
588 lines
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# : Gtk+ defs format parser and code generator.
# Author: Mike Kestner <>
# <c> 2001 Mike Kestner
%maptypes = (
'none', "void", 'gboolean', "bool", 'gint', "int", 'guint', "uint",
'guint32', "uint", 'const-gchar', "String", 'GObject', "GLib.Object",
'gchar', "String", 'gfloat', "float", 'gdouble', "double");
%marshaltypes = (
'none', "void", 'gboolean', "bool", 'gint', "int", 'guint', "uint",
'guint32', "uint", 'const-gchar', "IntPtr", 'GObject', "IntPtr",
'gchar', "IntPtr", 'gfloat', "float", 'gdouble', "double");
%usings = (
'GLib', "System,System.Collections,System.Runtime.InteropServices,GLib",
'Gdk', "System,System.Collections,System.Runtime.InteropServices,GLib,Gdk",
'Gtk', "System,System.Collections,System.Runtime.InteropServices,GLib,Gdk,Gtk",
'GtkSharp', "System,System.Collections,System.Runtime.InteropServices,GLib,Gdk,Gtk");
`mkdir -p ../glib/generated`;
`mkdir -p ../gdk/generated`;
`mkdir -p ../gtk/generated`;
while ($def = get_def()) {
if ($def =~ /^\(define-(enum|flags)/) {
gen_enum (split (/\n/, $def));
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-struct (\w+)/) {
$name = $1;
$def =~ /c-name "(\w+)"/;
$def =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$structs{$name} = $def;
$maptypes{$cname} = $name;
$marshaltypes{$cname} = $name;
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-object (\w+)/) {
$name = $1;
$def =~ /c-name "(\w+)"/;
$def =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$objects{$cname} = $def;
$maptypes{$cname} = $name;
$marshaltypes{$cname} = "IntPtr";
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-(prop|signal|method)/) {
$def =~ /of-object "(\w+)"/;
$def =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$objects{$cname} .= "\n$def";
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-function/) {
if ($def =~ /is-constructor-of (\w+)\)/) {
$def =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$objects{$cname} .= "\n$def";
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-(interface)/) {
# Nothing much to do here, I think.
} elsif ($def =~ /^\(define-boxed/) {
# Probably need to handle these though...
} else {
die "Unexpected definition $def\n";
foreach $key (keys (%structs)) {
gen_struct ($key, $structs{$key});
foreach $key (keys (%objects)) {
next if ($key !~ /GdkPixbuf\b|GtkWindow\b|GtkAccelGroup|GtkBin\b/);
gen_object (split (/\n/, $objects{$key}));
# subroutines
# Gets a single definition from the input stream.
sub get_def
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
next if ($line !~ /^\(define/);
$expr = $line;
do {
$line = <STDIN>;
$expr .= $line;
} until ($line =~ /^\)/);
return $expr;
# Converts a dash or underscore separated name to StudlyCaps.
sub StudCaps
my ($symb) = @_;
$symb =~ s/^([a-z])/\u\1/;
$symb =~ s/[-_]([a-z])/\u\1/g;
$symb =~ s/[-_](\d)/\1/g;
return $symb;
# Code generation for the enum and flags definitions.
sub gen_enum
my (@lines) = @_;
$line = $lines[$pos=0];
$line =~ /^\(define-(enum|flags) (\w+)/;
$type = $1;
$typename = $2;
$line = $lines[++$pos];
$line =~ /\(in-module "(\w+)"/;
$namespace = $1;
$maptypes{"$namespace$typename"} = $typename;
$marshaltypes{"$namespace$typename"} = "int";
do { $line = $lines[++$pos]; } until ($line =~ /\(values/);
@enums = ();
while ($line = $lines[++$pos]) {
last if ($line =~ /^\s*\)/);
if ($line =~ /\((.+)\)/) {
($name, $dontcare, $val) = split (/ /, $1);
$name =~ s/\"//g;
$name = StudCaps ($name);
@enums = (@enums, "$name:$val");
$dir = "../" . lc ($namespace) . "/generated";
open (OUTFILE, ">$dir/$typename.cs") || die "can't open file";
print OUTFILE "// Generated file: Do not modify\n\n";
print OUTFILE "namespace $namespace {\n\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// <summary> $typename Enumeration </summary>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// <remarks> Valid values:\n";
print OUTFILE "\t///\t<list type = \"bullet\">\n";
