// GtkSharp.Generation.Method.cs - The Method Generatable. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // (c) 2001-2002 Mike Kestner namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class Method { private string libname; private XmlElement elem; private Parameters parms; private ClassBase container_type; private bool initialized = false; private string sig, isig, call; private string rettype, m_ret, s_ret; private string name, cname, safety; private string protection = "public"; private bool is_get, is_set; public Method (string libname, XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; if (elem["parameters"] != null) parms = new Parameters (elem["parameters"]); this.container_type = container_type; this.name = elem.GetAttribute("name"); if (name == "GetType") name = "GetGType"; // override library - used in pixbuf API fixage if (elem.HasAttribute ("library")) this.libname = elem.GetAttribute ("library"); else this.libname = libname; } public bool IsGetter { get { return is_get; } } public bool IsSetter { get { return is_set; } } public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public Parameters Params { get { return parms; } } public string Protection { get { return protection; } set { protection = value; } } public string ReturnType { get { return s_ret; } } public override bool Equals (object o) { if (!(o is Method)) return false; /* return (this == (Method) o); } public static bool operator == (Method a, Method b) { if (a == null) return (b */ Method a = this; Method b = (Method) o; if (a.Name != b.Name) return false; if (a.Params == null) return b.Params == null; if (b.Params == null) return false; return (a.Params.SignatureTypes == b.Params.SignatureTypes); } /* public static bool operator != (Method a, Method b) { return !( if (a.Name == b.Name) return false; if (a.Params == null) return b.Params != null; if (b.Params == null) return true; return (a.Params.SignatureTypes != b.Params.SignatureTypes); } */ private bool Initialize () { if (initialized) return true; if (parms != null && !parms.Validate ()) { Console.Write ("in method " + Name + " "); return false; } XmlElement ret_elem = elem["return-type"]; if (ret_elem == null) { Console.Write("Missing return type in method "); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return false; } rettype = ret_elem.GetAttribute("type"); m_ret = SymbolTable.GetMarshalReturnType(rettype); s_ret = SymbolTable.GetCSType(rettype); cname = elem.GetAttribute("cname"); bool is_shared = elem.HasAttribute("shared"); if (ret_elem.HasAttribute("array")) { s_ret += "[]"; m_ret += "[]"; } if (parms != null && parms.ThrowsException) safety = "unsafe "; else safety = ""; is_get = ((parms != null && ((parms.IsAccessor && s_ret == "void") || (parms.Count == 0 && s_ret != "void")) || (parms == null && s_ret != "void")) && Name.Length > 3 && Name.Substring(0, 3) == "Get"); is_set = ((parms != null && (parms.IsAccessor || (parms.Count == 1 && s_ret == "void"))) && (Name.Length > 3 && Name.Substring(0, 3) == "Set")); if (parms != null) { parms.CreateSignature (is_set); sig = "(" + parms.Signature + ")"; isig = "(" + (is_shared ? "" : container_type.MarshalType + " raw, ") + parms.ImportSig + ");"; call = "(" + (is_shared ? "" : container_type.CallByName () + ", ") + parms.CallString + ")"; } else { sig = "()"; isig = "(" + (is_shared ? "" : container_type.MarshalType + " raw") + ");"; call = "(" + (is_shared ? "" : container_type.CallByName ()) + ")"; } initialized = true; return true; } public bool Validate () { if (!Initialize ()) return false; if (m_ret == "" || s_ret == "") { Console.Write("rettype: " + rettype + " method "); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return false; } return true; } private Method GetComplement () { char complement; if (is_get) complement = 'S'; else complement = 'G'; return container_type.GetMethod (complement + elem.GetAttribute("name").Substring (1)); } private void GenerateDeclCommon (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { if (elem.HasAttribute("shared")) sw.Write("static "); sw.Write(safety); Method dup = null; if (Name == "ToString") sw.Write("override "); else if (Name == "GetGType" && container_type is ObjectGen) sw.Write("new "); else if (elem.HasAttribute("new_flag") || (container_type != null && (dup = container_type.GetMethodRecursively (Name)) != null) || (implementor != null && (dup = implementor.GetMethodRecursively (Name)) != null)) { if (dup != null && dup.parms != null) dup.parms.CreateSignature (false); if (dup != null && ((dup.parms != null && dup.parms.Signature == parms.Signature) || (dup.parms == null && parms == null))) sw.Write("new "); } if (is_get || is_set) { if (s_ret == "void") s_ret = parms.AccessorReturnType; sw.Write(s_ret); sw.Write(" "); sw.Write(Name.Substring (3)); sw.WriteLine(" { "); } else { sw.Write(s_ret + " " + Name + sig); } } public void GenerateDecl (StreamWriter sw) { if (!Initialize ()) return; if (elem.HasAttribute("shared")) return; GenerateComments (sw); if (is_get || is_set) { Method comp = GetComplement (); if (comp != null && comp.Validate () && is_set) return; sw.Write("\t\t"); GenerateDeclCommon (sw, null); sw.Write("\t\t\t"); sw.Write ((is_get) ? "get;" : "set;"); if (comp != null && comp.is_set) sw.WriteLine (" set;"); else sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); } else { sw.Write("\t\t"); GenerateDeclCommon (sw, null); sw.WriteLine (";"); } Statistics.MethodCount++; } void GenerateComments (StreamWriter sw) { string summary, sname; sw.WriteLine(); if (is_get || is_set) { summary = "Property"; sname = Name.Substring (3); } else { summary = "Method"; sname = Name; } sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// " + sname + " " + summary + " "); sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// To be completed "); } public void GenerateImport (StreamWriter sw) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t[DllImport(\"" + libname + "\")]"); sw.Write("\t\tstatic extern " + safety + m_ret + " " + cname + isig); sw.WriteLine(); } public void Generate (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { Generate (sw, implementor, true); } public void Generate (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor, bool gen_docs) { Method comp = null; if (!Initialize ()) return; if (implementor != null && elem.HasAttribute("shared")) return; /* we are generated by the get Method, if there is one */ if (is_set || is_get) { if (container_type.GetPropertyRecursively (Name.Substring (3)) != null) return; comp = GetComplement (); if (comp != null && comp.Validate () && is_set && parms.AccessorReturnType == comp.s_ret) return; if (comp != null && is_set && parms.AccessorReturnType != comp.s_ret) { is_set = false; parms.CreateSignature (false); call = "(Handle, " + parms.CallString + ")"; comp = null; } /* some setters take more than one arg */ if (comp != null && !comp.is_set) comp = null; } GenerateImport (sw); if (comp != null && s_ret == comp.parms.AccessorReturnType) comp.GenerateImport (sw); if (gen_docs) GenerateComments (sw); sw.Write("\t\t"); if (protection != "") sw.Write("{0} ", protection); GenerateDeclCommon (sw, implementor); if (is_get || is_set) { sw.Write ("\t\t\t"); sw.Write ((is_get) ? "get" : "set"); GenerateBody (sw, "\t"); } else GenerateBody (sw, ""); if (is_get || is_set) { if (comp != null && s_ret == comp.parms.AccessorReturnType) { sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write ("\t\t\tset"); comp.GenerateBody (sw, "\t"); } sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); } else sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine(); Statistics.MethodCount++; } public void GenerateBody (StreamWriter sw, string indent) { GenerateBody(sw, indent, ""); } public void GenerateBody (StreamWriter sw, string indent, string cast_type) { sw.WriteLine(" {"); if (parms != null) parms.Initialize(sw, is_get, indent); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t\t"); if (m_ret == "void") { sw.WriteLine(cname + call + ";"); } else { if (SymbolTable.IsObject (rettype) || SymbolTable.IsOpaque (rettype)) { sw.WriteLine(m_ret + " raw_ret = " + cname + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent +"\t\t\t" + s_ret + " ret = " + SymbolTable.FromNativeReturn(rettype, "raw_ret") + ";"); // sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\tif (ret == null) ret = new " + s_ret + "(raw_ret);"); } else { sw.WriteLine(m_ret + " raw_ret = " + cname + call + ";"); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t\t"); sw.WriteLine(s_ret + " ret = " + SymbolTable.FromNativeReturn(rettype, "raw_ret") + ";"); } } if (parms != null) { parms.Finish (sw, indent); parms.HandleException (sw, indent); } if (is_get && parms != null) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn " + parms.AccessorName + ";"); else if (m_ret != "void") sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn ret;"); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t}"); } } }