gtk-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. A widget that creates a signal when clicked on. The widget is generally used to attach to a function that is called when the button is pressed. The widget can hold any valid child widget. That is, it can hold most any other standard . The most commonly used child is the . using Gtk; using System; public class ButtonApp { public static int Main (string[] args) { Application.Init (); Window win = new Window ("Button Tester"); win.SetDefaultSize (200, 150); win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete); Button btn = new Button ("Click Me"); btn.Clicked += new EventHandler (btn_click); win.Add (btn); win.ShowAll (); Application.Run (); return 0; } static void btn_click (object obj, EventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine ("Button Clicked"); } static void Window_Delete (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); args.RetVal = true; } } Gtk.Bin Property System.Boolean Whether the should use a . Gets a value indicating if the uses a . It is possible to create a from , which is recommended for consistency in apps. They also provide a and a key shortcut. GLib.Property(Name="use-stock") Property System.Boolean Indicates if a mnemonic is associated with the . Gets a value indicating if the uses underline or not. GLib.Property(Name="use-underline") Property Gtk.ReliefStyle The for the . An instance of that represents the relief style of the . GLib.Property(Name="relief") Property System.String The text of the in the . The contained by the . If you want the Label to have a mnemonic you need to set to . GLib.Property(Name="label") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is activated. GLib.Signal(CName="activate") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is clicked. GLib.Signal(CName="clicked") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the cursor leaves the area. GLib.Signal(CName="leave") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is pressed. GLib.Signal(CName="pressed") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the is released. GLib.Signal(CName="released") Event System.EventHandler Event launched when the cursor enters the area. GLib.Signal(CName="enter") Method Gtk.Button Creates a widget with a child containing the given text. The text you want the to hold. The newly created widget. Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Method System.Void Emits a signal to the given . Emits a signal to the given . Constructor Default parameterless constructor. This is the default constructor for the class. Constructor Internal constructor an object of type This is not typically used by C# code. Property System.Boolean Whether or not the cursor is inside the button. a , true if the cursor is inside the button. Method Gtk.Button Creates a labeled . a a Constructor that creates a labeled . The label shows the string passed as parameter. Constructor Creates a new containing the image and text from a stock item. a The valid names of Stock items can be found in the class. If is unknown, then it will be treated as a simple label. This for example creates a stock OK button. It sets a localized label, a standard icon (choosed from your GTK theme), and the appropriate keyboard accelerator: Button b = new Button (Stock.Ok); Property GLib.GType GType Property. a Returns the native value for . Method GLib.GType Returns the kind of action this button does. a There are four possible options: "ignored", "selects", "drags", and "expands". Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Method System.Void Default handler for the event. Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the event. Constructor Protected Constructor. a Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native value for your subclass. System.Obsolete(Message=null, IsError=False) Constructor Constructs a button containing a specified Child widget. a child Property System.Boolean Whether the button grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouse. a GLib.Property(Name="focus-on-click") Property System.Single If the child of the button is a or , this property can be used to control its horizontal alignment. a ; 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned. GLib.Property(Name="xalign") Property System.Single If the child of the button is a or , this property can be used to control its vertical alignment. a ; 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned. GLib.Property(Name="yalign") Method System.Void Gets the alignment of the child in the button. a to put the horizontal alignment in a to put the vertical alignment in A convenience method; shouldn't be Method System.Void Sets the alignment of the child. a , the horizontal position of the child; 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned. a , the vertical position of the child; 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned. This has no effect unless the button's child is a or . Property Gtk.Widget Child widget to appear next to the button text. A . GLib.Property(Name="image")