glib-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Base class for GList and GSList. System.Object System.IDisposable System.Collections.ICollection System.Collections.IEnumerable GLib.IWrapper System.ICloneable Field System.Type To be added To be added Method System.Object To be added an object of type To be added Method System.Void To be added To be added Method System.Void To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Method System.Void To be added an object of type To be added Method System.Void To be added an object of type To be added Method System.Void To be added an object of type To be added Method System.Void Disposes the resources associated with the object. Property System.Object To be added an object of type To be added Property System.Boolean To be added an object of type To be added Property System.Int32 To be added an object of type To be added Property System.IntPtr A raw list reference for marshaling situations. an object of type Property System.Boolean To be added an object of type an object of type To be added Method System.Collections.IEnumerator To be added a To be added