gdk-sharp neutral Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. An enumeration describing the way in which a device axis (valuator) maps onto the predefined valuator types that Gtk# understands. None. System.Enum System.IComparable System.IConvertible System.IFormattable Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is ignored. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used as the x axis. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used as the y axis. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used for pressure information. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used for x tilt information. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used for y tilt information. Field Gdk.AxisUse The axis is used for wheel information. Field Gdk.AxisUse A constant equal to the numerically highest axis value. Field System.Int32 Internal field. Do not use.