2021-07-13 15:34:40 -07:00

279 lines
8.3 KiB

.attr("style", "width: 100%; min-height: 0px; flex-grow: 1")
.attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMinYMin meet")
.classed("svg-content-responsive", true);
let graph = d3.select("svg");
let margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 35, left: 40};
function bbox() {
return graph.node().parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
function xAxis(g, x) {
let _bbox = bbox();
g.attr("transform", `translate(0,${_bbox.height - margin.bottom})`)
.call(d3.axisBottom(x).ticks(_bbox.width / 80, ","))
.call(g => g.select(".domain").remove())
.call(g => g.select("text")
.attr("x", _bbox.width)
.attr("y", margin.bottom - 4)
.attr("fill", "currentColor")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.text("Combat Level"));
function yAxis(g, y) {
g.attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},0)`)
.call(g => g.select(".domain").remove())
.call(g => g.select("text")
.attr("x", -margin.left)
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("fill", "currentColor")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.text("Base DPS"));
function grid(g1, g2, x, y) {
let _bbox = bbox();
g1.attr("stroke", "currentColor")
.attr("stroke-opacity", 0.1)
.attr("x1", d => 0.5 + x(d))
.attr("x2", d => 0.5 + x(d))
.attr("y1", margin.top)
.attr("y2", _bbox.height - margin.bottom)
.exit(g => g.remove());
g2.attr("stroke", "currentColor")
.attr("stroke-opacity", 0.1)
.attr("y1", d => 0.5 + y(d))
.attr("y2", d => 0.5 + y(d))
.attr("x1", margin.left)
.attr("x2", _bbox.width - margin.right)
.exit(g => g.remove());
let _xAxis = graph.append("g");
let _yAxis = graph.append("g");
let _grid1 = graph.append("g");
let _grid2 = graph.append("g");
let dps_getter_func = d => 1;
let prepowder = true;
let strDex = false;
let dps_data = {};
let current_data = null;
let current_type = "wand";
let baseline_x = [];
let baseline_y = [];
let baseUrl = getUrl.protocol + "//" + getUrl.host + "/";// + getUrl.pathname.split('/')[1];
(async function() {
dps_data = await (await fetch(baseUrl + "/dps_data_compress.json")).json();
dps_getter_func = d => d[4];
current_data = dps_data.wand;
baseline_x = dps_data.baseline_xs;
baseline_y = dps_data.baseline_ys;
.on("resize", function() {
}) ();
let colorMap = new Map(
["Normal", "#fff"],
["Unique", "#ff5"],
let tiers_mod = new Map(
["Normal", 0.8],
["Unique", 1.0],
["Rare", 1.1],
["Legendary", 1.3],
["Fabled", 1.5],
["Mythic", 1.7],
["Set", 1.05]
let weapon_type_mods = new Map(
["wand", 0.6],
["spear", 0.8],
["dagger", 1.0],
["bow", 1.2],
["relik", 1.2]
let tier_baselines = new Map()
for (let tier of tiers_mod.keys()) {
let line_top = graph.append("path");
let line_bot = graph.append("path");
tier_baselines.set(tier, [line_top, line_bot]);
let circles = graph.append("g");
let details = graph.append("g")
.attr("fill", "#444");
details.append("rect").attr("z", "100");
function showDetails(data, i, xfunc, yfunc) {
let _bbox = bbox();
let xpos = xfunc(i[1])
let ypos = yfunc(dps_getter_func(i));
let texts = [[1, i[0]],
[3, "Prepowder: "+i[4].toFixed(2)],
[4, "Postpowder: "+i[5].toFixed(2)],
[6, "Design Modifier: "+i[7].toFixed(2)],
[7, "Explained D. Mod: "+i[6].toFixed(2)]];
let idx = 8;
for (const explanation of i[8]) {
texts.push([idx, explanation[0] + ": " + explanation[1]]);
idx += 1;
let box_height = (14 * idx) - 4;
if (ypos + box_height > _bbox.height) ypos = _bbox.height - box_height;
.attr("x", xpos)
.attr("y", ypos)
.attr("width", 200)
.attr("height", box_height)
.attr("opacity", 0.8);
.data(texts, d => d[0])
.style("font-size", "12px")
.attr("x", xpos+5)
.attr("y", d => d[0]*14 + ypos)
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("fill", "#fff")
.attr("opacity", 1)
.text(d => d[1]);
function hideDetails() {
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("width", 0)
.attr("height", 0)
.attr("opacity", 0);
function redraw(data) {
let max_dps_base = 0;
let tmp = dps_getter_func;
let tmp2 = prepowder;
prepowder = false;
for (let x of data) {
if (dps_getter_func(x) > max_dps_base) {
max_dps_base = dps_getter_func(x);
dps_getter_func = tmp;
prepowder = tmp2;
let _bbox = bbox();
let x = d3.scaleLinear([70, 105], [margin.left, bbox().width - margin.right]);
let y = d3.scaleLinear([0, max_dps_base * 1.1], [bbox().height - margin.bottom, margin.top]);
let type_mod = weapon_type_mods.get(current_type);
for (let tier of tiers_mod.keys()) {
let res = tier_baselines.get(tier);
let line_top = res[0];
let line_bot = res[1];
let tier_mod = tiers_mod.get(tier);
let y_max = baseline_y.map(x => 2.1*x*tier_mod*type_mod);
let y_min = baseline_y.map(x => 2.0*x*tier_mod*type_mod);
line_top.datum(zip(baseline_x, y_max))
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", d => colorMap.get(tier))
.attr("d", d3.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(d[0]) })
.y(function(d) { return y(d[1]) })
line_bot.datum(zip(baseline_x, y_min))
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", d => colorMap.get(tier))
.attr("d", d3.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(d[0]) })
.y(function(d) { return y(d[1]) })
graph.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, _bbox.width, _bbox.height]);
xAxis(_xAxis, x);
yAxis(_yAxis, y);
grid(_grid1, _grid2, x, y);
.data(data, d => d[0])
function(enter) {
return enter.append("circle")
.attr("fill", d => colorMap.get(d[3]))
.attr("cx", d => x(d[1]))
.attr("cy", d => y(dps_getter_func(d)))
.attr("r", d => 5)
.on("click", (d, i) => showDetails(d, i, x, y))
.on("mouseover", function() { d3.select(this).raise(); })
.call(circle => circle.append("title")
.text(d => [d[0], "DPS: "+dps_getter_func(d)].join("\n")));
update => update.attr("cx", d => x(d[1]))
.attr("cy", d => y(dps_getter_func(d)))
.on("click", (d, i) => showDetails(d, i, x, y))
.text(d => [d[0], "DPS: "+dps_getter_func(d)].join("\n")),
exit => exit.remove()
function setData(type) {
current_type = type;
d3.select("#info").text("SELECTED ITEM TYPE: " + type);
current_data = dps_data[type];
function setGetterFunc() {
if (prepowder && (!strDex)) dps_getter_func = d => d[4];
else if ((!prepowder) && (!strDex)) dps_getter_func = d => d[5];
else if (prepowder && strDex) dps_getter_func = d => d[6];
else dps_getter_func = d => d[7];
function togglePowder() {
prepowder = !prepowder;
d3.select("#powderToggle").text("prepowder ("+prepowder+")");