// GtkSharp.Generation.Ctor.cs - The Constructor Generation Class. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // (c) 2001-2002 Mike Kestner namespace GtkSharp.Generation { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml; public class Ctor { private string libname; private XmlElement elem; private Parameters parms; private bool preferred; private String clashName = null; private ClassBase container_type; private bool force_static; public bool Preferred { get { return preferred; } set { preferred = value; } } public bool ForceStatic { get { return force_static; } set { force_static = value; } } public Parameters Params { get { return parms; } } public Ctor (string libname, XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.libname = libname; this.elem = elem; this.container_type = container_type; XmlElement parms_elem = elem ["parameters"]; if (parms_elem != null) parms = new Parameters (parms_elem); if (elem.HasAttribute ("preferred")) preferred = true; } public bool Validate () { if (parms != null) { if (!parms.Validate ()) { Console.Write("ctor "); Statistics.ThrottledCount++; return false; } parms.CreateSignature (false); } return true; } public void InitClashMap (Hashtable clash_map) { string sigtypes = (parms != null) ? parms.SignatureTypes : ""; if (clash_map.ContainsKey (sigtypes)) { int num = (int) clash_map[sigtypes]; clash_map[sigtypes] = ++num; } else clash_map[sigtypes] = 0; } public void Initialize (Hashtable clash_map) { string sig = "()"; string sigtypes = ""; if (parms != null) { sig = "(" + parms.Signature + ")"; sigtypes = parms.SignatureTypes; } int clashes = (int) clash_map[sigtypes]; string cname = elem.GetAttribute("cname"); if (force_static || (clashes > 0 && !Preferred)) { String mname = cname.Substring(cname.IndexOf("new")); mname = mname.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + mname.Substring(1); int idx; while ((idx = mname.IndexOf("_")) > 0) { mname = mname.Substring(0, idx) + mname.Substring(idx+1, 1).ToUpper() + mname.Substring(idx+2); } clashName = mname + sig; } } public void Generate (StreamWriter sw) { string sigtypes = ""; string sig = "()"; string call = "()"; string isig = "();"; if (parms != null) { call = "(" + parms.CallString + ")"; sig = "(" + parms.Signature + ")"; isig = "(" + parms.ImportSig + ");"; sigtypes = parms.SignatureTypes; } string cname = elem.GetAttribute("cname"); string name = ((XmlElement)elem.ParentNode).GetAttribute("name"); string safety; if (parms != null && parms.ThrowsException) safety = "unsafe "; else safety = ""; sw.WriteLine("\t\t[DllImport(\"" + libname + "\")]"); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic extern " + safety + "IntPtr " + cname + isig); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// " + name + " Constructor "); sw.WriteLine("\t\t/// To be completed "); if (clashName != null) { string modifiers = ""; Ctor dup = null; ObjectGen parent = (ObjectGen) container_type.Parent; while (dup == null && parent != null) { foreach (Ctor c in parent.Ctors) { if (c.clashName == clashName) { dup = c; modifiers = "new "; break; } } parent = (ObjectGen) parent.Parent; } sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic static " + safety + modifiers + name + " " + clashName); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); if (parms != null) parms.Initialize(sw, false, false, ""); sw.Write("\t\t\treturn "); if (container_type is StructBase) sw.Write ("{0}.New (", name); else sw.Write ("new {0} (", name); sw.WriteLine (cname + call + ");"); } else { sw.WriteLine("\t\tpublic " + safety + name + sig); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); if (parms != null) parms.Initialize(sw, false, false, ""); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t{0} = {1}{2};", container_type.AssignToName, cname, call); if (parms != null) parms.HandleException (sw, ""); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine(); Statistics.CtorCount++; } } }