if host_machine.system() == 'windows' if host_machine.cpu() == 'amd64' add_project_arguments('-define:WIN64LONGS', language: 'cs') endif endif version = meson.project_version() apiversion = '' mono_required_version = '>=3.2.0' gtk_required_version='>=3.0.0' glib_required_version='>=2.32.0' csc = meson.get_compiler('cs') runtime = '' if get_option('buildtype') == 'debug' or get_option('buildtype') == 'debugoptimized' runtime_debug_flags=' --debug' endif if csc.get_id() == 'mono' if not csc.version().version_compare(mono_required_version) error('Mono required version @0@ not found (@1@)'.format( mono_required_version, csc.version())) endif mono_runtime_dep = dependency('mono', required: false) if mono_runtime_dep.found() runtime = 'mono' + runtime_debug_flags endif endif install = get_option('install') assemblyinfo='/AssemblyInfo.cs' gacutil = find_program('gacutil') al = find_program('al') glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libglib_dep']) gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', version: glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libgio_dep']) # FIXME Check how to enabled debug flags (if at all needed). # TODO monodoc prefix = get_option('prefix') assembly_data = configuration_data() assembly_data.set_quoted('API_VERSION', apiversion) configure_file(input: 'AssemblyInfo.cs.in', output: 'AssemblyInfo.cs', configuration : assembly_data) policy_config = files('policy.config.in') if host_machine.system() == 'osx' lib_prefix='' lib_suffix='.dylib' else lib_prefix='.so' lib_suffix='' endif remap_dl_data = configuration_data() remap_dl_data.set('LIB_PREFIX', lib_prefix) remap_dl_data.set('LIB_SUFFIX', lib_suffix) pkg_version = meson.project_name() + '-3.0' version_data = configuration_data() version_data.set('VERSION', version) version_data.set('PACKAGE_VERSION', pkg_version) install_infos = [] nuget_infos = [] lib_install_dir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'mono', pkg_version) pkg_install_dir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'pkgconfig') gapi_xml_installdir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'gapi-3.0') schema = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'gapi.xsd') subdir('parser') subdir('generator') subdir('glib') subdir('gio') cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', required: false) if cairo_dep.found() subdir('cairo') else message('Cairo not found, not building') endif pango_dep = dependency('pango', required: false) if pango_dep.found() subdir('pango') else message('Pango not found, not building') endif atk_dep = dependency('atk', required: false) if atk_dep.found() subdir('atk') else message('Atk not found, not building') endif gdk_dep = dependency('gdk-3.0', version: gtk_required_version, required: false) if gdk_dep.found() and atk_dep.found() and pango_dep.found() subdir('gdk') has_gdk = true else message('Gdk not found, not building') has_gdk = false endif gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: gtk_required_version, required: false) if gtk_dep.found() and atk_dep.found() and pango_dep.found() subdir('gtk') subdir('sample/GtkDemo') subdir('sample/valtest') has_gtk = true else has_gtk = false message('Gtk not found, not building') endif nuget = find_program('nuget.py') license_path = 'https://github.com/gtk-sharp' project_uri = 'https://github.com/gtk-sharp' icon_uri = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5f/Gtk_Sharp_Logo.png' license_uri = 'https://github.com/gtk-sharp/gtk-sharp/blob/master/COPYING' deps = [] foreach nugetinfo: nuget_infos # FIXME - Pass proper '--owner' and '--author' cmd = [nuget, '--package-name', nugetinfo[0], '--assembly', nugetinfo[1].full_path(), '--project-url', project_uri, '--icon-url', icon_uri, '--license-url', license_uri, '--version', version, '--tags', 'gtk bindings', '--builddir', meson.current_build_dir()] foreach dep: nugetinfo[2] cmd += ['--dependency=' + dep + ':' + version] endforeach deps += [custom_target(nugetinfo[0] + '-nugget', command: cmd, depends: [nugetinfo[1]] + deps, output: nugetinfo[0] + '.' + version + '.nupkg')] endforeach if install gacutil_install = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'gacutil_install.py') meson.add_install_script(gacutil_install, install_infos) endif