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Raw Normal View History

// NodeStore.cs - Tree store implementation for TreeView.
// Author: Mike Kestner <>
// Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Novell, Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Hoff
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
namespace Gtk {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class NodeStore : GLib.Object, IEnumerable {
NodeStoreImplementor implementor;
public NodeStore (Type node_type)
implementor = new NodeStoreImplementor (node_type);
internal TreeModelAdapter Adapter {
get { return new TreeModelAdapter (implementor); }
internal TreeIter GetIter (ITreeNode node)
return implementor.GetIter (node);
internal TreePath GetPath (ITreeNode node)
return implementor.GetPath (node);
public ITreeNode GetNode (TreePath path)
return implementor.GetNode (path);
public void AddNode (ITreeNode node)
implementor.AddNode (node);
public void AddNode (ITreeNode node, int position)
implementor.AddNode (node, position);
public void RemoveNode (ITreeNode node)
implementor.RemoveNode (node);
public void Clear ()
implementor.Clear ();
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
return implementor.GetEnumerator ();
internal class NodeStoreImplementor : GLib.Object, ITreeModelImplementor, IEnumerable {
TreeModelAdapter model_adapter;
GLib.GType[] ctypes;
MemberInfo [] getters;
int n_cols;
bool list_only = false;
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList ();
public readonly int Stamp;
public NodeStoreImplementor (Type node_type)
// Create a random stamp for the iters
Random RandomStampGen = new Random ();
this.Stamp = RandomStampGen.Next (int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
ScanType (node_type);
model_adapter = new Gtk.TreeModelAdapter (this);
void ScanType (Type type)
TreeNodeAttribute tna = (TreeNodeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (type, typeof (TreeNodeAttribute), false);
if (tna != null)
list_only = tna.ListOnly;
var minfos = new List<MemberInfo> ();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties ())
foreach (TreeNodeValueAttribute attr in pi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TreeNodeValueAttribute), false))
minfos.Add (pi);
foreach (FieldInfo fi in type.GetFields ())
foreach (TreeNodeValueAttribute attr in fi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TreeNodeValueAttribute), false))
minfos.Add (fi);
n_cols = minfos.Count;
ctypes = new GLib.GType [n_cols];
getters = new MemberInfo [n_cols];
foreach (MemberInfo mi in minfos) {
foreach (TreeNodeValueAttribute attr in mi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (TreeNodeValueAttribute), false)) {
int col = attr.Column;
if (getters [col] != null)
throw new Exception (String.Format ("You have two TreeNodeValueAttributes with the Column={0}", col));
getters [col] = mi;
Type t = mi is PropertyInfo ? ((PropertyInfo) mi).PropertyType : ((FieldInfo) mi).FieldType;
ctypes [col] = (GLib.GType) t;
public TreeModelFlags Flags {
get {
TreeModelFlags result = TreeModelFlags.ItersPersist;
if (list_only)
result |= TreeModelFlags.ListOnly;
return result;
public int NColumns {
get {
return n_cols;
public GLib.GType GetColumnType (int col)
return ctypes [col];
#region Gtk.TreePath handling
internal TreePath GetPath (ITreeNode node)
TreePath path = new TreePath ();
int idx;
while (node.Parent != null) {
idx = node.Parent.IndexOf (node);
if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Badly formed tree");
path.PrependIndex (idx);
node = node.Parent;
idx = Nodes.IndexOf (node);
if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Node not found in Nodes list");
path.PrependIndex (idx);
path.Owned = false;
return path;
public ITreeNode GetNode (TreePath path)
if (path == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
int[] indices = path.Indices;
if (indices[0] >= Nodes.Count)
return null;
ITreeNode node = Nodes [indices [0]] as ITreeNode;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < path.Depth; i++) {
if (indices [i] >= node.ChildCount)
return null;
node = node [indices [i]];
return node;
#region Gtk.TreeIter handling
IList<GCHandle> gc_handles = new List<GCHandle> ();