foreach $enum (@enums) {
($name) = split (/:/, $enum);
print OUTFILE "\t///\t\t<item> $name </item>\n"
print OUTFILE "\t///\t</list>\n\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
if ($type eq "flags") {
print OUTFILE "\tusing System;\n\n\t[Flags]\n";
print OUTFILE "\tpublic enum $typename {\n";
$flag = 1;
foreach $enum (@enums) {
($name, $val) = split (/:/, $enum);
if ($val) {
print OUTFILE "\t\t$name = $val,\n";
} elsif ($type eq "enum") {
print OUTFILE "\t\t$name,\n";
} else {
print OUTFILE "\t\t$name = $flag,\n";
$flag *= 2;
print OUTFILE "\t}\n\n}\n";
close (OUTFILE);
sub gen_struct
my ($name, $def) = @_;
$def =~ /c-name "(\w+)"/;
$cname = $1;
$def =~ /in-module "(\w+)"/;
$namespace = $1;
$maptypes{$cname} = $name;
$marshaltypes{$cname} = $name;
$dir = "../" . lc ($namespace) . "/generated";
open (OUTFILE, ">$dir/$name.cs") || die "can't open file";
print OUTFILE "// Generated file: Do not modify\n\n";
print OUTFILE "namespace $namespace {\n\n";
foreach $ns (split (/,/, $usings{$namespace})) {
print OUTFILE "\tusing $ns;\n";
print OUTFILE "\n\t/// <summary> $name Structure </summary>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// <remarks>\n\t///\tFIXME: Add docs.\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
print OUTFILE "\tpublic struct $name {\n";
if ($def =~ /fields'\((.*)\)\)\)/) {
foreach $parm (split(/\)'\(/, $1)) {
$parm =~ s/\*//g;
$parm =~ /"(\S*)" "(\S*)"/;
$ptype = $1;
$pname = $2;
$pname =~ s/object/objekt/;
print OUTFILE "\t\tpublic $maptypes{$ptype} $pname;\n";
print OUTFILE "\t}\n\n}\n";
close (OUTFILE);
# Code generation for objects.
sub gen_object
my ($objdef, @defs) = @_;
my ($key, $typename, $parent, $dir, $namespace, $abstract, $def);
$objdef =~ /define-object (\w+)/;
$typename = $1;
$objdef =~ /parent "(\w+)"/;
$parent = $maptypes{$1};
$objdef =~ /in-module "(\w+)"/;
$dir = "../" . lc ($namespace = $1) . "/generated";
%props = ();
%signals = ();
%methods = ();
@ctors = ();
foreach $def (@defs) {
if ($def =~ /define-property (\w+)/) {
$props{StudCaps($1)} = $def;
} elsif ($def =~ /define-signal (\w+)/) {
$signals{StudCaps($1)} = $def;
} elsif ($def =~ /define-method (\w+)/) {
$methods{StudCaps($1)} = $def;
} elsif ($def =~ /is-constructor-of/) {
@ctors = (@ctors, $def);
open (OUTFILE, ">$dir/$typename.cs") || die "can't open file";
print OUTFILE "// Generated file: Do not modify\n\n";
print OUTFILE "namespace $namespace {\n\n";
foreach $ns (split (/,/, $usings{$namespace})) {
print OUTFILE "\tusing $ns;\n";
print OUTFILE "\n\t/// <summary> $typename Class </summary>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// <remarks>\n\t///\t FIXME: Generate docs\n";
print OUTFILE "\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
print OUTFILE "\tpublic ";
if (@ctors == 0) {
print OUTFILE "abstract ";
print OUTFILE "class $typename : $parent {\n\n";
# Only generate the wrapper ctor if other ctors exist
if (@ctors) {
print OUTFILE "\t\t/// <summary>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t///\t$typename Constructor\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t/// </summary>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t/// <remarks>\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t///\tWraps a raw GObject reference.\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\tpublic $typename (IntPtr o)\n\t\t{\n";
print OUTFILE "\t\t\tRawObject = o;\n\t\t}\n\n";
foreach $ctor (@ctors) {
print OUTFILE gen_ctor ($ctor, "gtk-1.3.dll");
foreach $key (sort (keys (%props))) {
print OUTFILE gen_prop ($key, $props{$key}, "gtk-1.3.dll");
if (%signals) {
print OUTFILE "\t\tprivate Hashtable Signals = new Hashtable ();\n\n";
foreach $key (sort (keys (%signals))) {
print OUTFILE gen_signal ($key, $signals{$key}, "gtk-1.3.dll");
foreach $key (sort (keys (%methods))) {
next if (($key =~ /^(Get|Set)(\w+)/) && exists($props{$2}));
my $mod = "";
if (exists($signals{$key})) {
$mod = "Emit";
