// NodeViewDemo.cs - rework of TreeViewDemo to use NodeView. // // Author: Mike Kestner // // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. namespace GtkSamples { using System; using System.Reflection; using Gtk; public class DemoTreeNode : TreeNode { string desc; static int count = 0; public DemoTreeNode (string name, string desc) { this.Name = name; this.desc = desc; count++; } // TreeNodeValues can come from both properties and fields [TreeNodeValue (Column=0)] public string Name; [TreeNodeValue (Column=1)] public string Description { get { return desc; } } public static int Count { get { return count; } } } public class NodeViewDemo : Gtk.Window { NodeStore store; StatusDialog dialog; public NodeViewDemo () : base ("NodeView demo") { DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (DeleteCB); DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (640,480); ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow (); Add (sw); NodeView view = new NodeView (Store); view.HeadersVisible = true; view.AppendColumn ("Name", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0); view.AppendColumn ("Type", new CellRendererText (), new NodeCellDataFunc (DataCallback)); sw.Add (view); dialog.Destroy (); dialog = null; } private void DataCallback (TreeViewColumn col, CellRenderer cell, ITreeNode node) { (cell as CellRendererText).Text = (node as DemoTreeNode).Description; } StatusDialog Dialog { get { if (dialog == null) dialog = new StatusDialog (); return dialog; } } void ProcessType (DemoTreeNode parent, System.Type t) { foreach (MemberInfo mi in t.GetMembers ()) parent.AddChild (new DemoTreeNode (mi.Name, mi.ToString ())); } void ProcessAssembly (DemoTreeNode parent, Assembly asm) { string asm_name = asm.GetName ().Name; foreach (System.Type t in asm.GetTypes ()) { Dialog.Update ("Loading from {0}:\n{1}", asm_name, t.ToString ()); DemoTreeNode node = new DemoTreeNode (t.Name, t.ToString ()); ProcessType (node, t); parent.AddChild (node); } } NodeStore Store { get { if (store == null) { store = new NodeStore (typeof (DemoTreeNode)); foreach (Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) { Dialog.Update ("Loading {0}", asm.GetName ().Name); DemoTreeNode node = new DemoTreeNode (asm.GetName ().Name, "Assembly"); ProcessAssembly (node, asm); store.AddNode (node); } } return store; } } public static void Main (string[] args) { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; Application.Init (); Gtk.Window win = new NodeViewDemo (); win.ShowAll (); Console.WriteLine (DemoTreeNode.Count + " nodes created."); Console.WriteLine ("startup time: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract (start)); Application.Run (); } void DeleteCB (System.Object o, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } } public class StatusDialog : Gtk.Dialog { Label dialog_label; public StatusDialog () : base () { Title = "Loading data from assemblies..."; AddButton (Stock.Cancel, 1); Response += new ResponseHandler (ResponseCB); DefaultSize = new Gdk.Size (480, 100); HBox hbox = new HBox (false, 4); VBox.PackStart (hbox, true, true, 0); Gtk.Image icon = new Gtk.Image (Stock.DialogInfo, IconSize.Dialog); hbox.PackStart (icon, false, false, 0); dialog_label = new Label (""); hbox.PackStart (dialog_label, false, false, 0); ShowAll (); } public void Update (string format, params object[] args) { string text = String.Format (format, args); dialog_label.Text = text; while (Application.EventsPending ()) Application.RunIteration (); } private static void ResponseCB (object obj, ResponseArgs args) { Application.Quit (); System.Environment.Exit (0); } } }