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
// Free all the GCHandles pointing to the iters since they won't be garbage collected
foreach (GCHandle handle in gc_handles)
handle.Free ();
base.Dispose (disposing);
internal void GetIter (ITreeNode node, ref TreeIter iter)
if (node == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("node");
iter.Stamp = this.Stamp;
GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc (node);
iter.UserData = (IntPtr) gch;
gc_handles.Add (gch);
public TreeIter GetIter (ITreeNode node)
Gtk.TreeIter result = Gtk.TreeIter.Zero;
GetIter (node, ref result);
return result;
public ITreeNode GetNode (TreeIter iter)
if (iter.Stamp != this.Stamp)
throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("iter belongs to a different model; it's stamp is not equal to the stamp of this model({0})", this.Stamp.ToString ()));
System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle gch = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle) iter.UserData;
return gch.Target as ITreeNode;
void ITreeModelImplementor.RefNode (Gtk.TreeIter iter) { }
void ITreeModelImplementor.UnrefNode (Gtk.TreeIter iter) { }
public bool GetIter (out TreeIter iter, TreePath path)
if (path == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("path");
ITreeNode node = GetNode (path);
if (node == null) {
iter = TreeIter.Zero;
return false;
} else {
iter = GetIter (node);
return true;
public Gtk.TreePath GetPath (TreeIter iter)
return GetPath (GetNode (iter));
public void GetValue (Gtk.TreeIter iter, int col, ref GLib.Value val)
ITreeNode node = GetNode (iter);
val.Init (ctypes [col]);
object col_val;
if (getters [col] is PropertyInfo)
col_val = ((PropertyInfo) getters [col]).GetValue (node, null);
col_val = ((FieldInfo) getters [col]).GetValue (node);
val.Val = col_val;
public bool IterNext (ref TreeIter iter)
ITreeNode node = GetNode (iter);
int idx;
if (node.Parent == null)
idx = Nodes.IndexOf (node);
idx = node.Parent.IndexOf (node);
if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Node not found in Nodes list");
if (node.Parent == null) {
if (++idx >= Nodes.Count)
return false;
node = Nodes [idx] as ITreeNode;
} else {
if (++idx >= node.Parent.ChildCount)
return false;
node = node.Parent [idx];
GetIter (node, ref iter);
return true;
public bool IterPrevious (ref TreeIter iter)
ITreeNode node = GetNode (iter);
int idx;
if (node.Parent == null)
idx = Nodes.IndexOf (node);
idx = node.Parent.IndexOf (node);
if (idx < 0) throw new Exception ("Node not found in Nodes list");
else if (idx == 0) return false;
node = node.Parent == null ? Nodes [idx - 1] as ITreeNode : node.Parent [idx - 1];
GetIter (node, ref iter);
return true;
public bool IterChildren (out Gtk.TreeIter first_child, Gtk.TreeIter parent)
first_child = Gtk.TreeIter.Zero;
if (parent.Equals (TreeIter.Zero)) {
if (Nodes.Count <= 0)
return false;
first_child = GetIter (Nodes [0] as ITreeNode);
} else {
ITreeNode node = GetNode (parent);
if (node.ChildCount <= 0)
return false;
first_child = GetIter (node [0]);
return true;
public bool IterHasChild (Gtk.TreeIter iter)
return IterNChildren (iter) > 0;
public int IterNChildren (Gtk.TreeIter iter)
if (iter.Equals (TreeIter.Zero))
return Nodes.Count;
return GetNode (iter).ChildCount;
public bool IterNthChild (out Gtk.TreeIter child, Gtk.TreeIter parent, int n)
child = TreeIter.Zero;
if (parent.Equals (TreeIter.Zero)) {
if (Nodes.Count <= n)
return false;
child = GetIter (Nodes [n] as ITreeNode);
} else {
ITreeNode parent_node = GetNode (parent);
if (parent_node.ChildCount <= n)
return false;
child = GetIter (parent_node [n]);
return true;
public bool IterParent (out Gtk.TreeIter parent, Gtk.TreeIter child)
parent = TreeIter.Zero;
ITreeNode child_node = GetNode (child);
if (child_node.Parent == null)
return false;
else {
parent = GetIter (child_node.Parent);
return true;
private IList Nodes {
get {
return nodes as IList;
private void changed_cb (object o, EventArgs args)
ITreeNode node = o as ITreeNode;
model_adapter.EmitRowChanged (GetPath (node), GetIter (node));
private void EmitRowInserted (ITreeNode node)
model_adapter.EmitRowInserted (GetPath (node), GetIter (node));
for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
