gtk-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. A GtkIconSource contains a (or image filename) that serves as the base image for one or more of the icons in a , along with a specification for which icons in the icon set will be based on that pixbuf or image file. An icon set contains a set of icons that represent the same logical concept in different states, different global text directions, and different sizes. A contains a (or image filename) that serves as the base image for one or more of the icons in a , along with a specification for which icons in the icon set will be based on that pixbuf or image file. An icon set contains a set of icons that represent the same logical concept in different states, different global text directions, and different sizes. So for example a web browser's "Back to Previous Page" icon might point in a different direction in Hebrew and in English; it might look different when insensitive; and it might change size depending on toolbar mode (small/large icons). So a single icon set would contain all those variants of the icon. contains a list of from which it can derive specific icon variants in the set. In the simplest case, contains one source pixbuf from which it derives all variants. The constructor handles this case; if you only have one source pixbuf, just use that function. If you want to use a different base pixbuf for different icon variants, you create multiple icon sources, mark which variants they'll be used to create, and add them to the icon set with . By default, the icon source has all parameters wildcarded. That is, the icon source will be used as the base icon for any desired text direction, widget state, or icon size. GLib.Opaque GLib.IWrapper Method Gtk.IconSource Creates a copy of the current ; mostly useful for language bindings. a new GtkIconSource that is a copy of the current one Method System.Void Frees a dynamically-allocated icon source, along with its filename, size, and pixbuf fields. Constructor Internal constructor Pointer to the C object. An instance of IconSource, wrapping the C object. This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code. Constructor Creates a new . a new . Property System.Boolean If the widget state is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any . Whether or not the widget is wildcarded. If the widget state is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any . If the widget state is not wildcarded, then the state the source applies to should be set with and the icon source will only be used with that specific state. prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over wildcarded sources, and will use an exact match when possible. will normally transform wildcarded source images to produce an appropriate icon for a given state, for example lightening an image on prelight, but will not modify source images that match exactly. Property System.Boolean If the icon size is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon of any size. If the size is not wildcarded, then the size the source applies to should be set with and the icon source will only be used with that specific size. if the size is wildcarded, otherwise. Whether the size is wildcarded or not If the icon size is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon of any size. If the size is not wildcarded, then the size the source applies to should be set with and the icon source will only be used with that specific size. prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over wildcarded sources, and will use an exact match when possible. will normally scale wildcarded source images to produce an appropriate icon at a given size, but will not change the size of source images that match exactly. Property Gdk.Pixbuf The base image used when creating icon variants of a An object of type the source pixbuf, or if none is set. If an icon source has both a filename and a pixbuf set, the pixbuf will take priority. Property Gtk.TextDirection The text direction this icon source applies to. The text direction this source applies to Obtains the text direction this icon source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the text direction is not wildcarded. Setting the text direction on an icon source makes no difference if the text direction is wildcarded. Therefore, you should usually set the property to un-wildcard it in addition to calling this function. Property Gtk.IconSize The icon size this icon source is intended to be used with. The icon size this source applies to Obtains the icon size this source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the icon size is not wildcarded. Setting the icon size on an icon source makes no difference if the size is wildcarded. Therefore, you should usually set the property to un-wildcard it in addition to calling this function. Property Gtk.StateType The widget state this icon source applies to. The widget state this icon source applies to. Obtains the widget state this icon source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the widget state is not wildcarded. Setting the widget state on an icon source makes no difference if the state is wildcarded. Therefore, you should usually set the propertyto un-wildcard it in addition to calling this function. Property System.Boolean If the text direction is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any . if the text direction is wildcarded, otherwise. Whether the text direction is wildcarded or not If the text direction is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any . If the text direction is not wildcarded, then the text direction the icon source applies to should be set with , and the icon source will only be used with that text direction. prefers non-wildcarded sources (exact matches) over wildcarded sources, and will use an exact match when possible. Property System.String Retrieves the source filename, or if none is set. Sets the name of an image file to use as a base image when creating icon variants for . The filename must be absolute. Retrieves the source filename, or if none is set. The filename is not a copy, and should not be modified or expected to persist beyond the lifetime of the icon source. Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Property System.String The name of an icon to look up in the current icon theme to use as a base image when creating icon variants for #GtkIconSet a