// GtkSharp.Generation.CallbackGen.cs - The Callback Generatable. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mike Kestner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class CallbackGen : GenBase, IGeneratable { private Parameters parms; private Signature sig = null; private ImportSignature isig = null; public CallbackGen (XmlElement ns, XmlElement elem) : base (ns, elem) { if (elem ["parameters"] != null) { parms = new Parameters (elem ["parameters"], NS); parms.HideData = true; } } public string MarshalType { get { return NS + "Sharp." + Name + "Native"; } } public string MarshalReturnType { get { return MarshalType; } } public string CallByName (string var_name) { return var_name + ".NativeDelegate"; } public string FromNative(string var) { return var; } public string FromNativeReturn(string var) { return FromNative (var); } public virtual string ToNativeReturn(string var) { return CallByName (var); } public string GenWrapper (string ns, GenerationInfo gen_info) { string wrapper = Name + "Native"; string qualname = ns + "Sharp." + wrapper; isig = new ImportSignature (parms, NS); StreamWriter sw = gen_info.OpenStream (qualname); sw.WriteLine ("namespace " + ns + "Sharp {"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\tusing System;"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("#region Autogenerated code"); SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; XmlElement ret_elem = Elem["return-type"]; string rettype = ret_elem.GetAttribute("type"); string m_ret = table.GetMarshalReturnType (rettype); string s_ret = table.GetCSType (rettype); ClassBase ret_wrapper = table.GetClassGen (rettype); sw.WriteLine ("\tinternal delegate " + m_ret + " " + wrapper + "(" + isig.ToString() + ");"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\tinternal class " + Name + "Wrapper : GLib.DelegateWrapper {"); if (m_ret != "void") { if (table.IsEnum (rettype)) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic int _dummy;"); } else if (ret_wrapper != null && (ret_wrapper is ObjectGen || ret_wrapper is OpaqueGen)) { // Do nothing } else if (!table.IsStruct (rettype) && !table.IsBoxed (rettype)) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0} _dummy;", m_ret); } } sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + m_ret + " NativeCallback (" + isig.ToString() + ")"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); int count = (parms != null) ? parms.Count : 0; int idx = 0; bool need_sep = false; string call_str = ""; string cleanup_str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string parm_name = parms[i].Name; string ctype = parms[i].CType; if (i > 0 && parms[i].IsLength && parms[i-1].IsString) continue; if ((i == count - 1) && ctype == "gpointer" && (parm_name.EndsWith ("data") || parm_name.EndsWith ("data_or_owner"))) continue; if (ctype == "GError**") { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t" + parm_name + " = IntPtr.Zero;"); continue; } string cstype = parms[i].CSType; ClassBase parm_wrapper = table.GetClassGen (ctype); sw.Write("\t\t\t" + cstype + " _arg" + idx); if (parms[i].PassAs == "out") { sw.WriteLine(";"); cleanup_str += "\t\t\t" + parm_name + " = " + table.CallByName (ctype, "_arg" + idx) + ";\n"; } else sw.WriteLine(" = " + table.FromNative (ctype, parm_name) + ";"); if (need_sep) call_str += ", "; else need_sep = true; call_str += String.Format ("{0} _arg{1}", parms[i].PassAs, idx); idx++; } sw.Write ("\t\t\t"); string invoke = "_managed (" + call_str + ")"; if (m_ret != "void") { if (cleanup_str == "") sw.Write ("return "); else { sw.Write (m_ret + " ret = "); cleanup_str += "\t\t\treturn ret;\n"; } if (ret_wrapper != null && (ret_wrapper is ObjectGen || ret_wrapper is OpaqueGen)) sw.WriteLine ("(({0}) {1}).Handle;", s_ret, invoke); else if (table.IsStruct (rettype) || table.IsBoxed (rettype)) { // Shoot. I have no idea what to do here. sw.WriteLine ("IntPtr.Zero;"); } else if (table.IsEnum (rettype)) sw.WriteLine ("(int) {0};", invoke); else sw.WriteLine ("({0}) {1};", m_ret, table.ToNativeReturn (rettype, invoke)); } else sw.WriteLine (invoke + ";"); if (cleanup_str != "") sw.Write (cleanup_str); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tinternal {0} NativeDelegate;", wrapper); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tprotected {0} _managed;", NS + "." + Name); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic {0} ({1} managed, object o) : base (o)", Name + "Wrapper", NS + "." + Name); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tNativeDelegate = new {0} (NativeCallback);", wrapper); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t_managed = managed;"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine ("\t}"); sw.WriteLine ("#endregion"); sw.WriteLine ("}"); sw.Close (); return ns + "Sharp." + Name + "Wrapper"; } public void Generate () { GenerationInfo gen_info = new GenerationInfo (NSElem); Generate (gen_info); } public void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info) { XmlElement ret_elem = Elem["return-type"]; if (ret_elem == null) { Console.WriteLine("No return type in callback " + CName); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return; } SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; string rettype = ret_elem.GetAttribute("type"); string s_ret = table.GetCSType (rettype); if (s_ret == "") { Console.WriteLine("rettype: " + rettype + " in callback " + CName); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return; } if ((parms != null) && !parms.Validate ()) { Console.WriteLine(" in callback " + CName + " **** Stubbing it out ****"); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; parms = null; } sig = new Signature (parms); StreamWriter sw = gen_info.OpenStream (Name); sw.WriteLine ("namespace " + NS + " {"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\tusing System;"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\tpublic delegate " + s_ret + " " + Name + "(" + sig.ToString() + ");"); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("}"); sw.Close (); GenWrapper (NS, gen_info); Statistics.CBCount++; } } }