EmitRowInserted (node [i]);
private void child_added_cb (object sender, ITreeNode child)
AddNodeInternal (child);
EmitRowInserted (child);
private void child_deleted_cb (object sender, ITreeNode child, int idx)
ITreeNode node = sender as ITreeNode;
TreePath path = GetPath (node);
TreePath child_path = path.Copy ();
child_path.AppendIndex (idx);
model_adapter.EmitRowDeleted (child_path);
if (node.ChildCount <= 0)
model_adapter.EmitRowHasChildToggled (GetPath (node), GetIter (node));
private void AddNodeInternal (ITreeNode node)
node.Changed += new EventHandler (changed_cb);
node.ChildAdded += new TreeNodeAddedHandler (child_added_cb);
node.ChildRemoved += new TreeNodeRemovedHandler (child_deleted_cb);
for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
AddNodeInternal (node [i]);
public void AddNode (ITreeNode node)
nodes.Add (node);
AddNodeInternal (node);
EmitRowInserted (node);
public void AddNode (ITreeNode node, int position)
nodes.Insert (position, node);
AddNodeInternal (node);
EmitRowInserted (node);
public void RemoveNode (ITreeNode node)
int idx = nodes.IndexOf (node);
if (idx < 0)
nodes.Remove (node);
TreePath path = new TreePath ();
path.AppendIndex (idx);
model_adapter.EmitRowDeleted (path);
Automatic memory management for opaque types [#49565] * glib/Opaque.cs (Owned): new property saying whether or not gtk# owns the memory. (Opaque): Set Owned to true in the void ctor and false in the IntPtr one. (GetOpaque): add a new overload that can also create opaques, a la GLib.Object.GetObject. (Ref, Unref, Free): empty virtual methods to be overridden by subclasses. (set_Raw): Unref() and possibly Free() the old value, Ref() the new one. (~Opaque, Dispose): set Raw to IntPtr.Zero (triggering Free/Unref if needed) * parser/ (addReturnElem): if the method is named Copy and returns a pointer, set the "owned" attribute on the return-type. * */*-api.raw: Regen * generator/HandleBase.cs (FromNative): Add new FromNative/FromNativeReturn overloads that takes a "bool owned" param. Implement the 1-arg FromNative and FromNativeReturn in terms of that. * generator/ObjectBase.cs (FromNative): Implement HandleBase's new overload. Use the two-arg version of GLib.Object.GetObject when "owned" is true. * generator/OpaqueGen.cs (Generate): Pull out Ref, Unref, and Free/Destroy/Dispose methods and handle them specially by overriding Opaque.Ref, .Unref, and .Free appropriately. (If any of the methods are marked deprecated, output a deprecated do-nothing method as well, to save us from having to write all those deprecated methods by hand.) (FromNative): use GetOpaque, passing "owned". * generator/ReturnValue.cs (FromNative): if the value is a HandleBase, pass Owned to its FromNative(). * generator/Parameters.cs (Owned): new property (for use on out params) (FromNative): Call FromNative() on the generatable, handling Owned in the case of HandleBase. * generator/ManagedCallString.cs: * generator/MethodBody.cs: * generator/Signal.cs: use param.FromNative() rather than param.Generatable.FromNative(), to get ownership right. * */*.metadata: Mark opaque ref/unref/free methods deprecated (except where we were hiding them before). Add "owned" attributes to return values and out params as needed. * pango/AttrIterator.custom (GetFont): work around a memory-management oddity of the underlying method. * pango/AttrFontDesc.cs (AttrFontDesc): copy the passed-in FontDescriptor, since the attribute will assume ownership of it. * gtk/TreeView.custom (GetPathAtPos): set the "owned" flag on the returned TreePaths. * gtk/TargetList.custom: Remove refcounting stuff, which is now handled automatically * gtk/NodeStore.cs (GetPath): clear the Owned flag on the created TreePath so that the underlying structure doesn't get freed when the function returns * gtkhtml/HTMLStream.custom (Destroy): hide this and then reimplement it by hand to keep OpaqueGen from using it in Dispose(), since calling it after an HTMLStream.Close() will result in a crash. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=47928
2005-08-02 18:45:21 +00:00
public void Clear ()
while (nodes.Count > 0)
RemoveNode ((ITreeNode)nodes [0]);
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
return nodes.GetEnumerator ();