using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Gtk; using GtkSharp; enum DialogType { Insert, Delete, Update } class Client { static Window window; static Dialog dialog; static Toolbar toolbar; static Table tableau; static Entry id_entry; static Entry name_entry; static Entry address_entry; static Statusbar status; static Stack statusIds; static VBox box; static IdConnection conn; static bool noConn; static void Main () { Application.Init (); window = new Window ("Database client"); window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete); window.DefaultSize = new Size (300, 200); box = new VBox (false, 0); window.Add (box); box.PackStart (CreateMenu (), false, false, 0); toolbar = new Toolbar (); PackToolbar (); box.PackStart (toolbar, false, false, 0); UpdateView (null); status = new Statusbar (); box.PackEnd (status, false, false, 0); window.ShowAll (); Application.Run (); } static uint context_id = 0; static void PushMessage (string message) { if (statusIds == null) statusIds = new Stack (); if (status != null) statusIds.Push (status.Push (context_id++, message)); } static void PopMessage () { if (statusIds == null || statusIds.Count == 0) return; status.Pop ((uint) statusIds.Pop ()); } static void PackToolbar () { toolbar.AppendItem ("Insert", "Insert a row", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.Add, IconSize.LargeToolbar), new SignalFunc (Db_Insert)); toolbar.AppendItem ("Remove", "Remove a row", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.Remove, IconSize.LargeToolbar), new SignalFunc (Db_Remove)); toolbar.AppendItem ("Update", "Update a row", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.Italic, IconSize.LargeToolbar), new SignalFunc (Db_Update)); toolbar.AppendItem ("Refresh", "Refresh the view", String.Empty, new Gtk.Image (Stock.Refresh, IconSize.LargeToolbar), new SignalFunc (UpdateView)); toolbar.AppendSpace (); toolbar.InsertStock (Stock.Quit, "Quit", String.Empty, new SignalFunc (Quit), -1); toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz; } static void Window_Delete (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); args.RetVal = true; } static void UpdateView (Gtk.Object o) { if (tableau != null) tableau.Destroy (); PopMessage (); PushMessage (""); ArrayList dataList = null; try { dataList = Conn.SelectAll (); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error accesing DB.\n"); Console.WriteLine (e.Message); Console.Write ("\nYou should set up a PostgreSQL database for user 'monotest', "); Console.Write ("password\n'monotest' and dbname 'monotest' accesible "); Console.WriteLine ("through the loopback interface.\n"); Console.WriteLine ("The database should have a table called customers " + "created with the following\ncommand:\n"); Console.WriteLine ("CREATE TABLE \"customers\" ("); Console.WriteLine ("\t\"id\" integer NOT NULL,"); Console.WriteLine ("\t\"name\" character varying(256) NOT NULL,"); Console.WriteLine ("\t\"address\" character varying(256) NOT NULL"); Console.WriteLine (");\n"); Console.WriteLine ("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX id_idx ON customers USING btree (id);\n"); Environment.Exit (1); } tableau = new Gtk.Table ((uint) dataList.Count + 1, 3, false); DrawTitles (tableau); tableau.ColSpacings = 10; uint i = 1; foreach (Record r in dataList) { tableau.Attach (new Label (r.ID.ToString ()), 0, 1, i, i + 1); tableau.Attach (new Label (r.Name), 1, 2, i, i + 1); tableau.Attach (new Label (r.Address), 2, 3, i, i + 1); i++; } tableau.Show (); box.PackStart (tableau, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll (); } static void DrawTitles (Gtk.Table t) { Label label = null; label = new Label (String.Empty); label.Markup = "ID"; label.UseMarkup = true; t.Attach (label, 0, 1, 0, 1); label = new Label (String.Empty); label.Markup = "Name"; label.UseMarkup = true; t.Attach (label, 1, 2, 0, 1); label = new Label (String.Empty); label.Markup = "Address"; label.UseMarkup = true; t.Attach (label, 2, 3, 0, 1); } static void Db_Insert (Gtk.Object o) { if (dialog != null) { return; } dialog = new Dialog (); dialog.Title = "Insert row"; dialog.BorderWidth = 3; dialog.VBox.BorderWidth = 5; dialog.HasSeparator = false; Frame frame = new Frame ("Insert a row"); frame.Add (MakeDialog (Stock.DialogInfo, DialogType.Insert)); dialog.VBox.PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); Button button = null; button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Add); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Insert_Action); button.CanDefault = true; dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); button.GrabDefault (); button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Cancel); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Dialog_Cancel); dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); dialog.Modal = true; dialog.ShowAll (); } static void Db_Remove (Gtk.Object o) { if (dialog != null) { return; } dialog = new Dialog (); dialog.Title = "Remove row"; dialog.BorderWidth = 3; dialog.VBox.BorderWidth = 5; dialog.HasSeparator = false; Frame frame = new Frame ("Remove a row"); frame.Add (MakeDialog (Stock.DialogWarning, DialogType.Delete)); dialog.VBox.PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); Button button = null; button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Remove); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Remove_Action); button.CanDefault = true; dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); button.GrabDefault (); button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Cancel); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Dialog_Cancel); dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); dialog.ShowAll (); } static Widget MakeDialog (string image, DialogType type) { HBox hbox = new HBox (false, 2); hbox.BorderWidth = 5; hbox.PackStart (new Gtk.Image (image, IconSize.Dialog), true, true, 0); Table table = new Table (3, 3, false); hbox.PackStart (table); table.ColSpacings = 4; table.RowSpacings = 4; Label label = null; label = Label.NewWithMnemonic ("_ID"); table.Attach (label, 0, 1, 0, 1); id_entry = new Entry (); table.Attach (id_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1); label = Label.NewWithMnemonic ("_Name"); table.Attach (label, 0, 1, 1, 2); name_entry = new Entry (); if (type == DialogType.Delete) name_entry.Sensitive = false; table.Attach (name_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2); label = Label.NewWithMnemonic ("_Address"); table.Attach (label, 0, 1, 2, 3); address_entry = new Entry (); if (type == DialogType.Delete) address_entry.Sensitive = false; table.Attach (address_entry, 1, 2, 2, 3); return hbox ; } static void Db_Update (Gtk.Object o) { if (dialog != null) { return; } dialog = new Dialog (); dialog.Title = "Update row"; dialog.BorderWidth = 3; dialog.VBox.BorderWidth = 5; dialog.HasSeparator = false; Frame frame = new Frame ("Update row"); frame.Add (MakeDialog (Stock.DialogWarning, DialogType.Update)); dialog.VBox.PackStart (frame, true, true, 0); Button button = null; button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Apply); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Update_Action); button.CanDefault = true; dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); button.GrabDefault (); button = Button.NewFromStock (Stock.Cancel); button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Dialog_Cancel); dialog.ActionArea.PackStart (button, true, true, 0); dialog.ShowAll (); } static void Quit (Gtk.Object o) { Application.Quit (); } static void Insert_Action (object o, EventArgs args) { try { Conn.Insert (UInt32.Parse (id_entry.Text), name_entry.Text, address_entry.Text); UpdateView (o as Gtk.Object); } catch (Exception e) { PushMessage (e.Message); } dialog.Destroy (); dialog = null; } static void Remove_Action (object o, EventArgs args) { try { Conn.Delete (UInt32.Parse (id_entry.Text)); UpdateView (o as Gtk.Object); } catch (Exception e) { PushMessage (e.Message); } dialog.Destroy (); dialog = null; } static void Update_Action (object o, EventArgs args) { try { Conn.Update (UInt32.Parse (id_entry.Text), name_entry.Text, address_entry.Text); UpdateView (o as Gtk.Object); } catch (Exception e) { PushMessage (e.Message); } dialog.Destroy (); dialog = null; } static void Dialog_Cancel (object o, EventArgs args) { dialog.Destroy (); dialog = null; } static Gtk.MenuBar CreateMenu () { MenuBar mb = new MenuBar (); Menu file_menu = new Menu (); ImageMenuItem quit_item = new ImageMenuItem ("Quit"); quit_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Quit, IconSize.Menu); quit_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Quit_Activated); file_menu.Append (new SeparatorMenuItem ()); file_menu.Append (quit_item); MenuItem file_item = new MenuItem ("_File"); file_item.Submenu = file_menu; mb.Append (file_item); Menu action_menu = new Menu (); MenuItem action_item = new MenuItem ("_Action"); action_item.Submenu = action_menu; mb.Append (action_item); ImageMenuItem insert_item = new ImageMenuItem ("Insert"); insert_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Add, IconSize.Menu); insert_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Insert_Activated); action_menu.Append (insert_item); ImageMenuItem remove_item = new ImageMenuItem ("Remove"); remove_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Remove, IconSize.Menu); remove_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Remove_Activated); action_menu.Append (remove_item); ImageMenuItem update_item = new ImageMenuItem ("Update"); update_item.Image = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Italic, IconSize.Menu); update_item.Activated += new EventHandler (Update_Activated); action_menu.Append (update_item); Menu help_menu = new Menu (); MenuItem help_item = new MenuItem ("_Help"); help_item.Submenu = help_menu; MenuItem about = new MenuItem ("About"); about.Activated += new EventHandler (About_Box); help_menu.Append (about); mb.Append (help_item); return mb; } static void Insert_Activated (object o, EventArgs args) { Db_Insert (o as Gtk.Object); } static void Remove_Activated (object o, EventArgs args) { Db_Remove (o as Gtk.Object); } static void Update_Activated (object o, EventArgs args) { Db_Update (o as Gtk.Object); } static void Quit_Activated (object o, EventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } static void About_Box (object o, EventArgs args) { string [] authors = new string [] { "Gonzalo Paniagua (", "Duncan Mak (", }; string [] documenters = new string [] {}; Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf ("../pixmaps/gtk-sharp-logo.png"); Gnome.About about = new Gnome.About ("Database Client", "0.1", "Copyright (C) 2002, Ximian Inc.", "A Sample Database client", authors, documenters, "", pixbuf); about.Show (); } static IdConnection Conn { get { if (conn == null) conn = new IdConnection (); return conn; } } } struct Record { public uint ID; public string Name; public string Address; public Record (uint i, string s, string t) { ID = i; Name = s; Address = t; } } class IdConnection : IDisposable { private SqlConnection cnc; private bool disposed; public IdConnection () { cnc = new SqlConnection (); string connectionString = "" + "" + "user=monotest;" + "dbname=monotest"; cnc.ConnectionString = connectionString; try { cnc.Open (); } catch (Exception){ cnc = null; throw; } } public void Insert (uint id, string name, string address) { string insertCmd = String.Format ("INSERT INTO customers VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}')", id, name.Trim (), address.Trim ()); IDbCommand insertCommand = cnc.CreateCommand(); insertCommand.CommandText = insertCmd; insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } public void Delete (uint id) { string deleteCmd = String.Format ("DELETE FROM customers WHERE id = {0}", id); IDbCommand deleteCommand = cnc.CreateCommand(); deleteCommand.CommandText = deleteCmd; deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (); } public bool Update (uint id, string name, string address) { string updateCmd = String.Format ("UPDATE customers SET name = '{1}', address = '{2}' WHERE id = {0}", id, name.Trim (), address.Trim ()); IDbCommand updateCommand = cnc.CreateCommand(); updateCommand.CommandText = updateCmd; bool updated = false; return (updateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () != 0); } public ArrayList SelectAll () { IDbCommand selectCommand = cnc.CreateCommand(); string selectCmd = "SELECT id, name, address FROM customers ORDER by id"; selectCommand.CommandText = selectCmd; IDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader (); return FillDataList (reader); } public Record Select (uint id) { IDbCommand selectCommand = cnc.CreateCommand(); string selectCmd = "SELECT id, name, address FROM customers WHERE id = " + id; selectCommand.CommandText = selectCmd; IDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader (); ArrayList list = FillDataList (reader); return (Record) list [0]; } private ArrayList FillDataList (IDataReader reader) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList (); while (reader.Read ()) { Record data = new Record (UInt32.Parse (reader.GetValue (0).ToString ()), (string) reader.GetValue (1), (string) reader.GetValue (2)); list.Add (data); } return list; } protected virtual void Dispose (bool exp) { if (!disposed && cnc != null) { disposed = true; try { cnc.Close (); } catch (Exception) { } cnc = null; } } public void Dispose () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } ~IdConnection () { Dispose (false); } }