print OUTFILE gen_method ("$mod$key", $methods{$key}, "gtk-1.3.dll");
$custom = "../" . lc ($namespace) . "/$typename.custom";
print OUTFILE `cat $custom` if -e $custom;
print OUTFILE "\t}\n}\n";
close (OUTFILE);
sub gen_signal
my ($name, $def, $dll) = @_;
my ($marsh, $cname, @plist, $ret, $sret, $mret, $code);
$def =~ /define-signal (\w+)/;
$cname = "\"$1\"";
$def =~ /return-type \"(\w+)\"/;
$ret = $1;
$def =~ /parameters\s*'\((.*)\)\)\)/;
@plist = split(/\)'\(/, $1);
$marsh = get_sighandler ($def);
if (($ret eq "none") && (@plist == 1)) {
$marsh = "SimpleSignal";
} elsif (($ret eq "gboolean") && (@plist == 2) &&
($plist[1] =~ /^\"GdkEvent\*\"/)) {
$marsh = "SimpleEvent";
} else {
return "\t\t// FIXME: Need Marshaller for $name event\n\n";
$code = "\t\t/// <summary> $name Event </summary>\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// <remarks>\n\t\t///\tFIXME: Get some docs.\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
$code .= "\t\tpublic event EventHandler $name {\n";
$code .= "\t\t\tadd {\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tif (Events [$cname] == null)\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\t\tSignals [$cname] = new $marsh (this, RawObject, ";
$code .= "$cname, value);\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tEvents.AddHandler ($cname, value);\n\t\t\t}\n";
$code .= "\t\t\tremove {\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tEvents.RemoveHandler ($cname, value);\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tif (Events [$cname] == null)\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\t\tSignals.Remove ($cname);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n";
return $code;
sub gen_prop
my ($name, $def, $dll) = @_;
my ($cname, $mode, $sret, $mret, $docs, $code);
$def =~ /define-property (\w+)/;
$cname = $1;
$def =~ /prop-type "(\w+)/;
if (exists ($objects{$1}) || ($1 =~ /GObject/)) {
$sret = $maptypes{$1};
$mret = "GLib.Object";
} elsif ($maptypes{$1} eq "String") {
$sret = $mret = "String";
} elsif (exists ($maptypes{$1})) {
$sret = $maptypes{$1};
$mret = $marshaltypes{$1};
} else {
$sret = $mret = $1;
$def =~ /doc-string "(.+)"\)/;
$docs = $1;
$mode = 0;
if ($def =~ /\(readable #t\)/) {
$mode = 1;
if (($def =~ /\(writeable #t\)/) && ($def !~ /\(construct-only #t\)/)) {
$mode += 2;
$code = "\t\t/// <summary> $name Property </summary>\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// <remarks>\n\t\t///\t$docs\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
$code .= "\t\tpublic $sret $name {\n";
if ($mode & 1) {
$code .= "\t\t\tget {\n\t\t\t\t$mret val;\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tGetProperty (\"$cname\", out val);\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\treturn ";
if ($sret ne $mret) {
$code .= "($sret)";
$code .= "val;\n\t\t\t}\n";
if ($mode & 2) {
$code .= "\t\t\tset {\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t\tSetProperty (\"$cname\", ($mret) value);\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t}\n";
$code .= "\t\t}\n\n";
return $code;
# Generate the code for a constructor definition.
sub gen_ctor
my ($def, $dll) = @_;
my ($cname, $sret, $ret, $mret, $sig, $call, $pinv, $code);
$def =~ /\(c-name "(\w+)"/;
$cname = $1;
$def =~ /is-constructor-of (\w+)\)/;
if (exists ($maptypes{$1})) {
$sret = $maptypes{$1};
$mret = $marshaltypes{$1};
$ret = $1;
} else {
die "Unexpected return type in constructor: $1\n";
($call, $pinv, $sig) = gen_param_strings($def);
$code = "\t\t/// <summary> $sret Constructor </summary>\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// <remarks>\n\t\t///\t FIXME: Generate docs\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
$code .= "\t\t[DllImport(\"$dll\", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]\n";
$code .= "\t\tstatic extern $mret $cname ($pinv);\n\n";
$code .= "\t\tpublic $sret ($sig)\n";
$code .= "\t\t{\n\t\t\t";
$code .= "RawObject = $cname ($call);\n\t\t}\n\n";
