gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. The widget is generally used to attach to a function that is called when the button is pressed. The widget can hold any valid child widget. That is, it can hold most any other standard . The most commonly used child is the . using Gtk; using System; public class ButtonApp { public static int Main (string[] args) { Application.Init (); Window win = new Window ("Button Tester"); win.SetDefaultSize (200, 150); win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete); Button btn = new Button ("Click Me"); btn.Clicked += new EventHandler (btn_click); win.Add (btn); win.ShowAll (); Application.Run (); return 0; } static void btn_click (object obj, EventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine ("Button Clicked"); } static void Window_Delete (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); args.RetVal = true; } } Gtk.Bin Property System.Boolean Whether the should use a . Gets a value indicating if the uses a . It is possible to create a from , which is recommended for consistency in apps. They also provide a and a key shortcut. GLib.Property("use-stock") Property System.Boolean Indicates if a mnemonic is associated with the . Gets a value indicating if the uses underline or not. GLib.Property("use-underline") Property Gtk.ReliefStyle The for the . An instance of that represents the relief style of the . GLib.Property("relief") Property System.String The text of the in the . The contained by the . If you want the Label to have a mnemonic you need to set to . GLib.Property("label") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is activated. GLib.Signal("activate") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is clicked. GLib.Signal("clicked") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the cursor leaves the area. GLib.Signal("leave") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is pressed. GLib.Signal("pressed") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is released. GLib.Signal("released") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the cursor enters the area. GLib.Signal("enter") Method Gtk.Button Creates a widget with a child containing the given text. The text you want the to hold. The newly created widget. Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Constructor Default parameterless constructor. This is the default constructor for the class. Constructor Internal constructor an object of type This is not typically used by C# code. Property System.Boolean Whether or not the cursor is inside the button. a , true if the cursor is inside the button. Method Gtk.Button Creates a labeled . a a Constructor that creates a labeled . The label shows the string passed as parameter. Constructor Creates a new containing the image and text from a stock item. a The valid names of Stock items can be found in the class. If is unknown, then it will be treated as a simple label. This for example creates a stock OK button. It sets a localized label, a standard icon (choosed from your GTK theme), and the appropriate keyboard accelerator: Button b = new Button (Stock.Ok); Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Method GLib.GType Returns the kind of action this button does. a There are four possible options: "ignored", "selects", "drags", and "expands". Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Constructor Protected Constructor. a Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native value for your subclass. System.Obsolete Constructor Constructs a button containing a specified Child widget. a child Property System.Boolean Whether the button grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouse. a GLib.Property("focus-on-click") Property System.Single If the child of the button is a or , this property can be used to control its horizontal alignment. a ; 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned. GLib.Property("xalign") Property System.Single If the child of the button is a or , this property can be used to control its vertical alignment. a ; 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned. GLib.Property("yalign") Method System.Void Gets the alignment of the child in the button. a to put the horizontal alignment in a to put the vertical alignment in A convenience method; shouldn't be Method System.Void Sets the alignment of the child. a , the horizontal position of the child; 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned. a , the vertical position of the child; 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned. This has no effect unless the button's child is a or . Property Gtk.Widget Child widget to appear next to the button text. A . GLib.Property("image") Property GLib.Property("image-position") Gtk.PositionType Position of the image relative to the text. a .