// GnomeHelloWorld.cs - Basic Gnome/Gnome.UI sample app // // Author: Rachel Hestilow // // (c) 2002 Rachel Hestilow namespace GtkSamples { using Gtk; using Gdk; using GtkSharp; using Gnome; using System; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public struct DemoEntry { public string program; public string desc; public string icon; public DemoEntry (string program, string desc, string icon) { this.program = program; this.desc = desc; this.icon = icon; } } public class GnomeHelloWorld { DemoEntry[] entries; public GnomeHelloWorld () { entries = new DemoEntry [3]; entries[0] = new DemoEntry ("button.exe", "Button", "gnome-ccdialog.png"); entries[1] = new DemoEntry ("menu.exe", "Menu", "gnome-gmenu.png"); entries[2] = new DemoEntry ("gtk-hello-world.exe", "Gtk# Hello World", "gnome-mdi.png"); } string BaseName (string filename) { int ind = filename.LastIndexOf (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (ind != -1) return filename.Substring (ind); else return filename; } IconList CreateList () { IconList icons = new IconList (64, new Gtk.Adjustment (IntPtr.Zero), 0); foreach (DemoEntry entry in entries) { icons.Append ("pixmaps" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + entry.icon, entry.desc); } icons.IconSelected += new EventHandler (icon_selected_cb); return icons; } Gtk.Widget CreateMenus () { MenuBar bar = new MenuBar (); Menu file_menu = new Menu (); MenuItem file_menu_item = new MenuItem ("_File"); file_menu_item.Submenu = file_menu; MenuItem file_exit = new MenuItem ("E_xit"); file_exit.Activated += new EventHandler (exit_cb); file_menu.Append (file_exit); bar.Append (file_menu_item); Menu help_menu = new Menu (); MenuItem help_menu_item = new MenuItem ("_Help"); help_menu_item.Submenu = help_menu; MenuItem file_help = new MenuItem ("_About"); file_help.Activated += new EventHandler (about_cb); help_menu.Append (file_help); bar.Append (help_menu_item); return bar; } public Gtk.Window CreateWindow () { Gtk.Window win = new Gtk.Window ("Gnome# Hello World"); win.DeleteEvent += new EventHandler (Window_Delete); VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0); vbox.PackStart (CreateMenus (), false, false, 0); vbox.PackStart (new Label ("The following demos are available.\nTo run a demo, double click on its icon."), false, false, 4); vbox.PackStart (CreateList (), true, true, 4); win.DefaultSize = new Size (250, 130); win.Add (vbox); return win; } public static int Main (string[] args) { Application.Init (); GnomeHelloWorld hello = new GnomeHelloWorld (); Window win = hello.CreateWindow (); win.ShowAll (); Application.Run (); return 0; } static void Window_Delete (object obj, EventArgs args) { SignalArgs sa = (SignalArgs) args; Application.Quit (); sa.RetVal = true; } static void exit_cb (object o, EventArgs args) { Application.Quit (); } static void about_cb (object o, EventArgs args) { Pixbuf logo = new Pixbuf ("pixmaps" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "gtk-sharp-logo.png"); String[] authors = new string[] { "Rachel Hestilow (hestilow@ximian.com)" }; string[] documentors = new string[] {}; About about = new About ("Gnome# Hello World", "0.0.1", "Copyright (C) 2002 Rachel Hestilow", "A test application for the GNOME .NET bindings", authors, documentors, "", logo); about.Show (); } // Wonder what the .NET func to do this is...and if it // is implemented in mono yet. [DllImport("glib-2.0")] static extern bool g_spawn_command_line_async (string command, IntPtr err); void icon_selected_cb (object obj, EventArgs args) { SignalArgs sa = (SignalArgs) args; int idx = (int) sa.Args[0]; Event ev = (Event) sa.Args[1]; if (ev.Type == EventType.TwoButtonPress) { g_spawn_command_line_async ("mono " + entries[idx].program, IntPtr.Zero); } } } }