# Generate the code for a method definition.
sub gen_method
my ($name, $def, $dll) = @_;
my ($cname, $sret, $ret, $mret, $sig, $call, $pinv, $code);
$def =~ /\(c-name "(\w+)"/;
$cname = $1;
$def =~ /return-type "(\w+)/;
if (exists ($maptypes{$1})) {
$sret = $maptypes{$1};
$mret = $marshaltypes{$1};
$ret = $1;
} else {
$sret = $mret = $ret = $1;
($call, $pinv, $sig) = gen_param_strings($def);
$code = "\t\t/// <summary> $name Method </summary>\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// <remarks>\n\t\t///\t FIXME: Generate docs\n";
$code .= "\t\t/// </remarks>\n\n";
$code .= "\t\t[DllImport(\"$dll\", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,\n";
$code .= "\t\t\t CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]\n";
$code .= "\t\tstatic extern $mret $cname (IntPtr obj";
if ($pinv) {
$code .= ", $pinv";
$code .= ");\n\n";
$code .= "\t\tpublic $sret $name ($sig)\n";
$code .= "\t\t{\n\t\t\t";
if ($sret ne "void") { $code .= "return "; }
if ($call) {
$call = "$cname (RawObject, $call)";
} else {
$call = "$cname (RawObject)";
if ($sret eq $mret) {
$code .= "$call";
} elsif ($sret eq "String") {
$code .= "Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi($call)";
} elsif ($mret eq "int") {
$code .= "($sret) $call";
} elsif (exists ($objects{$ret}) || ($ret =~ /GObject/)) {
$code .= "($sret) GLib.Object.GetObject($call)";
} else {
die "Unexpected return type match $sret:$mret\n";
$code .= ";\n\t\t}\n\n";
return $code;
# Generate the DllImport, signature, and call parameter strings.
sub gen_param_strings
my ($def) = @_;
my ($call, $parm, $pinv, $pname, $ptype, $sig);
$call = $pinv = $sig = "";
if ($def =~ /parameters'\((.*)\)\)\)/) {
foreach $parm (split(/\)'\(/, $1)) {
$parm =~ s/\*//g;
$parm =~ /"(\S*)" "(\S*)"/;
$ptype = $1;
$pname = $2;
$pname =~ s/object/objekt/;
$pname =~ s/event/ev3nt/;
if ($sig) {
$sig .= ', ';
$call .= ', ';
$pinv .= ', ';
$pinv .= "$marshaltypes{$ptype} $pname";
$sig .= "$maptypes{$ptype} $pname";
if ($maptypes{$ptype} eq $marshaltypes{$ptype}) {
$call .= "$pname";
} elsif (exists ($objects{$ptype}) ||
($ptype =~ /GObject/)) {
$call .= "$pname.Handle";
} elsif ($ptype =~ /gchar/) {
$call .= "Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi($pname)";
} elsif ($marshaltypes{$ptype} = "int") {
$call .= "(int) $pname";
} else {
die "Unexpected type encountered $ptype\n";
return ($call, $pinv, $sig);
sub get_sighandler
my ($def) = @_;
my ($key, $name, $sname, $dname, $dir, $ns, $nspace, $tok);
$def =~ /return-type \"(\w+)\"/;
my $ret = $1;
$def =~ /parameters'\((.*)\)\)\)/;
my @parms = split(/\)'\(/, $1);
for ($i = 1; $i < @parms; $i++) {
$parms[$i] =~ /^\"(\w+)/;
$key .= ":$1";
$key = $ret . $key;
if (exists($sighandlers{$key})) {
return $sighandlers{$key};
my ($call, $pinv, $sig) = gen_param_strings($def);
if ($key =~ /Gtk/) {
$dir = "../gtk/generated";
$nspace = "Gtk";
} elsif ($key =~ /Gdk/) {
$dir = "../gdk/generated";
$nspace = "Gdk";
} else {
$dir = "../glib/generated";
$nspace = "GLib";
$name = "";
foreach $tok (split(/:/, $key)) {
if (exists($objects{$tok})) {
$name .= "Object";
} elsif (exists($maptypes{$tok})) {
$name .= "$maptypes{$tok}";
} else {
die "Whassup with $tok?";
$sname = $name . "Signal";
$dname = $name . "Delegate";
$sighandlers{$key} = $name;
open (SIGFILE, ">$dir/$sname.cs") || die "can't open file";
print SIGFILE "// Generated file: Do not modify\n\n";
print SIGFILE "namespace GtkSharp {\n\n";
foreach $ns (split (/,/, $usings{$nspace})) {
print SIGFILE "\tusing $ns;\n";
print SIGFILE "\tpublic delegate $marshaltypes{$ret} ";
print SIGFILE "$dname($pinv, int key);\n\n";
print SIGFILE "}\n";
close (SIGFILE);
return $sighandlers{$key};