diff --git a/doc/en/Gtk/TreeIterCompareFunc.xml b/doc/en/Gtk/TreeIterCompareFunc.xml
index 61a113ef2..22312dd45 100644
--- a/doc/en/Gtk/TreeIterCompareFunc.xml
+++ b/doc/en/Gtk/TreeIterCompareFunc.xml
@@ -8,7 +8,105 @@
Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.
Delegate function to specify the shape of comparison functions for tree iterators.
- Functions with this call syntax are usually used for comparison between two tree iterators as part of a sort. (FIXME: provide better examples.)
+ Functions with this call syntax are usually used for comparison between two tree iterators as part of a sort.
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+public class SortableTreeView : TreeView {
+ TreeStore ts;
+ TreeIter iter;
+ TreeViewColumn col0;
+ TreeViewColumn col1;
+ public SortableTreeView () {
+ Type[] col_types = {typeof(string), typeof(string)};
+ ts = new TreeStore (col_types);
+ ts.SetSortFunc (0, col0_compare, IntPtr.Zero, null); // use col0_compare to sort
+ iter = new TreeIter ();
+ AddRow ("1,1", "1,2");
+ AddRow ("2,1", "2,2");
+ this.Model = ts;
+ this.HeadersClickable = true;
+ this.HeadersVisible = true;
+ col0 = new TreeViewColumn ();
+ col0.Clickable = true;
+ col0.Title = "Column 1";
+ CellRendererText col0_renderer = new CellRendererText ();
+ col0.PackStart (col0_renderer, true);
+ col0.AddAttribute (col0_renderer, "text", 0);
+ col0.Clicked += new EventHandler (col0_clicked);
+ this.AppendColumn (col0);
+ col1 = new TreeViewColumn ();
+ col1.Title = "Column 2";
+ CellRendererText col1_renderer = new CellRendererText ();
+ col1.PackStart (col1_renderer, true);
+ col1.AddAttribute (col1_renderer, "text", 1);
+ this.AppendColumn (col1);
+ }
+ public void AddRow (string val1, string val2) {
+ ts.Append (out iter);
+ ts.SetValue (iter, 0, val1);
+ ts.SetValue (iter, 1, val2);
+ }
+ public int col0_compare (TreeModel model, TreeIter tia, TreeIter tib) {
+ return String.Compare ((string) model.GetValue (tia, 0),
+ (string) model.GetValue (tib, 0));
+ }
+ private void col0_clicked (object o, EventArgs args) {
+ col0.SortOrder = SetSortOrder (col0); // set order asc or desc
+ col0.SortIndicator = true; // turn on sort indicator
+ ts.SetSortColumnId (0, col0.SortOrder);
+ }
+ public SortType SetSortOrder (TreeViewColumn col) {
+ if (col.SortIndicator) {
+ if (col.SortOrder == SortType.Ascending)
+ return SortType.Descending;
+ else return SortType.Ascending;
+ }
+ else return SortType.Ascending;
+ }
+ public static void Main () {
+ Application.Init ();
+ Window win = new Window ("TreeIterCompareFunc Example");
+ win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event);
+ win.SetDefaultSize (400, 250);
+ ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
+ win.Add (sw);
+ SortableTreeView stv = new SortableTreeView ();
+ sw.Add (stv);
+ win.ShowAll ();
+ Application.Run ();
+ }
+ private static void delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args) {
+ Application.Quit ();
+ }