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<Type Name="InputDialog" FullName="Gtk.InputDialog">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Maintainer="John Luke" Value="public class InputDialog : Gtk.Dialog" />
<ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
<summary>Configure devices for the XInput extension.</summary>
NOTE: this <see cref="T:Gtk.Widget" /> is considered too specialized/little-used for Gtk#, and will in the future be moved to some other package.
If your application needs this <see cref="T:Gtk.Widget" />, feel free to use it, as the <see cref="T:Gtk.Widget" /> does work and is useful in some applications; it's just not of general interest.
However, we are not accepting new features for the <see cref="T:Gtk.Widget" />, and it will eventually move out of the Gtk# distribution.
<see cref="T:Gtk.InputDialog" /> displays a <see cref="T:Gtk.Dialog" /> which allows the user to configure XInput extension devices.
For each device, they can control the mode of the device (disabled, screen-relative, or window-relative), the mapping of axes to coordinates, and the mapping of the devices macro keys to key press events.
<see cref="T:Gtk.InputDialog" /> contains two <see cref="T:Gtk.Button" />s to which the application can connect; one for closing the <see cref="T:Gtk.Dialog" />, and one for saving the changes.
No actions are bound to these by default.
The changes that the user makes take effect immediately.
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public InputDialog (IntPtr raw);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="raw" Type="System.IntPtr" />
<summary>Internal constructor</summary>
<param name="raw">Pointer to the C object.</param>
<para>This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code.</para>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public InputDialog ();" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameters />
<summary>Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Gtk.InputDialog" /></summary>
<remarks>Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Gtk.InputDialog" /></remarks>
<Member MemberName="DisableDevice">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public event Gtk.DisableDeviceHandler DisableDevice;" />
<Parameters />
<summary>Emitted when the user changes the mode of a device from a GDK_MODE_SCREEN or GDK_MODE_WINDOW to GDK_MODE_ENABLED.</summary>
This signal is emitted when the user changes the mode of a device from a GDK_MODE_SCREEN or GDK_MODE_WINDOW to GDK_MODE_ENABLED.
<Member MemberName="EnableDevice">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public event Gtk.EnableDeviceHandler EnableDevice;" />
<Parameters />
<summary>Emitted when the user changes the mode of a device from GDK_MODE_DISABLED to a GDK_MODE_SCREEN or GDK_MODE_WINDOW.</summary>
This signal is emitted when the user changes the mode of a device from GDK_MODE_DISABLED to a GDK_MODE_SCREEN or GDK_MODE_WINDOW.
<Member MemberName="GType">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public static GLib.GType GType { get; };" />
<Parameters />
<summary>GType Property.</summary>
<value>a <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /></value>
<remarks>Returns the native <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /> value for <see cref="T:Gtk.InputDialog" />.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="OnEnableDevice">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual void OnEnableDevice (Gdk.Device device);" />
<Parameter Name="device" Type="Gdk.Device" />
<summary>Default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.InputDialog.EnableDevice" /> event.</summary>
<param name="device">a <see cref="T:Gdk.Device" /></param>
<remarks>Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.InputDialog.EnableDevice" /> event.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="OnDisableDevice">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected virtual void OnDisableDevice (Gdk.Device device);" />
<Parameter Name="device" Type="Gdk.Device" />
<summary>Default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.InputDialog.DisableDevice" /> event.</summary>
<param name="device">a <see cref="T:Gdk.Device" /></param>
<remarks>Override this method in a subclass to provide a default handler for the <see cref="M:Gtk.InputDialog.DisableDevice" /> event.</remarks>
<Member MemberName=".ctor">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="protected InputDialog (GLib.GType gtype);" />
<ReturnValue />
<Parameter Name="gtype" Type="GLib.GType" />
<summary>Protected Constructor.</summary>
<param name="gtype">a <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /></param>
<remarks>Chain to this constructor if you have manually registered a native <see cref="T:GLib.GType" /> value for your subclass.</remarks>
<Member MemberName="SaveButton">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Gtk.Button SaveButton { get; };" />
<Parameters />
<summary>The save button in this dialog.</summary>
<value>a <see cref="T:Gtk.Button" /></value>
<remarks />
<Member MemberName="CloseButton">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public Gtk.Button CloseButton { get; };" />
<Parameters />
<summary>The "close window" button in this dialog.</summary>
<value>a <see cref="T:Gtk.Button" /></value>
<remarks />