// NodeStore.cs - Tree store implementation for TreeView. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // Copyright (c) 2003 Novell, Inc. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, // Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. namespace Gtk { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class NodeStore : GLib.Object { class IDHashtable : Hashtable { class IDComparer : IComparer { public int Compare (object x, object y) { if ((int) x == (int) y) return 0; else return 1; } } class IDHashCodeProvider : IHashCodeProvider { public int GetHashCode (object o) { return (int) o; } } public IDHashtable () : base (new IDHashCodeProvider (), new IDComparer ()) {} } delegate int GetFlagsDelegate (); delegate int GetNColumnsDelegate (); delegate IntPtr GetColumnTypeDelegate (int col); delegate bool GetNodeDelegate (out int node_idx, IntPtr path); delegate IntPtr GetPathDelegate (int node_idx); delegate void GetValueDelegate (int node_idx, int col, ref GLib.Value val); delegate bool NextDelegate (ref int node_idx); delegate bool ChildrenDelegate (out int child, int parent); delegate bool HasChildDelegate (int node_idx); delegate int NChildrenDelegate (int node_idx); delegate bool NthChildDelegate (out int child, int parent, int n); delegate bool ParentDelegate (out int parent, int child); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct TreeModelIfaceDelegates { public GetFlagsDelegate get_flags; public GetNColumnsDelegate get_n_columns; public GetColumnTypeDelegate get_column_type; public GetNodeDelegate get_node; public GetPathDelegate get_path; public GetValueDelegate get_value; public NextDelegate next; public ChildrenDelegate children; public HasChildDelegate has_child; public NChildrenDelegate n_children; public NthChildDelegate nth_child; public ParentDelegate parent; } int stamp; Hashtable node_hash = new IDHashtable (); GLib.GType[] ctypes; PropertyInfo[] getters; int n_cols = 1; ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList (); TreeModelIfaceDelegates tree_model_iface; int get_flags_cb () { return (int) TreeModelFlags.ItersPersist; } int get_n_columns_cb () { return n_cols; } IntPtr get_column_type_cb (int col) { return ctypes [col].Val; } bool get_node_cb (out int node_idx, IntPtr path) { if (path == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException ("path"); TreePath treepath = new TreePath (path); node_idx = -1; ITreeNode node = GetNodeAtPath (treepath); if (node == null) return false; node_idx = node.ID; node_hash [node.ID] = node; return true; } IntPtr get_path_cb (int node_idx) { ITreeNode node = node_hash [node_idx] as ITreeNode; if (node == null) throw new Exception ("Invalid Node ID"); return GetPath (node).Handle; } [DllImport("libgobject-2.0-0.dll")] static extern void g_value_init (ref GLib.Value val, IntPtr type); void get_value_cb (int node_idx, int col, ref GLib.Value val) { ITreeNode node = node_hash [node_idx] as ITreeNode; if (node == null) return; g_value_init (ref val, ctypes [col].Val); object col_val = getters[col].GetValue (node, null); val.Val = col_val; } bool next_cb (ref int node_idx) { ITreeNode node = node_hash [node_idx] as ITreeNode; if (node == null) return false; int idx; if (node.Parent == null) idx = Nodes.IndexOf (node); else idx = node.Parent.IndexOf (node); if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Node not found in Nodes list"); if (node.Parent == null) { if (++idx >= Nodes.Count) return false; node = Nodes [idx] as ITreeNode; } else { if (++idx >= node.Parent.ChildCount) return false; node = node.Parent [idx]; } node_hash [node.ID] = node; node_idx = node.ID; return true; } bool children_cb (out int child_idx, int parent) { child_idx = -1; ITreeNode node; if (parent == -1) { if (Nodes.Count <= 0) return false; node = Nodes [0] as ITreeNode; child_idx = node.ID; node_hash [node.ID] = node; return true; } node = node_hash [parent] as ITreeNode; if (node == null || node.ChildCount <= 0) return false; ITreeNode child = node [0]; node_hash [child.ID] = child; child_idx = child.ID; return true; } bool has_child_cb (int node_idx) { ITreeNode node = node_hash [node_idx] as ITreeNode; if (node == null || node.ChildCount <= 0) return false; return true; } int n_children_cb (int node_idx) { if (node_idx == -1) return Nodes.Count; ITreeNode node = node_hash [node_idx] as ITreeNode; if (node == null || node.ChildCount <= 0) return 0; return node.ChildCount; } bool nth_child_cb (out int child_idx, int parent, int n) { child_idx = -1; ITreeNode node; if (parent == -1) { if (Nodes.Count <= n) return false; node = Nodes [n] as ITreeNode; child_idx = node.ID; node_hash [node.ID] = node; return true; } node = node_hash [parent] as ITreeNode; if (node == null || node.ChildCount <= n) return false; ITreeNode child = node [n]; node_hash [child.ID] = child; child_idx = child.ID; return true; } bool parent_cb (out int parent_idx, int child) { parent_idx = -1; ITreeNode node = node_hash [child] as ITreeNode; if (node == null || node.Parent == null) return false; node_hash [node.Parent.ID] = node.Parent; parent_idx = node.Parent.ID; return true; } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern void gtksharp_node_store_set_tree_model_callbacks (IntPtr raw, ref TreeModelIfaceDelegates cbs); private void BuildTreeModelIface () { tree_model_iface.get_flags = new GetFlagsDelegate (get_flags_cb); tree_model_iface.get_n_columns = new GetNColumnsDelegate (get_n_columns_cb); tree_model_iface.get_column_type = new GetColumnTypeDelegate (get_column_type_cb); tree_model_iface.get_node = new GetNodeDelegate (get_node_cb); tree_model_iface.get_path = new GetPathDelegate (get_path_cb); tree_model_iface.get_value = new GetValueDelegate (get_value_cb); tree_model_iface.next = new NextDelegate (next_cb); tree_model_iface.children = new ChildrenDelegate (children_cb); tree_model_iface.has_child = new HasChildDelegate (has_child_cb); tree_model_iface.n_children = new NChildrenDelegate (n_children_cb); tree_model_iface.nth_child = new NthChildDelegate (nth_child_cb); tree_model_iface.parent = new ParentDelegate (parent_cb); gtksharp_node_store_set_tree_model_callbacks (Handle, ref tree_model_iface); } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_node_store_new (); public NodeStore (Type node_type) : base (IntPtr.Zero) { Raw = gtksharp_node_store_new (); ScanType (node_type); BuildTreeModelIface (); } void ScanType (Type type) { object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes (false); foreach (TreeNodeAttribute attr in type.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TreeNodeAttribute), false)) n_cols = attr.ColumnCount; ctypes = new GLib.GType [n_cols]; getters = new PropertyInfo [n_cols]; foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties ()) { foreach (TreeNodeValueAttribute attr in pi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TreeNodeValueAttribute), false)) { int col = attr.Column; getters [col] = pi; GLib.GType ctype = GLib.TypeConverter.LookupType (pi.PropertyType); if (ctype == GLib.GType.Invalid) throw new Exception ("Unknown type"); ctypes[col] = ctype; } } } private IList Nodes { get { return nodes as IList; } } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern void gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_changed (IntPtr handle, IntPtr path, int node_idx); private void changed_cb (object o, EventArgs args) { ITreeNode node = o as ITreeNode; node_hash [node.ID] = node; gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_changed (Handle, get_path_cb (node.ID), node.ID); } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern void gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_inserted (IntPtr handle, IntPtr path, int node_idx); private void child_added_cb (object o, ITreeNode child) { node_hash [child.ID] = child; gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_inserted (Handle, get_path_cb (child.ID), child.ID); } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern void gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_deleted (IntPtr handle, IntPtr path); [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern void gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_has_child_toggled (IntPtr handle, IntPtr path, int node_idx); private void child_deleted_cb (object o, int idx) { ITreeNode node = o as ITreeNode; TreePath path = new TreePath (get_path_cb (node.ID)); TreePath child_path = path.Copy (); child_path.AppendIndex (idx); gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_deleted (Handle, child_path.Handle); if (node.ChildCount <= 0) { node_hash [node.ID] = node; gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_has_child_toggled (Handle, path.Handle, node.ID); } } private void ConnectNode (ITreeNode node) { node.Changed += new EventHandler (changed_cb); node.ChildAdded += new TreeNodeAddedHandler (child_added_cb); node.ChildRemoved += new TreeNodeRemovedHandler (child_deleted_cb); } public void AddNode (ITreeNode node) { nodes.Add (node); node_hash [node.ID] = node; ConnectNode (node); for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++) ConnectNode (node [i]); gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_inserted (Handle, get_path_cb (node.ID), node.ID); } public void RemoveNode (ITreeNode node) { int idx = nodes.IndexOf (node); if (idx < 0) return; nodes.Remove (node); TreePath path = new TreePath (); path.AppendIndex (idx); gtksharp_node_store_emit_row_deleted (Handle, path.Handle); } private ITreeNode GetNodeAtPath (TreePath path) { int[] indices = path.Indices; if (indices[0] >= Nodes.Count) return null; ITreeNode node = Nodes [indices [0]] as ITreeNode; int i; for (i = 1; i < path.Depth; i++) { if (indices [i] >= node.ChildCount) return null; node = node [indices [i]]; } return node; } public ITreeNode GetNode (TreePath path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (); return GetNodeAtPath (path); } internal ITreeNode GetNode (TreeIter iter) { return node_hash [(int) iter.UserData] as ITreeNode; } internal TreePath GetPath (ITreeNode node) { TreePath path = new TreePath (); int idx; while (node.Parent != null) { idx = node.Parent.IndexOf (node); if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Badly formed tree"); path.PrependIndex (idx); node = node.Parent; } idx = Nodes.IndexOf (node); if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Node not found in Nodes list"); path.PrependIndex (idx); return path; } internal TreeIter GetIter (ITreeNode node) { TreeIter iter = new TreeIter (); iter.UserData = new IntPtr (node.ID); return iter; } [DllImport("gtksharpglue-2")] static extern IntPtr gtksharp_node_store_get_type (); public static new GLib.GType GType { get { return new GLib.GType (gtksharp_node_store_get_type ()); } } } }