2022-06-15 11:55:04 -07:00

231 lines
7.2 KiB

An old script used for testing skillpoint assignment algorithms. Not used commonly.
import json
import math
import copy
with open("clean.json") as infile:
data = json.load(infile)
def clean_item(item):
if not "displayName" in item:
item["displayName"] = item["name"]
return item
items = data["items"]
item_map = {clean_item(item)["displayName"]: item for item in items}
# build_items_names = [
# "Cumulonimbus",
# "Soulflare",
# "Leictreach Makani",
# "Slayer",
# "Intensity",
# "Moon Pool Circlet",
# "Diamond Static Bracelet",
# "Royal Stormy Amulet"
# ]
# build_weapon_name = "Fatal"
# build_items_names = [
# "Morph-Stardust",
# "Morph-Steel",
# "Morph-Iron",
# "Morph-Gold",
# "Morph-Topaz",
# "Morph-Emerald",
# "Morph-Amethyst",
# "Morph-Ruby"
# ]
# build_weapon_name = "Cascade"
build_items_names = [
"Blue Mask",
"Sparkling Plate",
"Draoi Fair",
"Moon Pool Circlet",
"Diamond Fusion Necklace"
build_weapon_name = "Praesidium"
build_items = [item_map[item] for item in build_items_names]
build_weapon = item_map[build_weapon_name]
for item in build_items:
# Consolidate skillpoint and req into arrays for ease of processing.
def setup(item):
item["skillpoints"] = [item["str"], item["dex"], item["int"], item["def"], item["agi"]]
item["has_negstat"] = any(x < 0 for x in item["skillpoints"])
item["reqs"] = [item["strReq"], item["dexReq"], item["intReq"], item["defReq"], item["agiReq"]]
fixed = []
consider = []
noboost = []
for item in build_items:
if all(x == 0 for x in item["reqs"]):
elif all(x == 0 for x in item["skillpoints"]) and item["set"] is None:
fixed = tuple(fixed)
noboost = tuple(noboost)
consider = tuple(consider)
The way this code expects this to work:
sets is a map: setName -> setObject {
bonuses: array[bonusObject]
where each bonusObject is a mapping from id to boost value.
And the bonuses array describes the effect of equipping set items (0 index = 1 item).
sets = dict()
# Apply the skillpoints an item gives to the build.
skillPoints: current skillpoint totals.
item: Item in uestion.
activeSetCounts: Mapping from setname to number of items currently worn (not including this one).
def apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, item, activeSetCounts):
for i in range(5):
skillpoints[i] += item["skillpoints"][i]
if item["set"] is not None:
setName = item["set"]
old_bonus = dict()
if setName in activeSetCounts:
setCount = activeSetCounts[setName]
old_bonus = sets[setName]["bonuses"][setCount-1]
activeSetCounts[setName] = setCount + 1
setCount = 0
activeSetCounts[setName] = 1
new_bonus = sets[setName]["bonuses"][setCount]
skp_order = ["str","dex","int","def","agi"]
for i, skp in enumerate(skp_order):
delta = new_bonus[skp] - old_bonus[skp]
skillpoints[i] += delta
# Figure out (naively) how many skillpoints need to be applied to get the current item to fit.
# Doesn't handle -skp.
def apply_to_fit(skillpoints, item, skillpoint_filter, activeSetCounts):
applied = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
total = 0
for i, req, cur in zip(range(5), item["reqs"], skillpoints):
if item["skillpoints"][i] < 0 and skillpoint_filter[i]:
applied[i] -= item["skillpoints"][i]
total -= item["skillpoints"][i]
if (item["reqs"][i] == 0):
skillpoint_filter[i] = True
if req > cur:
diff = req - cur
applied[i] += diff
total += diff
if item["set"] is not None:
setName = item["set"]
old_bonus = dict()
if setName in activeSetCounts:
setCount = activeSetCounts[setName]
old_bonus = sets[setName]["bonuses"][setCount-1]
activeSetCounts[setName] = setCount + 1
setCount = 0;
activeSetCounts[setName] = 1
new_bonus = sets[setName]["bonuses"][setCount]
skp_order = ["str","dex","int","def","agi"]
for i, skp in enumerate(skp_order):
delta = new_bonus[skp] - old_bonus[skp]
if delta < 0 and skillpoint_filter[i]:
applied[i] -= delta
total -= delta
return applied, total
# Permutations in js reference (also cool algorithm):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/41068709
static_skillpoints_base = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
static_activeSetCounts = dict()
# Separate out the no req items and add them to the static skillpoint base.
for item in fixed:
apply_skillpoints(static_skillpoints_base, item, static_activeSetCounts)
best = consider + noboost;
final_skillpoints = static_skillpoints_base[:]
best_skillpoints = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
best_total = math.inf
best_activeSetCounts = dict()
allFalse = [False] * 5
if len(consider) or len(noboost):
# Try every combination and pick the best one.
import itertools
for permutation in itertools.permutations(consider):
activeSetCounts = dict(best_activeSetCounts)
has_skillpoint = allFalse[:]
permutation += noboost
skillpoints_applied = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
skillpoints = static_skillpoints_base[:]
total_applied = 0
for item in permutation:
needed_skillpoints, total_diff = apply_to_fit(skillpoints, item, has_skillpoint, activeSetCounts)
for i in range(5):
skillpoints_applied[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
skillpoints[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, item, activeSetCounts)
total_applied += total_diff
if total_applied >= best_total:
needed_skillpoints, total_diff = apply_to_fit(skillpoints, build_weapon, has_skillpoint, activeSetCounts)
for i in range(5):
skillpoints_applied[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
skillpoints[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, build_weapon, activeSetCounts)
total_applied += total_diff
if total_applied < best_total:
best = permutation
final_skillpoints = skillpoints
best_skillpoints = skillpoints_applied
best_total = total_applied
best_activeSetCounts = activeSetCounts
best_total = 0
needed_skillpoints, total_diff = apply_to_fit(skillpoints, build_weapon, allFalse, best_activeSetCounts)
for i in range(5):
best_skillpoints[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
final_skillpoints[i] += needed_skillpoints[i]
apply_skillpoints(skillpoints, build_weapon, best_activeSetCounts)
best_total += total_diff
equip_order = fixed + best
results = [equip_order, best_skillpoints, final_skillpoints, best_total, best_activeSetCounts];
print([i["displayName"] for i in fixed + best])
#def attempt(skillpoints, items_in_order):